(2011/10) Oct 2011 BTB


New Member
Congrats Sherlyn! Good to hear that you got your venue settled! One load off now~


New Member
Lydia & Doragal So sorry, I've got no time to take photos cos I was very busy with my girl and forgot about phototaking!

Anyway, the new themes are:
- Black & Pink
- Ivory & Cooper

Other two themes available:
- Red & Ivory
- Green & Ivory

And thank you all ladies.

Thank you. Kat!

Oh, by the way, how are wedding preparations going on? I'm so indecisive of the theme of my wedding. How?! And Oct is my baby girl's birthday month! By then she'd be 2 years old, can shun bian celebrate her birthday. LOL.


New Member
Sherlyn, the mention of celebrating your girl's birthday with your wedding is just so cute! Hehehz. Sounds like fun for her also!

Anyway not much preparation for my now as I rest for the month after my solemnization. Hehez. Most probably try to arrange an appointment to meet the gown designer for the first time next month to have a chit-chat, look-feel session. Hehez.

We also haven chosen our theme of the wedding. Might not be having a fixed theme but maybe a color theme for just us and the brothers and sisters. Hehez.


New Member
hey ladies !
I just back from Genting and I think i will never go there again .. soo boring .

Hey kat & Sherlyn, yes . maldives is a super good choice to consider for honeymoon.

I totally agreed that Maldives is super nice.
It a very luxurious holiday . hahaz.. I have went there last August and stayed in this super luxury villa. It called Angsana velavaru !

U can check out the above link .
I have stayed in this inocean villa. The place is super nice and the staff there is also very friendly . A super relaxing place to be in . I missed that place like crazy .. but it not a cheap place to go . Each person like $3,300 for a 5 days trip . I will recommend you all to go for half board which means include breakfast & dinner . If not it will be really expensive.

My fiance & I did not spend much in Maldives . I recalled I spend lots of tipping .. hahahz.. mm.. generally I think we spend less than $200 in total in maldives.

I am thinking of going Europe for honeymoon for about 3 weeks .I wanna go Rome,Vernice, Paris, spain , Switerzland. hee Initally I thinking of going back Maldives .. but my mum said I should go other places.. so yeah we going Europe. My fiance has promised me. hehe

Wow.. Septhia u also a mum
so We have 2 mums in this forum . hee .

Sherlyn, I heard PanPacific the food is good.


New Member
hey ! I wanna check with you all .. when should we start to call and liaise with our hotel wedding coordinator ? Is it like 3 months before our actual day ?

In addition , I also wanna ask . Now we can't do our montage ourselves right ? Cos of the license thingy ?


New Member
Hey Cherry, I have seen the Angsana Velavaru reviews on Paradise Asia before if I'm not wrong. Hehez. My hubby and I are lovers of private beach resorts so we will always watch that show for ideas and of 'cos look for nice resorts to stay in. Maldives sure is lovely but Alaska is also nice for the Northern Light! Just that it will be damn cold. Haha! :X

Anyway I think maybe 3-6 months before wedding we can start contacting the hotel co-ordinator? I forgot what my hotel co-ordinator told us but it's along that line when you will have food tasting and decision on the themes and all for the AD.

As for the montage, I supposed you can still ask your photographer to do it if you have licensed songs to use. We have informed our photographer of the licensing issue in Singapore and she said she will be using royalty-free music for us then. Actually personally no preference over music for the montage as long as the photographer chose a good piece for it. Hehez.

Hope that bit of information helps!


New Member
mm.. i see. but hor my PG does not include montage. Intend to ask my friends to do the montage for me before my 1st march in . hehe

Yeah I kinda of remeber it bout 3 months before actual .. but I just wonder if can contact earlier. ahahahaz..

Alaska sounds very nice... and exotic. have u check out the cost ? Is it very ex?


New Member
Hey Cherry, you can do the montage yourself as long as you remember 'bout the copyright issue. You don't wanna pay 300 bucks just for one song that you're using.

Actually I think there is no harm contacting them earlier to find out. I supposed they wouldn't bite and be more than willing to help. Haha!

As for Alaska, have not really checked the cost of going there since there really isn't any package that goes to Alaska. The only package that is found is usually the cruise to Alaska which wouldn't allow us to catch the Northern Light. 'Cos I supposed the air ticket to fly there is already not that cheap. Boohoo.


New Member
Hey Cherry, im alsothinking of Rome for honeymoon~~ =) will you be going free easy? Or tour?

Alaska northern lights looks beautiful~~ but daylight will be short~ hee cold can hug n give each other warmth lolx

Think can start abit earlier on the banquet like maybe four months ahead? Think depends if your doing any further upgrade to decos n stuff~

im now still sourcing for AD videography n photographer..


New Member
Hi Michelle, the Northern Light also need to go during a certain period which I think is the transition between the coldest to the warmer period. And usually the Northern Light will happen during like say 3AM in the morning and the people will wake you up to bring you to a certain place to look at the Northern Light. And of 'cos it's also temperature dependent so it will not appear everyday. Hehez. But it's just too cold! Need a mid-cold place to visit before hopping to Alaska. Most probably gonna try Japan for their winter maybe. Haha!

Anyway good luck sourcing for your AD videographer and photographer! Have you shortlisted someone already or still on the look?


New Member
Hey Kat, you can consider Hokkaido!!! Its very lovely during winter time. =)

Im still looking ard.. Have shortlisted two different photographer but still considering hahaha...


New Member
October 2011 BTB List:

1 Oct 2011, HelovesmiIlovehim (lydia)
Venue: Mandarin Oriental Hotel
PG: Derrick Than
VG: Ideal productions, Stanley Oh

1 Oct 2011, Sherlyn ♥♥ (sherlynliang)
Venue: Pan Pacific Orchard Hotel
BS: Cangai

8 Oct 2011, Michelle Chong (michi aka MC)
Venue: The Amara Hotel
BS: SG Bridal House (JB)

8 Oct 2011, Calister Dyeo (cali)

8 Oct 2011, Jaslyn (jaslynhy)
Venue: Grand Park City Hall
PG: Simonvideo
VG: Simonvideo
BS: Venus Bridal(JB)

9 Oct 2011, Doragal
Venue: Grand Copthorne Waterfront
BS: Amanda Lee Weddings (ala carte)

9 Oct 2011, TheSepthia
Venue: Holiday Inn Atrium
PG: Blissful Reminiscence
BS: NA (ala- carte)

22 Oct 2011, Kat (pigglegirl)
Venue: M Hotel
PG: Grace (MY)
BS: NA (ala- carte)

22 Oct 2011, lowpyng
Venue: Grand Park City Hotel

23 Oct 2011, Cherrychripy
Venue: Marina Mandarin Hotel
PG: Eulee
VG: Damon Low
BS: My Bridal Room

29 Oct 2011, Babydino
Venue: Swissotel the Stamford/Fairmont

30 Oct 2011, dyleen (dyleen)

30 Oct 2011, CaiHongLim
Venue: Grand Park City Hotel

30 Oct 2011, Larrby
Venue: Orchard Hotel

30 Oct 2011, carebear (meteor_starry)
Venue: Marina Mandarin Hotel
PG: Lighted Pixels and Coffee and Tea Dreamworks
VG: Coffee and Tea Dreamworks
BS: Cangai

30 Oct 2011, Michelle Lim (michimichi)
Venue: The Amara Santuary
BS: Thomson Wedding Design (TP)

Added mine as well. Haven't decided on PG/VG as well. ):


New Member
Thanks Kat & Michelle. Yeah I think I will ask my banquet coordinator early . yes it mad to pay for a montage for 300 plus for a song ... hahahaz..

yes Michelle, I should be doing Free & easy myself.. hehe.. my best friend always travel Free&easy in Europe.. I guess it quite easy to get around . Free & Easy is less stressful can walk at my own pace. I do not need to wake up soooo early in the morning . hehe.. I am a sleepy head.

So michelle who have u short list ?


New Member
Kat Thinking of doing the same like you, just choose a color theme for bridesmaid and groomsmen, to do a full theme for wedding too exhaustive already! HAHA.

I've shortlisted quite a few of PG/VG, one is quoting me less than 2K for PG & VG. Is it too good to be true?


New Member
Hey Michelle, Japan everywhere is nice! Hehez. Have yet to decide where 'bout to go since there is still time to plan for that. The wedding planning is still top priority!

Sherlyn, I didn't get a package for PG/VG so am not very sure the usual market rate. For the photographer I can only give a rough guide to see what extra cost there might be:
- How many hours of photography service do they provide?
- Do they provide a 2nd photographer for the day and what is the rate?
- What is the hourly rate if you exceed the number of hours given in the package?
- Does the above-mentioned hourly rate applies to both main photographer AND 2nd photographer or individual hour rates?
- Do they have a before 7AM and/or after 12 midnight surcharge hourly rate?
- Number of photos returned and for each additional photos for the album how much is it?
- What are the type of albums given and there is a choice to change, what are the charges?

I'm not sure if this is applicable to you but that's basically how I compare the photographer charges when I looked for mine. And since we might not be getting a videographer, I can't give you any advice on that. Hope that little helps!


New Member
wow, 2k is really v affordable.. Depends on if you like the style of the photography and videography too..

Contemplating if should get videographer.. Is it possible to get one below 1.5k including SDE?


New Member
Kat You're always so helpful! :) Thanks for coming up with so many main points for me! Some I didn't even thought of! (:)

Will keep those in mind and throw them the question. :) I'm shortlisting quite a few, gonna meet with 2 first, early next week. Hope all's well!

lowpyng So far I've only see his photography portfolio online. Videography should be their outsource. Photography is quite okay, but just too much editing/photoshop for my liking. :)

If you need a videographer, 1.5K inclusing SDE, some do have. But my main concern when having SDE is that, if the video turns out bad, would you still want it to be screened at banquet? So ultimately, it's the products you get for the price you pay for.

My take would be to take one more reliable and good reputation one. :)


New Member
Sherlyn, no problem at all! It's just that since I have already done that part for my AD, so just sharing some comparison that I have done. Hehez.

Anyway good to meet up with anyone you're looking for to see if you have the connection with them since it's important to be natural in front of people you are comfortable with, then they can capture you at your best. Also like what lowpyng said, the style of the portfolio presented to you.

So good luck in your search!


New Member
Hey Cherry, have shortlist one of my friend, two freelance photographer... still considering... so far have only seen their works~ not yet get the exact quotation ahahah

I agree on the free n easy part~ I luv to take my own sweet time ahahahha and not rush~ =P


New Member
i see michelle.

you gg to engage your friend for actual day ? u gg for any VG ?

BTW ladies, those who have signed up with bridal package. When are u all taking pre wedding pics?

I also wanna ask , are u all considering making any cheongsam for your tea ceremony ? hee


New Member
Hey Cherry,

Still thinking.. Htb also have to like the works.. May be getting my bro to do the VG instead..

Pre wedding pics most probably taking next yr Jun bah.. Wan to ensure sufficient time for other last min stuff.

My package comes with a Kua.. So no cheongsam for me.. =(


New Member
i'll be taking in Mar next yr. our house is completed in June so we'll be biz researching for suitable ID for reno.

Cherry, I bought a beautiful cheongsam from a shop at golden landmark OTR abt $500+


New Member
Hi ladies i'm back
Have been busy recently...glad to see the thread is still so active :D

Honeymoon..my plan is to either go Korea or Hokkaido in Oct, followed by Europe in Apr 2012..don't think my body can stand the winter cold in Europe.


New Member
i am planning taking btw may to july , still no news waiting for BTO result, the new punggol waterway is so ex. your house so early get liao wor, anyway my fiance is a renovation contractor if you need any contacts , dora let me know if u need



New Member
MC, welcome back!

I have the same idea as you for the honeymoon! Maybe going to Japan after AD then followed by Alaska or Maldives in 2012.

Hey Cherry, even though I not taking package but I will most probably be taking my PW shoots in July when the weather at the resort is better.


New Member
mmm okies

Hey doragal , show us your cheongsam !
since u already buy it. hee
I am going to MTM my cheongsam next year even though my bridal shop do provide cheongsam or kua cos I wanna a unique cheongsam for myself. hehe

Mm.. u keep saying bout Alaska .. made me so tempted to go too. hahahaz..

anyway , I will be going Europe next year Nov or so & Maldives again in 2012.


New Member
Hahaha! No lah. We just think Alaska is special for the Northern Light. Can go to Iceland also but think it's not as pretty or something. Hehez. But the temperature is the main issue. And still issues of how to bring my camera about. Haha! Lots of preparation to be done if we are going.

Maldives is nice! Surely gonna go to many of their resorts there in future!


New Member
Cherry, ok la. i take pic over the weekend and if u are interested, pm me to c. =)

i'm trying to find a couple to go Bali take pre wedding photo with us. My experience photographer is our friend, and will charge the next couple same rate as us. Pls ask around for me thanks.


New Member
Doragal>>> ooo Bali is nice
for wedding shots . Have all the stuff ..hills, plantations, beach everything also have ! good choice.

Ok .. if i know anyone interested let u know . Then who is MUA ?

Yes , I wanna see your cheongsam .
u can email me soh.cheryl(AT)yahoo.com.sg

Hey Kat , yeah must visit many resorts in Maldives if u going there. I am going to do that when i go there again . That time when I went , I only visited 3 resorts . I wanna go W resort the next time..


New Member
hi gals, since the discussion now is on honeymoon. would like to ask if go to europe e.g. venice, how to go about free and easy? is it much more expensive?how's the weather in venice in oct? thanks


New Member
Also contemplating on going Europe, Italy & Austria
Hee.. Shld be going free and easy

The cost would depend very much on ur choice of airlines and accomodation.. If dun mind cheaper airlines and accomodation, F&E can be cheaper


New Member
Agree with lowpyng, cost will depends on the airfare & accommodation but requires alot of planning. Think i might go with travel agency, to save the worries

Finally, i've confirmed my MUA...now i can also shake leg till year end haha :p

I've attended afew weddings this few wks. A good planning is important, to avoid any cock-up on the actual day, especially if we are having chinese customary. Think we can discuss further more on this topic next year hehe....


New Member
heyhey michelle, may i noe who is ur mua?

im looking for mua who i can trust wif my short hair haha..

my hair is lk.. ada choi.. veri short n tomboy de.. i dunno wat to do wif it.. n whn i see mua they keep askin mi to keep my hair long.. which i realli detest cos its nt mi.. hehe!


New Member
My MUA is Angel Chua http://angelchua.multiply.com/ I went for trial makeup ystr, makeup skill is good, she can also do taiwan hairstyle but she is hearing impaired, so can only communicate through sms or writing. Angel also asked me to keep my hair long =)

May be u can use wig or hair extension to have more changes in hairstyle. Cherry au also had short hair during her AD, but yet she had alot of hairstyle..u can take alook on her mutiply, for some ideas


New Member
michelle dear thank u for sharin!

may i noe hw muc does angel charge and hw muc did u pay for the trial?

hehe.. paiseh leh.. so many qns..
i contacted cherry but my fren used her recently i didnt lk it.. duno y.. jus feel the mk up dun suit her face n it became quite oily lk jus 2hrs after the mk up..


New Member
U are welcome lydia
I rather u take Dana rather than Cherry. My gf got married ystr & she also engaged Cherry..her hairstyle is good but makeup wise not as skillfull compared to Dana & Angel. I think my gf's face look quite white on camera...All her rates are stated on her website.

Day & Night MA is $600 + trial-makeup only (if hairstyle need to add $80). Ystr i paid extra $30 for the ampoule & 2 sets of eyelash. I took the package that includes makeup for 2nd march-in, so it will be $600 + $150, it also comes with a crystal bouquet (fee loan) for 1st march-in

Angel is a very sweet lady, she served me & my hubby drinks, gave me 2 little gifts & even msg me this morning for feedback & if the makeup was lasting a not =)

Actually i found another makeup artist who is cheap & looks quite good...but she just came from HK, so if we confirm her for next yr Oct AD, it might be abit risky...but if u wish to know, i can give u the link ^.^


New Member
Cherry, that is provided I have lots of money to spend at Maldives. Hahah! Most likely will do a resort hopping by going back to Maldives a few times.

Anyway Lydia, if you personally don't like the work of Cherry then I advise you not to take Cherry. Otherwise you can always go for a trial makeup session before deciding if you want her for your AD.

MC! Good for you eh! Can shake leg now... I still have not make an appointment to visit the gown designer. Boohoo. This month like quite busy also since everyone rushing for my hubby's bro's wedding in September. Me got to look for pretty dress to wear to dinner! Zzz.


New Member
hahaz,.. kat it ok to go back Maldives a few times.. it a heaven place.

anyway , since u gals are discussing on MUA . Can i ask any good lobangs for mothers' MUA ? I am thinking of engaging MUA for my mother & yeah mother in law too .

For Europe, I should be doing Free & Easy .
My bestie always go Free & easy , i think it more fun .
I might also be stopping at Germany . hahaz.. cos my friend's bf is a German so can stay at his place.


New Member
Hey Cherry, I thought the MUA will help out with doing makeup and hairdo for mother and mother-in-law? At least that's what I asked Dana and she said if there are too many people, she will get her student to help out. Of 'cos at per person charge.

Why not try asking your MUA 'bout it? She should have a better knowledge on who can work together with her.


New Member
Hi all oct 2011 btb!

I'm new here in this tread. My wedding date is fixed on 22 oct 2011 but I try looking for banquet venue but most of the hotel are booked on 22 oct next year. Any recommendation for
Wedding banquet?

From researches goodwood park, holiday inn orchard city centre, grand park cityhall, orchard hotel, crown plaza, amara hotel are all booked on that day!! Haiz.

Can share wat criteria you all pick ur wedding venue?



New Member
Hi Jim! Welcome to the Oct 2011 BTB thread!

We have the same date!
It's true that a lot of the hotels after some researching then has already either been tentatively booked or booked.

Below is a list of the different availabilities of hotels we have emailed in May for 22nd October 2011. Since it has been 2 months, you will have to email them again to ask.

Available as of May:
- Copthorne King's Hotel Singapore
- Furama CityCentre Singapore
- Hilton Hotel
- Orchard Parade Hotel

Tentative Booking as of May:
- Carlton Hotel (Large ballroom was tentatively booked while the smaller one was still available for booking)
- Marina Mandarin

No confirmation of availability:
- Furama Riverfront
- Sheraton Towers
- York Hotel

- Amara Hotel
- Orchard Hotel
- Swissotel Merchant Court

So Goodwood Park is fully booked for all ballrooms? 'Cos in May, 2 of their ballrooms are still available on that date.

Hope the list above will help you! Our main criteria for finding our hotel was the minimum number of tables of the hotel on a weekend. 'Cos most hotels have a minimum of 30 tables, we can only shortlist down to that many. Then we have to filter out the more expensive hotels, we have only a handful to try. Why in the end we emailed so many hotels was 'cos initially we were interested in Carlton Hotel but it was tentatively booked and just too many unconfirmed items. But luckily for us, M Hotel became our number one choice and it was available so we made a booking with them in June.

Good luck in finding your ideal venue! Just spam all the hotels then decide from there.


New Member
Hi Kat!

Thanks. So u are the one who booked M-hotel ballroom. I've check with m-hotel they left only anson ballroom. Congrat for finding ur ideal banquet venue.

I send mass email to different hotel. Most reply are so discouraging! I cannot imagine it's a hot date!!
My HTB insist dun wan to change date cos 22Oct is my birthday. Hahas.

Hopefully able to find a wedding venue!

I'm so worry next yr banquet cost is about 1000++ per table. Hope our hongbao from guest can cover! Hee think so far. Hahas


New Member
Hey Jim! Thanks! Luckily the BTBs here encouraged me else I will be really discouraged by the variou replies from the hotels.

My hubby and I didn't know the date was so hot also! 'Cos we got the date through a geomancer and it seems like it's not one of the super auspicious date in the tong shu also so not sure why so many hotels were taken on that date. Might be 'cos it's a weekend and usually people have weddings in the last quarter of the year, especially when everyone is avoiding the Tiger year this year for marriage.

Anyway good luck to you finding your venue soon! Wedding is so expensive, truely agree with you that hopefully can try to cover the cost!


New Member
Hey Jim!

Dun be discourage! I also had the same problem previously for my selected AD, as its also one of the very hot date. But thankfully my htb and i finally found one to our liking!

Have to really preserve and sent out mass emails. Sometimes attending wedding shows also helps..

Wishing u luck too!!!


New Member
Have made an appointment with Ted Collection for next Saturday to find out 'bout their package and get their quotation for designing the gowns! Hopefully all goes well and the price is not too expensive then I will have one more item settled!


New Member
heyy jim!
yea i wish u luck too!

i wanted intercon booked

very very sad den! but who noes oriental suddenli popped out! hehe!

so dun fret! we've all been ther!

hw abt hyatt? marriot? four seasons? novotel clarke quay?
maybe nt hilton.. scary place


New Member
n i wanna announce

i confirmed my MUA le!! hehe.. even though i have not seen her or did any trial etc.. i jus tot i dun wan to search le.. anyway gt FEEEEEL haha!!

go check her out leh.. gimme comments hehe.. i choose her cos i feel.. her mk up is very mi..

she emphasis on radiant skin n DOLLY EYES!

to mi no whr is more impt den the eys.. hehe..

MUA: SANLIA (from hkg, husband's french) cool huh?
charges: day&nite + 2nd hairdo $440

+65 9384 1150
