Hotel Jen Tanglin, Singapore by Shangri-La


New Member
hi skylar, paiseh i think i gave the wrong info earlier on. i called traders again yesterday and this time rosalind (events mgr) explained to me in more details.

the rates they are offering now will be valid even for 2004 weddings if u are able to confirm and sign the contract before they revised the rate probably in june. but of cos, if there are any reduction or any more perks to be given later on in the yr u'll not be entitled to them lor.

we're also looking at somewhere in the 2nd half of 2004 but we prefer weekdays. btw, traders is having a bridal show on 20th Apr. are u going? we may be going down too, havent decided. maybe they'll have more perks and offers during the show and the package will be more attractive


New Member
Hi Skylar & Soupie,

Rosalind also told me there's supposed to be more perks during the show but did not share with me the exact details.

I'm still deciding whether to go down next week or on the 20th itself. Been trying to sound my fiance out but he's too stressed at work to talk to me.

I've not paid my deposit yet. I've only made a tentative booking.


New Member
Hi Soupie & Christmas,

U mentioned that u actually paid extra coz of the little expectations of flowers & cake etc...u had flowers on every single chair is dat rite? So did Traders do dat for u or u have to have ur own flower shop to do for you? Wat abt the centrepiece of ur tables?

Yeh, I am also looking at the wedding for 2nd half of 2004. Most prob, be looking at the weekend pkgs, wat abt u? Btw, how many tables are u looking at? CHRISTMAS, u too?

Yes, I am going down to the bridal show this coming 20 April at Traders hotel, coz I believe there will definitely be more perks during these kinda bridal showcase. My hubby had got their schedule for the bridal show already. there are gonna be Jazreel Low collections showing their bridal gowns too. so are u 2 going too?
Btw, have u gals signed up with any bridal shops already? Me still looking ard, very confused man!


New Member
Hi Skylar,

I haven't decided who to engage for the flowers. The standard package is candles & fresh flowers on VIP tables, flowers on VIP chairs. Rest of the tables are floating candles. The color scheme is quite white. Rosalind told me the full setup will be displayed this Sunday the 20th. I'm doing a red christmas wedding so will probably source for other flowers.

I'm looking at 15 tables only. The deposit is $2K for Temasek room, $3K for the Gallery. I'm going down sunday at 1430 to pay the deposit.

I've not much experience with bridal shops. I had my gowns pre-made and am not signing up any package. I sourced for photographer, makeup artists, tailors, etc separately. Sorry can't help on this area.


New Member
hi skylar, i'm looking at weekdays package. i'll be attending their show this coming sunday too.

christmas, there's some perks for signing up at the show rite? they giving discount of $20 for weekend tables and $30 for weekday tables.


New Member
o u mean the discount is for per table?

me and hubby thought its $20 discount for the whole dinner. ha ha. and we commented wah so "little" discount!

silly me!


New Member
christmas, hehe when i 1st read it i also thot so but it's the discount for per table. so i'm actually happy cos i'm eyeing the 668nett package for weekday


New Member
Hi Christmas & Soupie,

Ok, but are u sure the discount is for per table? coz that is wat i thot too? but my FH say its for the whole dinner leh...hhmm.....not sure on this one, perhaps can check out with them on this Sunday.

Well, I am trying to limit myself to about 20 tables perhaps, not too sure yet? So Soupie, wat abt u? u r eyeing on the $668 pkg? how many tables?

Soupie, so have u decided on ur bridal shop yet?
Care to share if u have? coz I am still sourcing

Christmas, so u are doing everything by itself for your wedding, is it gonna be more expensive then? hhhmmm.....hope not! So u r looking at the classic colors of green & red for ur wedding? man! its gonna be really different! Nice thot there! but those special X'mas flowers are kinda hard to get though,



New Member
hi christmas, i think if it's the discount for the whole wedding i dun think it's worth mentioning at all lor.. cos 30 dollars out of the whole banquet of 20 tables.. it's not any savings at all hehe

i'm actually quite interested in jazreel low and am quite surprised and happy that they are in partner with traders this sunday... so can check if they r offering more perks or cheaper package.
i've also checked out Dang, jawn happy ever after, amanda lee wedding, santiago and everbliss. the last two is out.. amanda lee is kinda out of my budget but she can do really nice gowns.

we're also looking at abt 20 tables and want the flexibility of being able to increase a few tables.


New Member
Hi soupie,
heheheeee....ok, got the msg there, wat abt White Link? is it any good? Bridal Veil is out, too X, thot of Graceful image too, very blurr,

Me also looking ard 20 tables, should be good for tis sun


New Member
hi christmas and skylar, so how did u gals find the bridal workshop at traders? we're very tempted to sign up with them.. somemore their weekday package is 598nett! we really liked the set up that we saw in the penang room.. quite romantic and the dishes are quite well presented.. my FH like the presentation of the dishes very much.. cos he says other more high end places may not be able to present the dishes in that way. we're more or less firm with jazreel low too

skylar, i've not been to whitelink so can't comment much..


New Member
Hi gals,

I signed up already yesterday. Took the $768 one for 13 tables. I really didn't want to take 15 tables so I gave up the $20 discount (it's for per table). Feel quite happy that we've finally settled on the banquet.

Actually I think if you have a firm idea of what your gown looks like, doesn't really matter who does it. Most seamstresses are skilled enough. If you see something on a mag you can ask the seamstress to do it.

My gown fr White Link I'd say looked very nice on the model but didn't look too great on me. Need a lot of double-sided tape to hold it, cos I'm quite busty. I would say White Link is about so-so, but then I bought the gown 3 yrs back. Since I didn't use the package oso can't comment on their other services.

The bridal show was quite enjoyable. Initially we really didn't want to sit and watch but they assured us that it'd be very short so we stayed for a while. Thankfully it was quite short. The Penang room is quite tastefully done. The bridal suite is a little small I think.

So... will you sign up for Traders?


New Member
hi christmas, so u'll be using the temasek room? and i guess u'll be taking the 9 course dinner? actually considered the 9 course dinner but it looked like alot of food and think may be too much for our guests... so most prob taking the 8 course one but hoping that we can change an item or two there cos we think there's too much meat..

wow, u've got ur gown 3 yrs ago! how do u keep and maintain the condition of the gown ah? cos i'm thinking of how i can keep my ROM gown so that i can wear it again as my teadress during my customary.

we're pretty interested in their package.. but gotta go choose our dates first.. somewhere in sep/oct 2004 before we can confirm anything.


New Member
Hi Christmas & Soupie,

yeh, went for the show on Sun, most prob, will be settling for Traders Hotel,I frankly like the setup for the Penang room too, very romantic feeling rite? & the backdrop of the tealights are so soothing & cozy, so are u guys getting Traders too?

So Soupie, u are set on Jazreel Low collection? Which pkg did u take up? So u will be getting the Volvo convertible car! Awesome! REally nice! well, Me might be getting White Link coz i tried on some of their gowns & I really like them, so it should be fix on them!

well, the suite is kinda ok, small but kinda enclosed too rite? Dunno but i guess the partition is at the rite places, compared to others which is a totally broad walk-in, so wat do u guys think?


New Member
skylar, we find the backdrop in the penang room very romantic too.. especially with all the candles...

FH finds the suite small especially the bathroom in the bedroom.. but i thot it was good enuff
actually i kinda wish that i can have less tables so that i can take the temasek room and not worry abt the 2 pillars in the gallery.

i may not have the convertible afterall cos depending on wat i want.. since before this convertible thing i was offered some other perks already so if i wanna take those perks then i can't take the convertible lor.. anyway jazreel low told us that we can go down and view the convertible this sunday and decide want or not.. but i was thinking one yr+ later, will the convertible still be in good condition!? hehehe '38' abit.. jazreel still look so pretty after she gave birth.. hehehe


Hi soupie,
Is the penang room a new banquet rm at traders?
I thought there's only galleryrm and temasek rm..


New Member
gch, penang room can be a function room.. but too small to be a banquet room .. i dun think they use it for banquet either.. they just use it to showcase the wedding deco set up and some of the dishes


Hi girls. I was at the bridal show too and I'm quite tempted to take up their package. With the extra perks already on the table, is it still possible to ask for additional stuff? If yes, can any of you advise on what I can try to bargain for? Thanks.


New Member
sakurako, just make a list of items u think u wan added and discuss with person in charge and try to nego for it lor. no idea whether they are flexible or not.. i think also depends on wat u want added.


hi everyone,

i just signed with with traders last sunday. both
rosalind and maria were really great. they knows their stuffs very well and makes us feel very comfortable ^^

i have just been to traders hotel once, but was attracted by the ambience of the gallery room, the wallpaper is very english style and i simply can't help it. i intended to book for 25 tables, but rosalind advised us to get the minimum first, and confirm abt 2 months before our actual day..... very professional *^^* me and my bf are really appreciative. and i even ask him to get something for rosalind when he comes back for his business trip next week.

^(oo)^ countryGirl


New Member
Hi Soupie,
Yes, couldn't agree more, Jazreel looks very much slim now eh? after giving birth...wish I was like her in future =P

there are much more rooms in Traders beside the Temasek & Gallery, there are also Bencoolen, Penang, etc....they are all at the level where the bridal show as held, just behind the esclator, only the Temasek room is upstairs, so it all depends on wat u want? All the rooms can be opened up, I personally like the rest better than the Gallery coz of the blockage by the 2 pillars lor ...=(

Hi sakurako,
agreed with wat Soupie had said, u must know wat u want first, somehow if they could do the extra for u, guess they would, unless its really out of the point, then no choice lor, they want ur biz too man....

Hi Countrygirl,
Glad that u have already made up ur mind abt the banquet. I will be going down tis weekend again with my FH to finalize the whole thing. Cheers!


New Member
hi skylar, u've seen the other rooms as well? are they able to accomodate more tables than the temasek room?? actually the gallery is nice and spacious, the main concern is the two pillars. i think if there's no pillars, it'll be much more marketable..hehehe

my appt with rosalind is this friday tentative.. will see wat else she can offer me after discussion with her cos one thing is my mum wants me to change the fish.

hi countrygal, happy for u too that u've made up ur mind abt traders

countrygal & sakurako, btw when is ur wedding?


hi all

actually i intended to have the chinese ceremony in 28 May 2004, exactly 1 year after my ROM this coming May 28 2004. but due to our tight budget... we made the booking for 27 May 2004, thursday instead T.T;;; but after serious discussion with my bf, we feel that its also a very good idea as we will be really enjoying ourselves in the suite on the 28. ^^*

i saw Jazreel, she is really beautiful and always putting a smile on her face. her gowns are really nice too, but my bf and myself decided not to patronise them because before the show starts, we sat down at their booth for more than 10 minutes before a lady came over to stand in-front of us and said nothing at all. i was previously very excited about the Jazreel Low Collection until i have a first taste of their service.

^(oo)^ countryGirl


New Member
countrygirl, sorry to hear abt ur experience with jazreel low.. but i think they do not mean to treat u like that cos they definitely are not the pushy sales kind... when i was there at the booth nobody came and approach us too until we saw the coordinator who served us.. i think the sales pple look more shy than us hahaha.. unless someone open their mouth to ask them question. i've been to their boutique and really enjoyed myself there trying on gowns and talking to them and the coordinators are really easy to talk to... maybe can give them a second chance and make an appointment at their boutique and find out their service lor

to me they provide pretty good service
cos for me i keep calling them and asking them questions and keep delaying my decision and until now haven't even signed up with them but they were nice enuff to keep me updated on their latest promotions and lynn (one of the coordinator) even called me asking me if i wanna join the traders workshop. and i saw existing couples at their shops, they look really like old frens and not look stressful.

i'm going down this sunday to see the convertible and most prob make my decision then
one other thing is my FH who will give black face with pushy sales pple, enjoys himself there also.. so altho the bridal boutique is more for us gals but i think it's important our FH enjoy themselves there too while waiting for us

so this weekend i might make 2 biggest decision for our wedding prep.. one is my bridal and another is banquet! hehe


New Member
Hi Soupie,

Yes, I did went to see the other rooms as well except for Temasek room coz on the bridal show day, there was church service in dat room so we can't see it, but after talking to the sales, I roughly have the idea that the temasek room, bencoolen room all looks like penang room when they are all opened up, coz they are all interlinked, guaranteed no partition or blockage too, coz my tables is ard 18-20, I want to have it in these ballrooms to have a more cozy effect, rather than the Gallery which will be much more spacious but little too loose ard rite? Still thinking before I go down this weekend lor.

As for Jazreel's casecase, I do agree with Countrygirl that they rarely do service coz I actually sat at their booth to look at the photos but none of them served us, instead, they were standing at the side chatting, so I didn't really bother much,

But heard from my colleague (she used Jazreel) claimed that the service is ok, just as what Soupie mentioned, they are very nice in their shop, the designer knows their stuff so its very easy to tell them wat u want & they can deliver it for u, my frd's pkg with Jazreel is $4K. So perhaps they really are nice people to approach too.


New Member
Hi Soupie & Skylar,

I remember the manager told me they only do weddings at temasek rm & the gallery. They don't open the other rooms for weddings.

Actually I'd prefer a hotel with only 1 room or 2 because if there's a lot of weddings on that day then you don't feel so "special" no?

I actually got a White Link package about 4 years back then I broke off that first marriage so I didn't take the package. But since I've already placed a deposit I went to make gowns with the money paid. Actually I never took extra care of the gowns. Left them in my wardrobe for 3 years still looks as good as new. But I've always have boxes of thirsty hippos in my wardrobe so maybe they help too??


Hi Soupie,

My wedding will be in March next year. My FH and I have kindda decided on Traders. But we are hoping to get more perks... hehe, typical singaporean style.

Think I'll ask for more flowers, carpark coupons and a change in the wedding favour. Does that sound fair? I don't want to be too difficult cause the events people are really nice.


New Member
skylar and countrygirl, maybe we're the kind who prefers the sales pple not approaching us cos we find that if we're really interested then we'll approach and ask, of cos by then if they still bochup then really something wrong lah.. cos we're really fed up with bridal pple rushing to u and trying to push their sales like a pack of wolves

sakurako, i think the changes u have are quite minor? so maybe they would agree lor


New Member
Hi countrygirl,

So u intend to have ur customary in 28 May 2004??? Dats my bday!!! =) hehehehee....just feeling happy dat its my b'day & someone else like u is gonna be very happy too coz its ur big day! CONGRATS!!

Hi to all the rest of the girls:-

I have already signed up my bridal pkg with White Link, so at least, its another load off my mind!



New Member
Hi Skylar,

Good for you. Have fun doing your gown & stuff.

Hi Sakurako,

I think they can't give you more flowers because it's through the vendor. You need to negotiate with the vendor separately.

Carpark coupons also cannot cos they don't own the carpark. They pay the tanglin mall $5 per coupon and weekend/evening parking are only $3 flat.

Not sure about wedding favors though. Not meaning to discourage you but that's what I got after negotiation. Hope you have better luck.


New Member
hi gals, we've confirmed and place our deposit for the gallery ballrom at traders hotel last friday
most prob will go with the tulip package for weekday ($668/table).

the details of the contract will confirm most prob a few weeks later after our ROM.


New Member
Hi Soupie,

Glad to hear that u have been to Traders to confirmed ur bookings, well, my is still in the progress, but most likely will be set too.

BTW, did any one of u went for the Style Wedding BAsh at Grand Coptherone last Sun? I went with my FH, to think dat GC is a new & so called 5Star hotel, trust me, the whole thing sucks man! I mean, the ambience, the staff...gosh! Would really prefer to stick with least i think the bridal show is a success, whilst GC is kinda failure! no co-ordination work done at all


New Member
skylar, isn't the promotion mentioned during the show valid for last week only? or u've managed to ask for an extension to consider?

yeah have heard some of the gals mentioned abt the GCW show.. i didn't attend cos already more or less decided on traders that time. i think it's too huge to be a well organized event.. so will be quite chaotic. would prefer smaller ones where u can talk and see things at a more leisure pace.. would seem more exclusive too


New Member
Hi Soupie,

well yeh the promo is over but coz me & my FH still deciding on some stuff yet, like the confirmed no of tables approx. so still haven't tie down with them yet. We will be looking at the weekend pkg rather,

So who serviced u in Traders? Rosalind? is she nice? btw, were u the one who wish to change the fish dish? so did u managed to get it down? wat are the perks dat u actually ask for? like nothing much leh,


New Member
i liase with Rosalind.. she's quite frenly and nice to chat with but she can't really offer much perks. yeah i'm the one who wanted to change the fish.. i'll be taking the tulips package that comes with the red garoupa cos if i were gonna top up from the lower package to upgrade my fish, it'll be abt the same as the higher priced package... actually the package consist of all that i want.. she's quite firm abt the beer thing (i wanna have free flow).. other than that is a superior room for my helpers.. but i find 9 course abit too long.. so may do away with one dish and upgrade one of the existing dish...rosalind was suggesting to change the first dish to a whole lobster cold dish.. presentation will be more impressive..


New Member
Hi Soupie,

So u also deal with Rosalind? Me too lor, heard frm my FH dat she try to meet up with us again soon. Yeh, I also agree that 9 course abit too long, for me,I would also prefer to take the 8 course dinner. So meaning that you have a bridal suite to urself & another superior room for ur helpers lah? Not bad wat....
So regarding the beer thingy, she is very firm on it eh? Wat is the barrel dat she is offering? the 20 or 30 L one? But got discounts rite for anything more?
Pls advice


New Member
skylar, oic.. so are u still entitled to the offers being offered during the show?? yeah another superior room for my helpers but my wedding will be on a weekday... my frens may not wanna stay cos they may have to work the next day..

20Litres is already in the package for weekday... but i can't seem to get more beer out of her *sigh* and subsequent barrels are at 50% off.. the price for beer is actually +++ so u gotta add the 10% svc charge, 1% cess and GST.


New Member
Hi Soupie,

huh? so wat happened if ur frds dun wanna stay over in the superior room? let ur parents take a break lor...=P or are there any thing else u can exchange it for? perhaps u can try 2 nites lor, see how things goes

Yeh, I think the beer thingy is pretty fixed man, they dun seems to bunge at all, Haiz......will keep u updated on my side finalization.


New Member
hi Cutiechar,

Well so u have booked ur wedding at Traders too? & ur wedding is Dec 27 this year? Cool!

well, soupie (I guess) & mine will be next year while Christmas will be on Christmas this year!


Hi Girls. Just wondering if any of you won anything at the lucky draw. My FH and I won the high tea for 2 prize

Very happy although it's only worth $45 cuz we've never won anything in a lucky draw before and I'd like to think that it's a good start to our lives together as husband and wife... hehehe
Did anybody here win the suite? Think that's the prize I would have really loved... The other stuff like the photography package, floral package etc seems more like marketing gimmicks and if I had won the gown, I wouldn't have been able to choose my dream gown. (Maybe just consoling myself... hope it doesn't offend anyone).

So how? Who won what?


New Member
skylar, if my helpers dun want it then see how lor

sakurako, we've won the 100 bucks ah hoi's kitchen voucher


New Member
Hi Skylar

yalor...this year Dec 27 but things not going so well..hehe..might need to postponed liaoz.. :S
haha..I intially wanted christmas but den decided to have it on 27 Dec.

hehe..I keep thinking of the 2 pillars..(can chop it down?) liew..tat day I say Trader offers wedding package $600+ for a good..mine one table $699 coz I booked last year..traders very strict with beer..hard to negotiate on this..sigh*

hey which lucky draw u all taking abt? I blur.. :$


New Member
cutiehar, we're referring to the lucky draw for the wedding show held by traders during end April'03

yah actually without the 2 pillars everything is perfect!


New Member
Hi Soupie,
Well, see how lor, whether ur helpers want it anot, so how much dep did u pay ah?

Hi Sakurako, nice! u guys won the buffet eh? Nice rite, yeh, i know the feeling of wining, even thou' its something small! Nope, I wasn't entitled for the lucky draw coz i still haven't finalized anything yet, still in the progress.

Hi Cutiechar,
Ohh.....why? want to postphone coz of the SARS ah? =P anyway, heard from alot of comments that the Gallery room (the 1 with the 2 pillars) actually most of them who attended weddings in Traders, bearly even realised the pillars are there! Seems like Traders did an excellent job in camoflageing the pillars! So things might not be so bad after all.
& yes, Traders is really strict with the beer, they just won't bunge....Sigh....


New Member
Hi soupie

OIC..yar is the Traders deco tat time during the wedding show? I think shld be not bad..

Hi Skylar

I wanted to postpone becoz of my house haven come leh..SO LONG!sigh..later after our customary both of us no place to sleep..haha
hmm..I heard that oso that the pillars is almost "transparent" and Rosalind has assure that she has ways to "handle" the pillars but I still mind leh..keke..(always imagine tat pillars can be 'auto-kept' during the wedding). As for the beer, I think Rosalind managed to impress with her good service but at the same time very firm with her decision that she cannot negotiate with the beer tat makes us don feel good in pressurizing her.

btw, which theme u gals be taking? I tot the gold theme is nice..keke



Hi Traders Brides,

Hey does that mean for weekdays' package you'd get 20l of beer on top of the 1st hour free flow? That sounds really good.

I took the $678 weekend package... we exchanged the first hour free flow for 30l instead, not sure if it's a better deal but my FH and I think we can save some money if we do that and perhaps, choose not to serve beer during the reception.

Btw, isn't seat covers for all chairs always included @ Traders? Why is it still a highlighted item in the agreement? Also, why are the no of flower stands, centrepieces etc not mentioned in the agreement? Asked Rosalind about that and her reply was that they might improve/change the decor etc subsequently... but I don't quite like the idea that it's not explicitly stated.

Btw girls, did any of you ask to change the wedding favours? Anyone tried the cake before?

Hi soupie,

Good for you. You must be happy. Ah Hoi's chilli crab's suppose to be good

Hi cutiechar,

Think I prefer the gold theme too but my wedding is next year... so maybe the themes might have changed by then.


New Member
Hi Sakurako

I have the same problem oso..I asked Rosalind abt the cards and she say she cant confirm and they change their design subsequently..sigh..until now she haven called me though she promised to..Rosalind always says their designs changes.. covers are free but some hotels do charge few dollars per piece. Yar..centre pieces and flower stand are also not included in my package..reminds me of this..goin to call her tomorrow..



New Member
sakurako, i also asked the same thing.. how come the deco is not explicitly stated like how many flower stands.. candles for every table.. even the seat covers weren't mentioned (altho it's included).. but she said that it's all for the flexibility of we want any changes or if the hotel come up with any new and better deco so that we'll be entitled to them too.

we do like the stage backdrop that was shown in the penang room very much.. and also the invitation card.. the red one is cute.. with a couple in the front. actually the 2 card designs that was shown (the other is white with a rose) are their latest design for 2003/2004.. i saw their previous one.. very plain and doesn't look like a wedding invite at all..

we haven't signed the contract with her yet.. been bz with my ROM.. now that it's over.. i guess gotta prepare for the finalization of the contract...
