omg, u r so motivated to lose simply too tired everyday to lose weight so all d extra pounds r piled up on my body....sigh
thanks for all d toning exercise tips!
i'll drop by in mar/ after dat i can go shoe d meanwhile, have to shed a few pounds off my fat body 1st...
wah...u r such a detailed n totful gal who looks into everything, for me, i simply cant find d time n effort to do all these things matt is a lucky guy to have u
omg, u r so motivated to lose simply too tired everyday to lose weight so all d extra pounds r piled up on my body....sigh
thanks for all d toning exercise tips!
i'll drop by in mar/ after dat i can go shoe d meanwhile, have to shed a few pounds off my fat body 1st...
wah...u r such a detailed n totful gal who looks into everything, for me, i simply cant find d time n effort to do all these things matt is a lucky guy to have u