Canary Diamonds/Michael Trio/Carat 55/Gem by Gem engagement rings

Hi ladies, my HTB and I have been to a couple of jewelers recently and trying to look through some online reviews but I wanted to check with all you lovelies if you had your engagement ring made by any of these: Canary Diamonds/Michael Trio/Carat 55/Gem by Gem?

If so would you mind sharing a picture of your engagement ring, and your experience with that jeweler? How's the quality of the ring? Did you manage to get a discount?

I have no idea which one I should go for so any past experience you've had with these would be super helpful! Thanks!:)


New Member
If you are looking to buy an engagement ring then the sapphire engagement ring is so popular. I bought this sapphire ring for my sister's wedding from GemsNY. The quality of this ring is too good and the material also.
