For All dog lovers


New Member
hi monica

ya lor... when i bring my dog to the pet supplies shop (coz the owner help me de-tick my dog), he also told me that i have to throw away all the things my dog played with, and that if he has got any cushion bed, also must throw, and he caution me to look beneath coz there might be ALOT of ticks 'sleeping' there!! *horrors*!!

he also said that i need to spray my entire house in case any living ticks are hiding around the dark areas!! when i heard all these, i was so scared coz it sounded so serious!! thank goodness i didn't find any ticks on my dog's bed *whew*

oh dear! i sure hope my dog don't eat the cockroach body!!! yucks!!

pls don't spray your dog with baygon coz it won't kill the ticks... worse if u can't kill the ticks and your dog develop skin problems from the contact with baygon!!



halo all,

thot to share a pic of junior, my lovely sheltie

just wonder, does anyone hav any tips in teaching a dog to fetch his own leash. i cant seem to be able to teach junior to fetch his own leash even with treats in my hand.
issit true u cant teach an old dog new tricks??



Hi Eunice,

Your Sheltie looks so poised and elegant!!! Very hard to get my dog to pose properly as he's so hyperactive, and gets distracted every 2 seconds!!

I am also having problems training my dog how to fetch his leash, in fact, to fetch anything!!! He's quite bright and has learnt other tricks already, but not when it comes to fetching..... I am contemplating sending him to puppy obedience school...

Anyway, here's the link to my puppy's pixs!!1 Paiseh, not very well taken.....


halo howesy,

guess i was just lucky to snap such a nice shot of him

hey, ur maltese is very young rite? me recently saw a maltese puppy n it's sooooooooooo cuuuuuteeeee!!!! it was like waddling along at siglap coffee club with its owner

as for junior, he's already 4 yrs old n we r not his first owner. apparently his first owners r a couple who then split up n they gave him to a mutual fren. this mutual fren then had to give him away cos his neighbours complained abt him havin 3 dogs at home. so he gave it to my hubby's sister. so the three of us r taking good care of him.

i recently went to clarke quay to see the dog olympics n they had this competition where the dogs were supposed to jump over the hurdles. alamak, out of 11 dogs, only 3 dogs jump over the hurdles, the rest simply ran to their owners
. think my junior can do better than them. heheheh...

frankly speakin, if u wan to train ur dog, i think u can just borrow those dog-training books from the library n train him urself. no need to spend so much money. tat's how i trained junior to lie down n to roll-over. however, i believe junior has been to a trainin sch before cos he's been paper-trained n knows how to fetch his toys.


Hi Eunice,

Do you live in the East? Not sure if you're agree, but there aren't too many "dog-friendly" places in Singapore, for us to relax, have a cuppa, and chat with our friends, with our dogs in tow!!!

You might have seen my friend, who has a super cute Maltese, who enjoys waddling through the crowds in Siglap!! My puppy gets too distracted, when he's allowed to walk, and will stop and sniff at everything and everything, every 3 steps of the way. So I always end up carrying him, most of the time!!! He's only 5 months old and he's already "trained" me to carry him for walks.....

I think all dogs are capable of learning tricks....and most of the time, and sometimes, I'm sure they're smart enuff to "pick & choose" tricks. Most dog owners say that the key-word is patience, and lots of practice, like one hour everyday.

Whenever I settle down to teach my puppy how to fetch, he'll try and impress me by doing it correctly twice, just to get his treats, and then will pretend to look tired, and lay flat on the ground!!! My heart always go too soft, and then I'll stop his training......What to do.....he knows how to wrap me round his little paws....

If there are more dog-lovers who reside in the East, maybe we can all meet up and exchange tips on how to take the best care of our doggies.....


heheh... your maltese certainly got u wrapped around his paws

well, dunno if tat maltese belongs to ur fren but it's definitely super cute!!

my hubby stays somewat in the east n it's true there arent many places to hav a cuppa with our dogs. some places tat my frens n i like to frequent r coffee bean at east coast, mr bean at holland v, dine by the beach at pasir ris park n botanic gardens.

how abt u? any suggestions where we can bring our dogs to?


New Member
He's/She's sooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!
My woofer knows how to take leash but Tiddy just don't know
Woofer we didn't teach him he just kinda know how to do it. TIAN CAI.

Actually there is a Dog friendly cafe/pub in SIngpaore. I got the contacts from the paper. It's called Snacking. Dogs will be entitled to 3 doggy biscuits and more if they are well behaved. U can bring them into the shop.
They have local dishes too.(For owners)
Oh and u can walk in and out of the shop without leash as long as ur dog don't pounce or snap at anyone.

Address is

Happy Daze Sidewalk Deli, 11 Maju Avenue
Serangoon Gardens
Tel 285 2885
Open Sun - Thur 10am - 1am
Open Fri and Sat 10am - 3am


halo Monica,

junior is a boy lah, but hor, he's so dainty tat ppl always think he's a she

wahhh! woofer so smart. i thot usu. dogs will follow other dogs behaviour?? wouldnt tiddy 'copy' woofer to take leash meh?

got dog friendly cafe!!! yay!! thanks for the contact. will go down tonite to take a look.


New Member

Alamak! Then my peggy will not get any biscuits cos she's always barking at everything.....

Btw, u can also check out the kopi tiam at Hougang Green. I always bring my peggy there for breakfast every sun morning. U get to meet other doggy friends too. I shut her up by giving her char siew from my wanton noodles.


I'be been to Pasir Ris park & there are a no. of open air pubs there overlooking the sea. There are 2 dogs in 1 of the pubs but I don't know if the dogs belong to the owners. However, I've seen food bowl left under the table for the dogs. Guess it's ok to bring dogs there since it's open air. Maybe u can check it out. Was thinking of bringing peggy there 1 of these days.


Dear Eunice, Monica and Pegsfur,

Thank you all, for the contacts!!! So happy to know that there are so many dog-lovers, on this forum!!! I will definitely check out all the places that you suggested, in your threads!!! Acutally, I think that if we leash our puppies and don't put them on the tables, most stall owners will try and "close-one-eye". When I bring my puppy out, I always leashed him, and whenever there are big dogs, small children or Malays approaching, I would hug him tight, so that he will not bark unneccessarily, or become a nuisance!!! So, always quite hard to either eat or drink kopi in peace, coz must pay attention to my puppy......

My friends and I try our best to make our dogs behave, so that store owners will slowly understand that dog-owners are actually very responsible when it comes to their dogs. Hopefully, with time more stall-owners would welcome more dog-owners, to their premises.....

Maybe we can all meet up, and we'll have another common topic to chat about, besides being a "would-be-bride", or "newly-wed"!



halo howesy,

sounds to me tat u'll need to get ur dog train if u need to hold him to prevent him from barkin at others. as for my dog, i think it's becos of his previous training, he doesnt bark at strangers outside unless he's at home. my fren's dog (cross maltese & jack russell) has been well trained by her bf to sit on the chair quietly n she would not bark at strangers nor take food from the table. however, she's crazy abt cats
so we always gotta keep a lookout for cats cos she'll dash after them.

actually i think most open space coffeeshops would allow pets unless there are malay stalls inside. cos there's this coffeeshop (got famous x.o. beehoon) at holland v which doesnt like us to bring our dogs n doesnt allow our dogs to sit on their chairs too cos there's a malay stall. we've also been to boon tong kee at balestier which was pretty ok with us havin the dogs there.


Hi Eunice,

Yeah puppy gets overly excited, whenever I bring him out!!! My parents always laugh and joke that becoz he only gets to go out once a week, he behaves like a curious rascal baby!!! He loves strangers, and children, and would wag his tail like mad, not knowing that not all strangers and children want to play with him..... He's quite alrite with other dogs, and very often, he's overly zealous, wanting to sniff them out.... And yes, he hates cats and crows....don't know why..... he has this disgusted look on his face, everytime he sees a cat or a crow....

Sigh....sigh.....I also think he needs some sorta of training.... but for now, my parents' hearts also way too "soft" and they kept saying that he's still young, and will learn better habits, with time.....Quite hard to be a good mommy, when the grand-parents are too doting....


puppies r cute when they r naughty but when they grow up n r still as naughty then not cute liao. so maybe tell ur parents dun complain if he 'destroy' their property
. hehehe...


halo gals,

me went down to happy daze last nite at 1am. a very cosy place much like ur own hse. we sat inside the cafe n my frens were oso allowed to smoke inside with the aircon on (their windows were open). u can bring ur dogs into the cafe n they provided a bowl of water for the dogs. the drinks there r pretty ok but not much of finger food. i tried the fries with mozzarella cheese which was pretty good while it's hot. my dog went ard pickin up food from behind n under the sofa
. the service is very much personal n relax. they did fed our dogs with a couple of biscuits. only thing is, there werent any other dogs ard besides ours. maybe it was too late?


Hi Eunice,

Wow, glad that you and your dog had a great time at Happy Daze. I am thinking of bringing my puppy there tonite!!!! Do they close at about 2am, on busy nites? Hopefully might bump into your Junior, someday!!!



New Member
Hi gals,

How do you toilet-trained an old dog abt 5 years of age ?

My dog only pees outdoor, i.e. only when my mom brings her downstairs for stroll, which is like morning and night, 2x a day.

i'm wondering how often do dogs pee ? is it sufficient that she goes 2 time a day ?
I'm just afraid that she would try to control and not pee at hime when she needs to.


New Member
Hi ada...

there's a kind of solution in the market meant for this purpose... i toilet train my doggie using that... hope it helps


ada, perhaps you can try paper trained. guess it's easier for older doggie. the solution suggested by evon is good. or if you don't want to buy that solution, you may use her own urine instead.


New Member

how often should i vaccinate my dog who's about 5 years of age ? I got her from someone else, and vaccinate her a year ago.


New Member
hi ada,

yep... tulip's right.... your dog should be vacinated once a year

what breed is your dog? i've got a jack russel and he's 5 yrs old too


New Member
thanks tulips and bleuz

I remembered she is due for the yearly vaccination this Nov (found the vaccination card) .. is it okie if i delay a month or 2 ? Also, what kind of vaccinations did your dog has ?


the common vaccination is to prevent heartworm. but now you can get the medicine off the rack from the pet shop. besides, you should give your doggie deworm tablet once every 6 months or a year. frontline once every 2 months.


New Member
oops, i never give her any deworming tablet before. It's so hard to even feed her dog food cos she's so picky. How should i make her eat the deworming tablet ? any brands to recommend for small breed doggie ?


no particular brand. each cost around $5. some last for 6 months but some last for a year. i normally force open my doggie's mouth and put the tablet deep in his throat. close the mouth and he will just swallow that tablet. of course, let him drink some water after taking the tablet. hehe... alternatively, you can mix the tablet in the food. but my doggie will finish all the food except the tablet.


New Member
yah, my doggie had the same problem too and no way i can force open her mouth. and she leaves the tablet right in the middle after finishing her food.. another method i think would work is to wrapped tablet in cheese to bluff her. but then that would mean cutting the tablet into minisize and wrapped in several portions cos she's pretty smart and would spit out the medicine i once gave her


New Member
What I normally do is to pound the tablet till they are in powdery form. Then mix the powder with her food, so there's no way she can spit it out.


New Member
hi pegsfur, qua


by the way, does your doggie has bad breathe ? Mine does, and i bought the edible doggie toothpaste but no way i cut put it into her mouth.
Any other alternatives ?


New Member

My dog also has bad breath. It's due to her rotting teeth. The previous owner didn't enforce oral hygiene on her. When we sent her to the vet to take out those bad teeth, she doesn't smell anymore.

After a while, the bad breath came back again but this time it's becos she had urinary infection. The vet prescribed some anti-biotics & she's ok after she finished the course.


New Member
you mean the vet extracted the bad teeth ? that must be a painful ordeal for your doggie to go thru

my doggie hasn't got much teeth left, so i dunno if extraction is possible.


New Member

Don't worry, my peggy also hasn't got much teeth now (after the extraction)
My hubby always call her 'boh gay'.

I don't know if it was a painful ordeal but seeing her go thru that was heart-aching for me. The vet had to 'mah jui'(don't know how to say that in english) her.

When we went to pick her up, there was blood all over her mouth area. When she saw us coming she wanted to get up but kept falling as she's still very drowsy. When I saw that, I tell u, I really 'lao bak sai'.
For the rest of the day, she's in a drowsy state & didn't really 'wake up' till late at night.


New Member
aiyoh, your peggy sounds so poor thing

Blood all over the mouth.. guess u got to help her clean up the mouth ?

how to eat like that next time if she has no teeth to chew ?

I dunno if my doggie needs to have her teeth extracted but i will check with the vet to be sure 'cos i heard that doggies do get gum and mouth disease too.

Your peggy sounds very cute leh


New Member
The vet told us not to clean her mouth. Can only do that when she's waken up. And all the while, her tongue was pulled to 1 side becos they were afraid the tongue might block the air way.

Now she's fine & she's eating wet food. Occasionally she eats the dry ones too but I guess she just swallows them. I must admit she's having difficulty eating food like meat, so I just cut the meat into real tiny pieces so that she can swallow easily. My hubby always say I spoil her but she's in this state, how not to spoil her?


New Member
i think if i were you, also sure 'sayang' her like siao .. !

do u have a picture of her to share ? she sound so cute!! what breed is that ?

my doggie hates the dry food, and she does not eat wet canned food. she loves pork and chicken but i think prob have to swallow as well if 'boh gay'


many factors contributed to the bad breathe. rotting tooth is one. other reasons: tear stain. water or food stain. drinking not enough water. seldom go to toilet. doggie is just like a human. a healthy lifestyle may reduce bad breathe and other sickness. hehehe...


New Member
Yeah lor, she's my little darling. U want to see her pic? Can lah but must wait till I scan it at home. Now at office mah ....

My peggy is a x-breed terrier. What breed is yr doggie? Wah, yr dog likes pork & chicken, just like my peggy, but I try to limit her on human food. She actually loves pork with dark soy sauce & she sometimes eats curry chicken too. Mad dog, rite?


kibbles is still the best. more nutritious tho. but of course, not so tasty. wet food can easily caused bad breathe and teeth problem.

pegsfur, can't believe that your peggy eat curry chicken. you really spoilt her ya! better give her some fruits or vegie instead.


halo ada,

u may wan to bring ur dog to the vet for scaling. the vet has to put the dog to sleep before he can do the job tho'. as for me, i make sure i brush junior's teeth once a week n i usually do it at nite when he's tired or sleepy (less resistance). u may wan to introduce it to ur dog gradually. for the first time, let her get used to the taste. then after tat, play with her so tat she would associate brushing with fun. then use those soft brush (tat fits over the index finger) to gently brush for a few minutes, gradually increase the time/frequency. when she's used to it, u may consider using the normal toothbrush for dogs.


New Member

Haha, don't worry, I didn't give her a big bowl of curry chicken. Just some small pieces. She was looking at us when we were eating so we just want to see if she can take it or not. Surprisingly, after the 1st bite, she still wants more!
My friend's dog even eat sambal ikan bilis!

I also want to give her fruits & veggies but it all depends on her mood. Sometimes she eats watermelon or papaya tho'.


New Member
Haha yap yap my dog eats chilli too. But after tat next day sure diarhea then I clear until xiao.

Anyway that day I brought Woofer to a vet. This silly dog chase rabbit chase until too excited wanted to run under the console with the rabbit and hit his head on the console. There was a bruise and some laceration. It was not so bad at first but he go adn scratch. when the hard skin fell off the wound looks pretty raw and bad. So brought to a vet. (Animal Recovery Centre) Anyway Dr. says he got very bad breath. : P
So suggest we feed him raw carrots to kill the bad breath. But he refuse to eat the carrot leh. : (


wah! why do your doggies all eat hot stuffs huh? my doggie only like bread, biscuit etc. yes, carrot is good for doggie. for fruit or veggie, my doggie only like grapes.


New Member
my doggie hates veggies .. how to make her eat healthy food ? she hates dog biscuits too, but like the plain crackers we eat. is it okie to feed doggie with these crackers ? how do u get doggies to eat fruits ?


New Member
Aiyoh, this is nothing. My friend's dog eats bread with butter every morning, loves 'lian ou' which we use for making soup, durians & green apples. If u put a red & green apple in front of her, she'll definitely choose the green one. Btw, my friend once told me that her dog ate too much durians until she got fever! I think too heaty for the dog also....


For my peggy, it all depends on her mood. Last time I used to force her to eat fruits but she won't budge. Now when I eat papaya or watermelon, she'll look at me & beg. Btw, she loves to lick ice cubes too.


New Member
Hey gals, mind if i join in? I have a 7th month cocker spaniel too.

I have this email forward to me by the cocker spaniel webmaster. Maybe u gals can help! Thanks

Dear All.

My neighbour owns a 8 year old German Spitz, Joy. She got a tick fever 2 weeks back from a trip to a Hopice.

Last Tuesday, she fainted and was sent to the clinic for a thorough checkup, with some medication, everything seems well. Yesterday, Joy went back for a checkup and unfortunately, she was in critical condition after several tests and found out she is losing red blood cells(blood already diluted). She needs immediate blood transfusion from a big dog weighing more than 25Kg.

We offered Kim Lai as the blood donor and all went well. However, dogs has 13 different blood types and we do not know whether Kim Lai's blood type is compatible. Joy is now out of drip but on 48 hours intensive care at home. Within 48 hours, if Joy's blood systems rejects Kim Lai's blood, another blood transfusion is needed immediately. I have alerted my Labs buddies to be on standby.

T! he clinic doesn't have a blood bank. The procedure is very simple and takes only 15 minutes. The amount of blood needed is 380ml.

As for cocker spaniel, CS can save smaller dogs (like maltese, yorkshire terrier). The amount of blood needed will be lesser than 380ml.

After this incident, to save a dog life is really not easy. For a start, it will be good if we can come together and build-up a blood donors list.

Please e-mail me if you can help to rescue other dogs' life by helping to donate blood from your dogs if the need arise.

I can be reached at [email protected]


halo ada,

there r some veggie sticks n carrot sticks by doggyman which my dog n my fren's dog love very much. maybe u can get one for ur dog to try as well. as for fruits, my dog has no problem eating them. he just takes watever i eat but i do noticed tat he only likes sweet fruits eg. grapes (which he loves), apples, pears etc. he doesnt take citrus ones like oranges n pomelos.


New Member
They hate fruits unless it's Durians. Tiddy would even try to bite the durian shell. Cannot wait for us to open. So greedy.
Cindy I also in the COcker club. Is your doggy's photo there? Which is ur doggy? Mine is Tiddy and Woofer. I just joined last week.


New Member
Hi Monica

Yes, my doggie's name is blessing but the photo which i've submitted is damn ugly (using low-resolution, scanned in last minute). I'm submitting another one soon.

And yes, I saw ur tiddy & woofer. My hubby & I were telling each other wat a pair of beautiful dogs u have.

So, we will properly meet each other during their next outing. cheers


New Member
hi eunice, pegsfur, thanks!!

by the way, does your doggie has this habit of waking u up everyday ? my doggie has been doing that since last month .. dunno why .. at a parituclar time, she will bang and bang until i open the door .. anyway to stop that ??



hi ada. that's interesting. my doggie used to do that too. but now, when i set off to work, he's still sleeping. he only wake me up during weekend. anyway, just tell your doggie that you need more sleep
