Carlton Hotel


New Member
Hi Serene

Can I take a look at your pics as well? My email is [email protected] TIA


New Member
Hello Serene
Just realise there are 2 Jam here. I will use JaJa instead. Please share with me your photos too: [email protected].

Who is this Eunice at Carlton? Called to check about Empress Room for 20+ tables, yah she said will need to top up;( She said Jason will contact me.



New Member
Hi Gals,
Have sent the link to you. If you want the night pics alone, there's 500+ pics, let me know via pm if you want to view.

<font color="0000ff">Hi Jess, you are most welcome, do discuss again as this is your BIG DAY!

<font color="ff0000">Hi Cindy, thanks for your compliments, the cake is from Carlton but it's a fake, dummy cake :p</font>

<font color="119911">Hi Jaja, I think it's standard practice cos I checked with Swissotel Merchant Court the other time, they will also increase the price per table if it's below their minimum</font>


New Member
Hi Serene,

I saw your photos.. can see tt you enjoyed urself alot.. every photo is full of laughter..
Carlton really gives a very cozy feeling..
how many tables did u hav? i'm thinking of 35 tables and is worried tt it will be too cramp to walk ard (esp when my EG has a can can)... :p btw, wat did u choose for your wedding favor?


New Member
Hi Shihui,

Yeap, enjoyed myself very much that day. I had 34 + 2 tables. Still have space for walking but I am not sure how big is your can can.

I chose the test tube with tea leaves.


New Member
Hello Serene, thanks for sharing your photos. Did you have 2 photographers to capture the moments at your end and hubby end? (I didn't have broadband and took a long time to view your pix...) Agree with Shihui... you really enjoyed yourself huh! ... I am still dreaming of a small wedding... JaJa


New Member
Hi Ja Ja,

Yeap, had 2 photographers. Paiseh paiseh, too many pics :p

Yeap, enjoyed myself and in fact missing it already kekeke


New Member
Hi serene,

I have c yr pixs liow...u guys really enjoy alot huh...i like the wedding bear...where u get it?? izzit Carlton one??? BTW u n yr hubby got "FU QI XIANG" leh....

Is the stage small cos c the pix find that a bit cramp...when i went to c din really notice and both yr hubby and yr name on the stage izzit by carlton??


New Member
Hi Jam75,
Yeap, enjoy ourselves alot. The bear was a gift from my friend. Fu qi xiang? kekeke been together for 8 years liao

The stage is not very small, comfortable cos alot of brothers went up for the yum seng session, so may looks crowded. The name on the stage is by carlton but was requested for it. Supposed to pay for it but think when we check out they never charge us :p


New Member
Hi serene,

OIC...still got a few question to ask...hope u don mind...did the hotel provide u any guideline like when is the 2nd march in, champagn pouring etc...


New Member
Hi Hui,
Have sent the link to you.

Hi Jam75,
No prob, will try my best to answer your queries

For the march in pace, champagne pouring, cake cutting etc, the bride no need to bother, cos the groom is supposed to have a rehearsal with the banquet staff before the reception. Then you will just follow whatever your hubby does or cue you to do


New Member
Hi hi... I'm new to this thread. Wanted to ask if any of you could share your package at Carlton with me? AD in Jul'06. Heard mixed comments about svcs at Carlton, would like to hear your thots. What abt. food?
Thanks a bunch!!!


New Member
Hi Mish,
found a old post that I posted last time regarding Carlton

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

The food is good as it's from Wah Lok Restaurant, which is an award winning restaurant. When I invited my friends/colleagues, all mentioned that the food from Wah Lok will be something to look forward to. And they were not disappointed.

As for planner, maybe you want to contact my co-ordinator, Kelvin Khoo. He's really a nice chap and really helped us all the way till the moment that we checked out of the hotel. FYI, he's the catering manager with Carlton.

As for services, they are quite good for the co-ordinators, though email replies are rather slow...about 1 to 2 working days....and the service of the banquet staff is alright, but fantastic for the banquet manager and his assistant. The trio (Kelvin, banquet mgr, assistant) helped my hubby alot when they knew he was drunk and also when we checked out, they actually were there to send us off, help us load our luggage instead of getting the bellhop etc.

Overall experience with Carlton is EXCELLENT! <!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>


New Member
Hi Mish,

I have not tried their food b4, but the foods are in Wah Lok Resturant, shld be good.Anyway, i have signed up with them.

I think they listed their package on their website, if not, just drop them a email at [email protected] or u may go to this website more details.

What's your budget per table like?

Hi Serene,
Jus check with for the deco on d stage? U request Carlton to do u huh? U decide the design or they jus give it in this way? FOC? I asked them b4, they say they do not have any deco. U think can i ask them to do it for me?


New Member
Hi Chipdale,

I just ask for them to do up the names, other than that, the rest of the decor on stage is standard can ask them to do for you, they quoted me $30+ but in the end, never collect the money from me and the names are still lying in my home :p


New Member
My first experience was not very good, I called and asked for Kelvin per this thread recommendation and Wah Lok reputation. Was told Jason is allocated according to family name and will call me back... nearly 1 week later... still no news? Huh... I went to see Marriot today.


New Member
Hi Ja Ja,
Sorry to hear that. They do take some time to get back when we make requests or enquiries. Maybe you can try calling Agnes Sut who's assisting the banquet co-ordinators for liasing. Don't have her no. on hand though....sorry.


New Member
hi everyone, i am new to this thread. I am considering Carlton as my wedding venue as well. Met the coordinator last week. Was disappointed. Cos she was not that friendly and waited for us to ask questions. Din seem helpful at all.


New Member
hi rainette

welcome! mi oso new here. btw who did u meet up w last wk? mine was ap**l. dun think she's v responsible cos she said yes to everything too readily. plus she has juz joined for 9 mths or so. anyway, since my fav date has been taken, we wont b considering carlton anymore.


New Member
i think we got the same coordinator. Carlton was the first hotel we visited, so we din know what to ask. But she just sat there and din offer any advice. Sigh. Rather a disappointment.
Hence not sure whether the service provided would be good or not.


New Member
Hi Rainette &amp; Reismion,

I got the same coordinator too but hv signed up wif them...cos the price &amp; perks compared to others hotels are better...after u hv compared their wedding packages wif other hotel u will hv a rough idea wat to asked and wat to asked for more...her reply are slow so u got to push her and she will reply u...hope dis will help


New Member
actually i feel tat she's good as she's not "pushy".. allows you to think thru properly... i guess just like jam75 said, u muz also do your share of homework lor..

overall i give them thumbs up for their package!


New Member
hi jam75

ya, i think so too. my HTB dun like her v much but liked the package. too bad our fav date has been taken up n the package for our backup date is not tat great compared to other hotels. :p


New Member
Rainette, Reismion, Jam05, and Loi: My FH and I go for connection. We believe we need to like the person to believe that she will give us the best. No connect, we put place on KIV. Maybe that explain why I have not settled venue.

Enjoy gals, wah lok got great food.


New Member
hi serene,

thanks for sending me your AD pics.... you look so radiant on your wedding day

hi rainette, reismion and loi,
maybe u can request for a change of coordinator if you are unhappy with the current one. mine is kelvin, i think he's the manager and he's quick in replying to my requests over emails

heard the bridal show is coming up, can look out for more perks then


New Member
hi jam_choo

ya i noe wat u mean. my HTB oni liked the pkg but alas our fav date has been taken up hence bo bian. :p

so far, there've been a few "connections" which we liked. m hotel n amara. :D rest r a bit bo chup or 2 pushy. :p


New Member
ja ja,

agreed connection is important too but hv many things to consider like $$, perks, food etc etc...anyway hope u can find connection &amp; good package...since i hv signed up wif them i hope everythings will turn up good lor!!


New Member
hi Serene,

me just blocked a date with carlton for next year oct... going down to discuss further tom.

would appreciate if you could let me take a look at your pics so to have a good feel how's going to be like?? many thks!


New Member
hee.. jam choo, i understand wat u mean.. can be difficult if cannot connect.. hee.. but for me, i'm happy abt their service so far and can 'connect' pretty well wif my coordinator so no issue for me.. hence in the earlier post, i said for me, it's thumbs up!

aiyah, guess at the end of the day, diff ppl haf diff views n requirement.. impt thing is you muz be :D can liao! agree?



New Member
hi, reismion

You find connection with Amara?? wow.. glad to hear that cos our connection with amara is utterly disappointing..

I just signed up with carlton not long for my wedding next june. the planner a bit blur blur but can sense she is willing to help. She is also new to the hotel but with prior experience. maybe you can reconsider with carton with an alternate date? can ask for another coordinator actually..


Congrats! have a good talk with the planner. Their package quite comprehensive though.
