(2007) Brides of year 2007


New Member
Hi Ladies, When is your wedding? Saw your posting in SGBrides.

My Rom PG is nicholas. To me, he has nice works and his rates is affordable. he charging me $600 for abt 10 hours of AD photography; 300 4R prints; images in CD ROM. or dinner will be $300 onwards....If you need more info, just email or call him.

anyway, his details are:

Web address: www.nicholaswee.com
Mobile: 96705712
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

If you are contacting him, let him know you are introduced by joyce/brandon. ;) You can also contact me if you need more details too..


New Member
Hi Ladies, When is your wedding? Saw your posting in SGBrides.

My Rom PG is nicholas. To me, he has nice works and his rates is affordable. he charging me $600 for abt 10 hours of AD photography; 300 4R prints; images in CD ROM. or dinner will be $300 onwards....If you need more info, just email or call him.

anyway, his details are:

Web address: www.nicholaswee.com
Mobile: 96705712
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

If you are contacting him, let him know you are introduced by joyce/brandon. ;) You can also contact me if you need more details too..


New Member
hi brandon, saw ur same message in quite a number of thread..r u spamming the forum? sounds like u r advertising and both nicholas n u r related


New Member
hi brandon, saw ur same message in quite a number of thread..r u spamming the forum? sounds like u r advertising and both nicholas n u r related


New Member
Hi Ladies, When is your wedding? Saw your posting in SGBrides.

My Rom PG is nicholas. To me, he has nice works and his rates is affordable. he charging me $600 for abt 10 hours of AD photography; 300 4R prints; images in CD ROM. or dinner will be $300 onwards....If you need more info, just email or call him.

anyway, his details are:

Web address: www.nicholaswee.com
Mobile: 96705712
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

If you are contacting him, let him know you are introduced by joyce/brandon. ;) You can also contact me if you need more details too..


New Member
hi brandon, saw ur same message in quite a number of thread..r u spamming the forum? sounds like u r advertising and both nicholas n u r related


New Member
Hi Ladies, When is your wedding? Saw your posting in SGBrides.

My Rom PG is nicholas. To me, he has nice works and his rates is affordable. he charging me $600 for abt 10 hours of AD photography; 300 4R prints; images in CD ROM. or dinner will be $300 onwards....If you need more info, just email or call him.

anyway, his details are:

Web address: www.nicholaswee.com
Mobile: 96705712
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

If you are contacting him, let him know you are introduced by joyce/brandon. ;) You can also contact me if you need more details too..


New Member
happyface> i m using... thk for indoor ps... outdoor.. dun thk so...will c how...

i got my nails done lor.. preparin for friday PS.. but..*sob*sob*.. i too chor lor.. mess up one finger nail le... how can i make it last til fri... feel like i m wasting $$...


New Member
hi brandon, saw ur same message in quite a number of thread..r u spamming the forum? sounds like u r advertising and both nicholas n u r related


New Member
Hi yah, HM must be enjoyable & relax because most holidays are packed with activities... Tomorrow getting my keys finally!!!

Wow.. I love winter! Super romantic & love the cold weather! Have been to Korea but not Jeju island because that time no Korean drama yet so...Hee...

Take care ladies!


New Member
ok, guess i too blur and new here, sorry ladies to all i offended as i was so pissed off today at my BS when i was told of if getting prints wil be at $50.had to do crazy posting


New Member
hi gals, thanks alot. we've shortlisted some ideas that we thot should be manageable. will consult you gals for feedback once the drafts are out. =)


New Member
i need HELP!!!

by lookin at my contact with my bridal... i noitce.. i duno how many photos i can chose from my PS...

it only writes " 12"x15" (15R) 20poses - 18 pages" + FOC 1 mini album + FOC 1 table top 8"x10"

so does anyone know by looking at this mean i can chose how many photos ah?? Does it mean 20 poses = 20 photos????


New Member
hi catus, my melody & kyra,

i'm glad my post had started a meaningful sharing
my MPC is done with my church. it costed $120 per couple. as the cousellors are voluntery married couples from my church, we do not need to pay 'fees' to them. the $ is mainly for the Taylor Johnson analysis, whc needs to be sent to the US for analysis and tabulation. thru
the analysis, we understd each other more and identified key areas where were are very different to focus on.

for eg, i am an extrovert and am veri expressive, HTB is quiet and keeps to himself. i learnt that it takes him a lot to express his feelings and even to hang out with my frens. i will not impose my own expectations on him and am veri appreciative when he does attend dinners or gatherings with my frens. as for him, he needs to give me space to express myself n provide a listening ear.

the MPC was based on this book - sacred marriage (for details: http://www.amazon.com/Sacred-Marriage-Gary-L-Thomas/dp/0310242827 ) one of the key takeaway for me is the idea to 'serve one another'. if both spouses are focused on this idea and move away from selfish thoughts and putting the other spouse's interests first out of love, the marriage will be easier.

if say both reach home after a long day at work. despite the tiredness, the husband takes up the initiative to do housework. the wife see oredi oso happie and then will willingly chip in and help with the housework as well. conversely, if both expect the other to do the housework and no one does it, both will feel bitter and unhappie

opps.. im veri loh sor again :p


New Member
angie, how's ur PS??

claudia, i tink shud be 20 pics ba.. hmm.. mine is 21 pose.. so wat i have is 21 pics ahz.. then we top up till erm.. dun noe how much liaoz ahaha o by the way.. u got find out from ur BS if need to top up ahz.. how much they charge u whether by per pic, per pose or per page??


New Member
morning everyone....

hi cynthia!
welcome!! =)
Be warned that our thread moves uber fast and we're all a lil gila...apparently it's all my doing so advance warnings and apologies =P


New Member
morning ladies!

Cynthia>> Of course you're welcome. We're all very friendly & helpful people one.

Just an advance warning, this thread MOVES very fast on most days! hehee.

Psyduckie>> As what Jas said, it depends on which shop you goes too.

If need to customise, some shops prefer it to be at least a few months so that they dun hv to rush.

Agnes>> I also did my Pap Smear abt 2yrs back at my GP. Not pain at all. But I think if I need to go for comprehensive pre=natal check, go gynae better hor.

Can your gynae can check if I can conceive, etc based on my blood test, ultrasound scan?


New Member
of course u r welcome Cynthia!!
think most of them already gave u the warning liao.. haha..

junie.. isit??
alamak y they dun come up with it earlier...
then that time I dun need to rush mah..


New Member
Welcome Cynthia.

Hey ladies, just wondering do you have have this woman insurance from AIA? Call woman of wisdom? Quite good for woman, the men dun get it.


New Member
Jas>> the new ruling is via balloting.

Saw in the ad today, got flats in Bedok, Sengkang, Bt Merah & Clementi available for balloting.

Walau...early dun release, wait till I buy liao..then now all these come out.

I had wanted Clementi flats cuz near my mom mah.


New Member
andrea... I got style wedding mag.
you want? i can lend it to you...
I think this mag quite hot.. passed by a few stalls also don't see them selling it liao
