dor> yup.. total expenses is $90K... haha... and yup... its sooo much.... though i've earned that amount in the past years...
but i dun have that kind of savings man.. haha.....
hehe.. at least u had a budget to work with...
we planned the wedding with what we wanted to have... not with how much $$ we have.. eh??
older folks drink hard liquor de ah?? nowadays seldom liao loh....
Mostly drink hot tea.. no meh? hehe...
so nice to have ur bf paying for everything..wah... u good ah... dun even have to worry...abt $$...
Mmm... i dun have to worry abt the relatives part..coz my parents absorbing the cost..they'll pay me the $$ for the extra 15 tables... P/L they'll bear...
so more or less they cover that part.. but now.. even my own side i'm worried..coz we have younger frens.. whom are not working yet..they make up almost 4-5 tables ba,,
its actually small loss...but coz we haev no spare..its makes it quite bad... coz we no savings.. had we had even $5-10k,,,then its actually okay de... but now even that $5k is alot of money liaoz...
YL> yeah.. this is my 4th day at home... i got 2 days offical MC.. but i think... i'm still not that well yet....
still coughing... sigh....
talk about savings man.. i think the wedding is going to make me a bankrupt... ever heard of anyone becoming a bankrupt after wedding??
Mmmm.. i think i can make it to guiness world records for being one.. hahaha...
Hhahaa..good man.. i pray and hope more people read those kind of articles loh.. hahaaha...
then can help to save poor souls like us...trying to make ends meet.. sigh....
spoiltbabe> i totally understand man... my parents side is 24 tables.. coz of immediate relatives...and one generation up..
I'm an only child... so...everything must be big big.. coz only one time.. they wont get to marry off another daughter or son...
so... have to respect the elders and invite them.. sigh....can u imagine 8 tables of Grand Aunts and Grand Uncles and their children and grandchildren??
Sigh..... HB's side is only about 14 tables of their relatives..the rest is about 11 tables of common frens from church...
and i've personally another 17 tables of personal frens la... hehehe.. so add up.... 76 as of last nite... nice of u and sis to chip in to make it look good. hahaha..usually i dun care... i just tag along and eat.. hahah..
But i know their rates.. low... but when i go for my own frens.. i make sure they will not spit at me when they open the AP la...
besides blessing the couple.. its also abt my own face man.. dun wan people to say i'm stingy and not auto...
its a happy event.. both side happy tehn good ma...
green> where's beaufort?? whats that??
viv> tats a very serious accident!! Gosh.. like Money No Enough 2 like that.. kaoz....
My ex who had his wedding at M Hotel made profits... everything free.. include BS package..
But depends on who u really invite man.. sigh.... they get to keep all APs though..
i love beard papa too!!! yummy.. but now i cant anyhow eat..much as i want to.. sigh..gotta control..
still coughing.. bad.. sobsob...
crown> today's what ah???? any article to see see???
Zep> exactly... i could have renovated my house 2 times over man... sigh....
fanny> yeah.. my coordinator also told me that sometimes got people call in and ask tonite's dinner how much de,,
and they'll help the couple up $10+ like that.. cannot too much.. hahaha..when she told me.. i laugh my head off..
yeah... Mums will be at the hotel early for MU ma...tats the usual practice de..
They'll come in casual clothes..then they'll change mei mei at the hotel too.. MUA will MU for both mums..
Bubbly> yeah loh... i also had the impression that lunch are VERY cheap..until when i was sourcing out..then i realised.. weekend Lunch = weekday dinner price...
its just one scale down.. and not that cheap after all.. sigh.... people's mentality gotta change loh...
I've also got people ask me at point blank.. "you all one table how much??" just say everything include about $700-800++...
which is really true... now its more... sigh.....
Forest> wah... when's ur AD?? never seem to haev seen u ard much..
I ask my BS to select..they know me well enough to know what will be nice for me..
1st suggestion is Lily..
i shall see what they have decided..
straylamb> yeah loh... hahaha... can la.. hope to do it fast..