Hi Shanice,
Very nice names. I think they are a good choice. My Chinese is not good, so I can't comment on the Chinese names.
Sorry, I would love to shop for maternity things with you, but I am living in the US and the baby will be born here before I come back to Singapore. So I'll be having an American citizen with me when i come back. Wonder how many days visa the Singapore immigration will give him/her when we come in
Nicole, thanks. I am currently using recipes mostly from two books. One is called Delicious Hong Kong Recipes. You can buy it at many stores, including Cold Storage (which is where I got mine). It comes under the 'Periplus' cookbooks. There is a whole series of these cookbooks, usually on a revolving rack. Thin, only about 50 pages. This book uses very common ingredients and the taste is quite good.
The other cookbook is more complicated but very very good - Mrs Leong Yee Soo's The Best of Singaporean Cooking. It is a hardcover book, orange in colour. You can get it from any bookstore like Times etc. I'm Peranakan, so I like to use the recipes there. Remind me of home.
Other recipes, I look on the internet.
If you need any tips, feel free to drop me a line.
Oh yes, I managed to upload a small sampling of my wedding day photos. Here's the link. Hope it is accessible: