waxie> sorry folks.. away from here for 2 days.. busy man.. hahaha....
Mmmmm... I cant find the name card liaoz... u tried to google also cannot find.. hehehe.. u can call up the uncle if u want.. then get the website from him...
Plate?? how to cut???? my MIL was still sayin the knife must be very sharp..then one shot can cut it off...
No knife? so no cooking also loh? hehe..
Rising Star Flora Creation-65561422
Its at Blk 1 Thomson Road.. oppsite Thomson Medical there..
Humble shop la..
Ivy> hehehe.. okay.. how issit? have u tried it?? let us know yeah?
HB bought the strings. i dunno.. a few dollars from Popular..
I didnt know T&T got sell strings though. hahaha.. never asked..
you want.. i can pass to u.. where??
straylamb> yah.. i'm quite fortunate la.. though my HB not VERY VERY good r/s with them.. but they like quite like me loh..
hehehe.. i hope it'll stay this way.. hehehee.. my MIL also very frenly de.. so.. quite okay la..
maybe also coz last time.. we all one big grp will go to his house and play de.. so already like know his mum lo...
Last time i still buy food. we go there cook for all to eat ah.. so paiseh..
after we together.. i dare not cook liaoz.. hahahhaha..paiseh la...
but last time.. dun care.. just cook.. at least..she know.. i can cook de.. hehehehhe..
clare> hahaha.. sleep more ah? i try la.. HB nag me to sleep early ... dun go forum..EVERYDAY.. and he's so frustrated why i must go forum everynite..
and we actually quarrel a dozen times.. coz i spend too much time on forum.. he hates it.. haha...
Oooh.. u wanna talk to my HB for Quotations? he's ID..
Almeta> yah.. my mum also say very difficult to cut..and no one in the family knows how to cut..they say AP to replace will do.. hehhe..
ooh. hamper?? my side MIL will give an AP loh.. in replacement of Roast Pig..
YL> yah. roast pig usually is cantonese custom..
Many got cards also last min no come de la... my RSVP from 77 become 71 now.. sianz....
Ah Net> my BS will decide the flowers for me.. i'm not particular abt flowers.. as long as look nice. i'm happy liaoz..
so i asked the lady boss to decide for me... hehe..she said will use Lily as main..then add with side flowers.. i dunno how it's like.. but shall have a surprise loh.
YQ> you've got mail..
Viv> thanks gal.. i just went to the doc again... 4th time in 3 weeks now.. sigh... bad la..
not improving.but coz of my asthma.. its delaying the recovery process...
but the medicine this time round seems to work.. hehhe...
I ate once. no cough.. feels better too.. i shall faithfully eat my medicine.. hehehe..
Miew> who was ur supposed VG??
leave ur email.. i can send u my planner..
Zep> haha.. yah man.. trying to be better..
carine> which BS are u from??
I just went for final fitting on 20th Aug.. which is yesterday..and my 3-in-1 frame, my table tops.. 4R giveaways, 2 Big ALbums.. 2 mini albums..
all ready.. but it was too much to bring home and we were not driving.
so i'll be collecting it on same day as my gowns.
Will get someone to drive us there to pick it up then!
My AD is 1st Sept..
I'm collecting everything 3 days before.. on Fri.. my AD is Monday.. but Sun nite will go down to collect hand bouquet..