Hi ladies, my HTB and I have been to a couple of jewelers recently and trying to look through some online reviews but I wanted to check with all you lovelies if you had your engagement ring made by any of these: Canary Diamonds/Michael Trio/Carat 55/Gem by Gem?
If so would you mind sharing a...
I've been engaged for about a couple of months now and I just love looking at rings! :) there's a pride and joy in receiving the engagement ring and I would just love to see everyone's happiness!
Here's mine :D
SK True love diamond ring 0.52 Carat, VS2.
purchased in Dec 2015 at $5,180(U.P. $7,000plus), have official receipt and diamond certification
Want to sell at $2,200 now
Email: [email protected]
$300 voucher for engagement rings (min $2500 spent) --> WTS $250
$200 voucher for wedding band (min $1500 spent) --> WTS $150
All prices negotiable. drop me an email at [email protected]
Hi, my grandmother gave me her original engagement ring - 1950s style - and I'm intending to use it as my engagement ring. The setting is little outdated, and I was thinking of changing the setting and adding some filigree to the existing ring. However, I want to preserve the band, as it has my...