I must be really lucky, I got my place almost 2 years ago and now we're renting out.. so most likely just do some touch-ups since we renovated it before renting it out, before we move in after wedding. Otherwise, it's going to be super-duper stressful managing reno/contractors and wedding plans.
Karen> Share with you my experience. Even before I started anything, we had the meet-the-parents session first. So they talked, confirmed on the date, and how they want the wedding to be. Traditional, semi, modern, whatever. My FMIL is more traditional, but she listens to her darling son, so she's agreeable to lighten things up abit. However, she's stated not to allow those born in year pigs/tigers around during the AD, so now I am thinking of persuading her to do away with it, cos otherwise, my aunties can't come for tea ceremony, and my brother can't open the door for me.
To save the trouble, invite both sets of parents to the restaurant, and for them to talk.
As for your bridal shopping, better start early for that perfect wedding gown.
Actually, I'd like to attend marriage programs. But my FH is damn old fashion. He said in the olden days there wasn't such programs and yet marriages were stable. (?!)
Plasterbride> As for the PS, makes sense to be a little earlier, now that you gals mentioned about tidying up the pictures, etc. And Aug is a Ghost Month, I think better don't take pictures during that period... Just to make sure not to capture the wrong things. I can be quite superstitious...
And lastly for the flowers, BS usually arrange the basic flower stuff. Unless you want more elaborated one, then you have to pay extra. Or you can opt for gowns only and not any package. I suppose BS are quite flexible these days.
If you want, you can email
[email protected] for quotation. She's been referred by a friend. Quite reasonable pricing.
And for bridal accessories, check out level 2 Centrepoint's Ki-Noki. It's situated very near to the stretch of shops were Women's Secret is.
Oops. I talked too much.