Hi everyone, think I haven't done an intro yet, just confirmed my banquet date recently, so I guess I'll be a Nov bride
- Resale corner 18th floor 3-rm in Holland V. Deposit just paid only, waiting for the whole transaction to run through (3 mths).
! Need to renovate, furnish.
- next Wednesday at ROM building.
- Rings bought and engraved. Restaurant lunch booked. Driver-cum-photographer and videographer friends booked (plus his parents, my mum, a galfriend-cum-driver and us makes 8 pax exactly).
- Daniel Yam dress for me, Agnes B shirt and Springfield pants for him, Ah-lian platform 4 inch shoes for me (which will double for the banquet too).
! He hasn't found a matching tie and I'm beyond caring.
! He proposed but abit of a let-down, asked him to do a proper one... his time is running out though
He's upset that I'm disappointed.
- "Everything's Coming Up Roses!" is the tentative theme. From banquet decor, card, gowns design and bouquet to favours. Originally wanted Palenopsis Orchid theme but that costs a freaking $20 per STALK even at wholesaler... so now going for wholistic roses theme. Even though roses are a tad predictable and boring, I can have as many roses as I want!
- Mid Nov weekday 35+2 tables with whole suckling pig dish.
! Need to confirm (still firming up selection between Mandarin, Concorde and Otani).
! Need to decide on own favours (other than hotel's).
! Need to learn how to DIY table bouquets, I want the place BURSTING with flowers (say, 20 wholesale roses with leafy fillers, multiplied 35 tables = hopefully $500 thereabouts. Any higher cost will be hard to explain to FH... he's not flower-crazy the way I am.)
- Bridal Art in Marina Sq. (1st gowns discussion next Friday end-May, renting MTM wedding gown and evening gown, scheduled ready mid-July).
- 2-day Photoshoot scheduled end-July: 1 traditional series and 1 more experimental series (the half-face far away shots that elders will complain). Photos should be ready early-Nov.
! Need to convert car loan & deco. to buy workmanship of 1 MTM cheongsam for me, 1 MTM evening gown for FMIL (materials we'll buy ourselves).
! Need to rent an old Beetle with decorations.
! Need to rent a KUA for banquet.
! Need to book photographer and videographer friends for banquet.
! Need to ask Make-up artist to do makeup for FMIL (today she asked for it, hehe) and mum.
- We only decided to marry in Feb. so alot of things eg. banquet, gowns, photoshoot and home renovations are lagging behind "schedule" of most you ladies here
- Didn't save for a wedding, all of sudden decided to marry, we didn't budget (engagement ring we considered from under $1K to 5K; bridal packages we considered from Tan Yoong to Bridal Art; banquet we considered from Mandarin to restaurant)... just dived in.
- Home was the easiest, he wanted Holland V area, I wanted smaller space (*hint* he's an only child).
- Originally wanted just ONE nice wedding gown without train and no evening gown. But got more excited, now 1 wedding gown with train (MTM rent for march-in etc), 1 evening gown with train (MTM rent for table-to-table photos).
- After some time, decided to add 1 KUA (OTR rent for tea ceremony), 1 cheongsam (MTM buy for cocktail and handshake end).
- Getting even more greedy, thinking of still more gown changes! (Arab St had very elaborately beaded lace, $100-150 a metre plus some workmanship costs sound quite alright to me, but it'll end up in storage after banquet).
- Initially thought of a simple restaurant banquet but tables ballooned we needed a ballroom, then mum suddenly wanted whole suckling pig dish, and then realised parents loved Mandarin's name. Seeing that it's once in lifetime for THEM too, so now possibly confirming Mandarin.
- Financially still ok, phew. FH's normally-scrooge ways put him in good stead (I think he's overwhelmed by all the nitty-gritty he's willing to pay for PEACE ahaha).