Oh Glamourous! Now I remember.
Initially, I had already decided to hire Sam as my VG. However I told the coordinator, Jamie, that I'll be out of town and do the confirmation procedures with her when I come back. She said that it was fine. (I did give her an exact date when I'll b bck)
However, on the very next day after I left S'pore, I switch on my mobile right immediately I could after the flight, Jamie sms me a shocking news that Sam had been hired by another couple for 20.09.2009.
I was furiuos!!! I called from overseas to confront her. All she said was sorry, as the couple was willing to pay on the spot (the only reason she gave me). And I could hire Dan instead. (If they are the same why there's a difference in charges? Of course there was this special thing about Sam. Anyway I was absolutly fine to pay more for Sam's services!) She has no buisness etiquette at all!!
I could remember the night after I met her, I made a point to call her, telling her my decision and that I cant meet her until I come back to Spore again. And that if I'm uncontactable, jus drop me an sms, and I'll reply her asap. As my htb was by my side when I called her, he was shocked too!
That's the story of my confusion!