Catholic Brides


New Member
greentea> haha...yeah..wasn't baptised there but i've been going to SMOTA since childhood. the old church had this very 'homely' and cosy feeling, only a third of the current has this 'church' smell which makes you feel at ease when you enter it...

Shanawawa> in my MPC group, had a couple who already ROM but was doing their church wedding almost a year later - one party is catholic while the other isn't.
In my parish's wedding booking form, it states to provide marriage cert if you have already ROM-ed. So, I guess how you'd like it done is really up to you!


New Member
Hi girls!

i see! So if I ROM before church wedding... then during the church wedding, we juz pretend to sign the cert? Or what happens? skip that whole part?


New Member
shanawawa, if you ROM before your church wedding, you just sign the church register...if you never ROM before your church wedding, then you sign the ROM cert and the church register...

And like sobe said, if you ROM before your church wedding, you need to produce your ROM cert together with the other documents required =)

Gentle reminder though, if you're planning to ROM at church, make sure the priest you're getting to celebrate your mass is also a licenced JP...not all priests are =)


New Member
oH i see! Thanks for the tips, Andrea!

Another thing. Can a Priest be the one to solemnise at ROM? Or a normal Justice of Peace? I'm confused!


New Member
have u all considered Sacred Heart at tank rd?..aircon.. small parish hear the "gong" sound Fr. Paul tay homily is good.. or can approach Fr. vincent chee..

Also, St francis of assisi at boon lay.. in te west.

Other than OLPS look at st at aljunied rd. just renovated very nice columns free..or St. Michael.. at st michael in serangoon rd..

My choice.. St peter and paul, Our lady of lourdes,sacred heart and St Joseph in town

west.. St Ignatius, SMOTA, st francis of assisi

serangoon.. st anne.. SFX

north.. St Joseph. st antony


New Member
shanawawa - I don't think a priest will be able to solemnise at ROM...that you may need to check with the priest directly =) do take note though that there are certain JPs that are very popular so if you want one of book them earlier =)

longtimemarried - I saw the photos of someone's wedding mass at Sacred Heart...very nice. St Francis of Assisi is a nice cosy church...carpark area a tad small though (from what I know). St Ignatius and SMOTA is very nice and modern style

SFX is also a nice cosy, white chapel style..but quite popular =)


New Member
Hi Guys, not sure if you ever have probs of deciding what your pageboys or flower girls can do while walking down the aisle with you?

I have 4 page boys (2 older ones & 2 younger ones), I only so far decided that the 2 older ones will carry the ring pillows.

Am thinking what can the 2 younger ones can do? My church (IHM) unfortunately doesn't allow us to throw petals on the floor
and I can't say no to have the 2 young ones cos they are our nephews... sighs...

Any suggestions?


New Member
hi any idea which church does sunday service wedding mass?
and roughly wat time?

has anybody done wedding mass first then next day rom+dinner


New Member
shanawawa there are fixed timings to hold church weddings. so even if you wan to do bazi also v hard....

my church can have weddings only at 10 am, 12 pm and 2 pm..


New Member
hi everyone. mind if i join in. i will also be having my church wedding at St Anthony in Woodlands next year May.

Still sourcing for catering. met Father once. still need to go back to him cos need to sort out the readings & misc items with him... he is so busy.


New Member
sorry.. i think sunday no wedding mass i far as i know.. under canon law.. i think..

pls check with the CCC (cathecism of the catholic church) or the parish priest



New Member

My friend is lucky. She manage to get a Sunday Wedding service at Church of the Risen Christ. Maybe You can try and give the Priest a solid reason that you really need to get married on Sun.


New Member
Hi all

Anyone is getting married at St.Teresa, i wanted to have my wedding there but i just like to find out whether do i need to be the parishioner of St.Teresa only then i can apply? Coz St. Bernadatte Church rejected my request.
Both me and my bf are Malaysian so i do not attend a specific church.

Please help!!!


New Member
Hi all,

I am new here, a catholic BTB and am wondering how should I proceed with the wedding preparations? As my close friends are non catholics and my relatives' wedding years ago might be passe by now :p

I have intention to have a lunch reception in the STC but am wondering what to look out for? As I am intending to hunt for a caterer with servers and tables provided. Is it advisable? Everything will be done in 1 day, church wedding and a meal with all (small-scale wedding approximately 80).

I have no one in mind for readings, etc. How many flower girl and pageboy and I expected to have? Is it a must to have a maid of honor?

Need so much advices from all. Would really appreciate it.


New Member
Hi Gabrielle, congrats! =)

For lunch reception at STC, have u gone down to see the grounds and where you intend to have the 8 tables? Because if you're planning to have your own tables brought in (via the caterer), you might wanna check with the church if they allow and where you can do so...then might need to see if need to rent tentage (if not sheltered)

Flowergirl and pageboy is optional...I'm personally not having =P

Maid of don't have to, to be may even opt to not have your bridesmaids walking in front of you...the main idea of having a maid of honour is to make sure one of your "sisters" is with u all the time to help with your train and stuff...if you rather just assign the job to one of your "sisters" without calling her a maid of honour, tt's also ok =)

Typically you'll need 2 readers (if your friend doesn't mind, he/she can do all the 2 readings and prayers of the faithful =P) If you're having a choir, they'll handle the pslam and gospel acclaimation for you...readings can be taken from a book that either the church office/bookshop should have tt has reccomended readings etc...=)

Just a piece of advise, if you're ROM-ing on your church wedding day, make sure your priest is a licenced JP =) If not, then you may need another priest to be around for the solmenisation part, while the priest you initially chose can say the homily (I think)

Hope this helps!


New Member
a friend mentioned to me that the reception area at st. teresa church is not sheltered.. is that right?


New Member
i'm interested in booking st teresa church but the date that I wanted is left with the 3pm slot only.
Anyone can give any advice on the timing for church wedding? Am afraid that there'll be a long break in between and there'll be nothing much for family and relatives to do after tea ceremony in the morning..


Hi Engratia,

I live in Perth Australia and went to St Theresas and Father Romeo was happy to accept our request to hold our wedding there. So no, you dont need to be a parishioner.

Any other St Theresas bride know which priest will be presiding their church wedding?


New Member
Hi all

Does anyone know of Chapels in Singapore where we can hold weddings in? We initially wanted OLPS but now, we may only be inviting 40-50 ppl so OLPS seems like too huge a venue. Hoping to find a Chapel for the more cosy feel.

Also, is a 1 hour reception too rushed? Anyone know what is a comfortable timing?

Appreciate any advise please, thanks!


New Member
yallo, you might like to consider Church of Holy Trinity in Tampines. it has it's own chapel on the ground level and I believe it fits your requirement ;)


New Member
Gabrielle> Thanks!

We are considering a 9am service, but were told that our reception must end by 11am. Would this be too rushed? We do not want the scenario whereby we have to chase our guests away because we need to clear the venue. =/


New Member
Hi Sher

Thanks. But in the end i had chosen Church of Sacred Heart because STC only left with 3pm time slot for the month of Sept and Oct 2010. So i am plannning to get my wedding done on Sacred Heart. Afterwards, take picture at STC. hahaha..


New Member
just to add on to andrea's post about tentage at st teresa's..they won't allow tentage anymore. i found out the hard way.. booked my priest, timeslot, everything confirmed liao but now i have too many ppl coming to attend and they won't let me put up tentage even though they have done so for other brides in the past. apparently its a new ruling. so ive to shift all my guests to a seperate location for the lunch.

@engratia: you might need to check with St Teresa's if they are okay with you taking pictures on the day you are looking to have them taken at the church. I was going to have my pictures taken there as well during my pre-wedding photoshoot since my wedding mass will be there, but good thing I called beforehand to get permission..cos they were having a funeral on the day of my photoshoot, and did not allow anyone to take pictures there that afternoon.

@jas: both reception areas are sheltered, not sure what your friend means. it might be best to go down and check out the church if you are not familiar with the layout of the place before booking it, since you will have to plan logistics too =)

@gg: the question about having a wedding mass on sunday has been answered a couple of times in the earlier threads for this year..might need to look through them to get the replies. just my 2 cents' worth!


New Member
Hi everyone,

I'm new here, a catholic BTB and was wondering if anyone can offer any advice on good bargains for wedding packages (inclusive of gowns, photography, videography, flowers, etc)? And what to look out for when choosing packages?

Was thinking of zooming in at recommended places cos I'm quite tight on time.

I would appreciate any advice from anyone. Thanks in advance!


New Member
hi.. just wondering if anyone can tell me how much it would cost for choir, florist, church anad canteen rental etc if i hold my wedding in St francis xavier tks.


New Member
Hi Grace,

here is my information

Bridal Studio - Labelle
Videography - Fotowerke (price quite reasonable)
Photography - Jason Tan
Hotel - Novotel Clarke Quay
Live band - A little dream

if you need contact & info for bridal studio, videography and photography, can email me at [email protected]

for bridal studio, you need to negio for better package and price. for me, we did't not take up their pre-wedding photography and car.

for videography & photography, you have to look at their work whether it meet your expectation. next thing will be their package, depend on what you need and want.

as for flower, we are going to get it from our friend's sis-in-law shop only for our church wedding and decorate it ourself. Hand bouquet will be from bridal studio.

when is your wedding?


New Member
hi..can anyone help me out here.. st francis gave me a blank form for donation for church use. how much is appropriate? renting canteen for $200 already


New Member
Hi all, my fiance and i are both catholics but my parents and friends are not. We heard that there is a shorter mass but not sure what exactly is the sequence etc. Can someone help please? We tried asking the church secretary, and she referred us to download from the internet.. -_-"

Do we also need to do bilingual mass booklet for the elderly parents and relatives?



New Member
Hiya all...for St Mary's and St Joseph (Bt Timah), the guideline for donation of use of the church is $200 and approx $400 for 4hrs use of the canteen/hall/Piazza for reception...maybe can use this to gauge how much you wanna donate?

I'm more uncertain of how much to give as a token of appreciation to the priest.

Kinokino - the shorter version is usually a "service" not mass. However, as you and your fiance are catholics, you are encouraged to have "mass". What you could do to shorten is to exclude the 2nd Reading.
