(2007) Brides of year 2007


New Member
Hi Shers,
e BS will provide the matching jewelleries/accessories for u.. so u won't have to bring any there..
I juz finished selecting my photos, topped up another $1k plus loh...
actually thot i can spend e $1k on a LCD TV.. now gotta save up again for it!
Juz wanna say dat its really tough choosing photos cos u juz seem to want everything!!!

U gals r really creative in ur Ang Pow boxes... i have to start doing something abt it too!


New Member
Shers, for PS i wanted to bring my own jewelleries but my BS advise me not to in case lose so I din not bring and use their jewelleries instead ... but my FH commented that some look not so nice ...maybe u can have a look at ur BS jewelleries first before deciding to bring urs or not ...

iViED , thanks for the infor... will try to go for Phipli sales if my FH can make it

originbaby , tat good ... at least everything ready then u can move in ur new plc ...keke :p

Mei, jhoo, wow u 2 so fast done with the ang bao box ...me not even have an idea wat design to do ...think i must catch up ...keke :p


hi serene,

yeah i noe... but dun noe e jewelleries bs provide nice or not leh... will on noe on the day of ps... sigh... so tinking i shld source something myself...

wow, how long u spend to select e pics? on average like 0.5days ah...


New Member
Serene, u oso topped up 1K+? i understand tat ...yap agreed that it was tough to choose the photo when everything seem so nice ...tat time we choose for abt 3-4hrs too, i cant bear to elimiate any so my FH do the part ...

so hw many photo are u having now?


New Member
i took abt 3hrs to select photos lor... they had 3 rounds of elimination... Haha!
1st round, i only rejected 10photos! So then i was thinking.."jialat la"... so at e 2nd round of "tao tai ju", i decided to be more rational & take out more photos...but then again, i only took out another 20photos! End of e whole thing, i had 58 poses in total... i never thot i'd top up 30 poses!

Shers, dun worry on e accessories part...if u really wanna play safe, u can bring some fashion jewellery loh..

Yuki, u oso topped up $1k plus? so how many poses u having then?


New Member
originbb, good that ur love nest will be ready for ur wedding..

mei, u really creative leh.. can think of all sort of ideas..

Shers, when u go for ur fitting before the PS, maybe u can request them to show u the accessories..

Serene, i think more or less will top up.. especially if u see urself so pretty in the pics..
hopefully when my turn come to select the pics, i can eliminate.. hehe..


New Member
hi moon, dun worry. Mr Chan will call you for an appt to pass you the consent form. Have you efile? You may call him and ask for his license no. first, meet up will be abt 1 mth before your ROM date. Mine is end sept and i met up with him last week


New Member
shers, i dont think u have to worry abt the jewel. Im sure ur BS will has wide range of jewel for your different outfits. on my ps, i only took my wedding ring. as what yuki said, yah, bring lesser to avoid misplace or lost. i took 4hours to choose
and on photos part, in the begining when i signed up the package, i have already top up $1.2k to entitled for another portrait. during selection, again i top up $700 (inclusive upgrade of portrait to acrylic). luckily the package is not exp coz i manage to keep my BS at $4K

i din went to chan bro travel fair on sun coz i was quite sick. so this weekend i will book online for the air-ticket. Does anyone know which hotel at taipei is good?


New Member
I only brought my wedding band n proposal ring for PS.. the rest of accessories all provided by BS.

I had total of 55 poses in the end. i think it's normal! haha


New Member
hi annabelle i will be wearing kua for tea cermony lor

actually most BS have nice WG but not many have nice OTR EG (just my thought) i wld choose to mtm EG cos EG is wher most pple will be ther to see how beatiful we r heehee......
as for WG is mostly relatives who see lor


New Member
Serene, i topped up abt 2K .......me total 50 poses....i add extra of 28 poses n 12 pages ..upgraded my portriat to design style.


New Member
Hi xy
But Chris has been taken by Tarea, she shares the same wedding date as me.
I am now looking for a few..but a bit lost..
This is the only task I am left after that, I can shake legs liao. (of cos besides small things..

Hi Cactus or any brides
Just check with you all, regarding the floral decor, do you girls take the current ones provided by the Hotel or would you add more to it...
I am still contemplating whether to get my friend to do up the ballroom a bit...


New Member
hi guys
i am using free internet from siam center(bangkok) Wow so many updates since I last chatted online. I have spent like $200 SGD now. And will be here till Sunday before heading back to singapore. I am here to relax and since siam paragon is open, I wanted to tell you gals that here are nicer wedding(bling) shoes here in bkk.
If anyone of you are coming again, must visait siam paragon for nice wedding shoes.


New Member
Hi nee & lab_baby79

I cannot log in during office hours leh, only after work.. so sad..

Whats ur contact so tonite i can add u 2..


New Member
hi moon & suelynn,

wow, Mr Chan is so popular ah... i only called him to reserve the date cos i'm going to hv my soleminsation on my AD... a bit KS to book him so early rite? haha.. =p


New Member
Hi An Qi lab_baby79, i dun log in tat often after office hr ...but i will catch up with u gers when i m in office next morning... else drop me an email i will reply once i get it.


New Member
Hi nicole,

wow holiday and still can surf for free.

If you can sent pics of the shoes back here maybe u can set up a small biz helping BTB to buy shoes. hahaha


New Member
Hi Ken, I am looking for a florist to do up the resturant for the dinner and the function room for the solemisation. Any recommendation for florist?


New Member
tokyodreams, oic... yah true nice EG more difficult to find in e BS. but will be wearing WG most of e time leh EG onli at nite for e short while lor... so still deciding.


New Member
thanks chere... ;)

happyface : haha... nt KS lah... cos its a once in a lifetime thing mah so will tend to wanna settle things n confirm fast...
ok... a couple of things abt the seasickness

1) prepare those non-drowsy motion-sickness medication (u dun want pple to sleep at ur wedding, right? hee)
2) juz in case, kids or some adults are not into drugs, u may prepare those sour plums and sweets
3) actually motion-sickness are in ur mind only, so if u can keep ur guests entertained, or rather keep their attention away frm the sea motion, then they wld not feel sick ;)

1) i presume ur boarding is at harbourfront, so really have to let ur guests know where to assemble and set up a booth that's obvious for the guests. we have pple coming to the wrong reception (cos there were 2 cruise fns that day) so can get chaotic if not planned carefully
2) remind ur guests to arrive on-time cos the cruise will set off at specific timing, if not u might need to bear certain charges for berthing too long
3) decoration... unlike most land fns, u muz ensure everything is brought onboard. as mentioned berthing time is limited so the cruise might sail out then come back again for the guests so if u missed out anything... too bad! and also needless to say, the time for decoration is not really alot so need to make sure everything is coordinated properly. not much time for mistake

so hope this will help ;)


New Member
hi all,my JP is also Mr Chan kai yau,dun worry,he's very nice person,he will meet up with the couple b4 e ROM to sign e consent papers and of coz to chit-chat and know more abt e couple.
jus give him a call to remind him abt it.his schedule is rather busy as he's very famous too.
think we gals gt many things in common,heee

btw thanks everafter for the advise on the furniture shop.IMM gt many furnitures shops ah?i always think there gt more bidal shops.

last time ppl usually dun let married gals be e "sisters" but nw i tink dun have such traditions liao.


New Member
hi snowiee (snowiee)
wow..thanks for the updates..did not log in recently and realised that this thread is so active. i have confirmed my wedding lunch package at M Hotel liao. anyone got a good but reasonably priced photographer contact? anyone who have friends who have tried Hilarion Goh before? i personally know him but dunno if should get him or not.


New Member
hi blueflower,

I pop by this thread and happen to see your post
I did engage Hilarion for my ROM and he will also be my photographer for my Pre Wedding and AD. If interested, pm me and I send you some of my ROM pics.


New Member
my BS only gave me 7pages for my additional 30 photos...tink might end up being a little cramped hor...
but hopefully e design will turn out nice loh!


New Member
Serene, ur topup is counted by page or my pose?
mine is by page n pose
but every page come with 1 free pose ....

btw ur album is 15R or 18R?

dun worry i think the design will be fine ...when can you view the design? me waiting too ...think can only see ard mid-late Sept


New Member
Halo ladies,
I am also gonna be a May 2007 bride...have not decided on the actual day yet.

Am now lookin for hotel venues and BS...wah looking at u guys..u are really quick!


New Member
lab_baby79, anything u wld like to share with me abt JWN, i like to know more esp the package cos this BS is in my top list, b4 i pen down the contract, i want to know more... like packages etc cos seems like gt lots of diff packages offered by JWN. Even the 3k+ package can end up to be slightly more than 4k, kinda strange.


New Member
Hi Kenshare,

okie another one, Big Day Studio. Things are not bad and affordable! Call Yow Siang @ 93655030.

Not yet, but we have reserved the Grand BallRoom. BF outstation liao so waiting for him to come back then sign.


hi gals... me just got back from BKK yesterday...

Jonic : i got my wedding bands from Goldheart...

Hubbit & Belle : Hmmm...i think hubbit has mistaken.. i was talking about the criss-cross rings which i saw in Citigems & not the heart-shaped one... I remember it quite well as it was one of my shortlisted rings but hb doesnt like it as he say it is a bit "gu liang" for him...
