Catholic Brides


New Member
noknok ... dun tink mine is T-dragon ... but will go home and check again to confirm haha


New Member
noknok, mine wil be printed by T-dragon leh. haha.. really that bad ah? anyway it's the vendor of the hotel so i think wil just stick to them lor.. headache wan to go look for another one

hey looks like u gals have bridesmaid to procession in with u! i din plan to have bridesmaid nor ring bearer wor... normally what is the standard procedure for march-in ha? any criteria for ring bearer?

-__-||| stressed...


New Member
hi, i have a little question here. If the bride's father is not available to 'give' the bride away, who can be the alternative? Must it still be a man?

Apologies if I sound ignorant, my FH is a catholic and I am not. And I think he is not very sure too.


New Member
hi shin, a friend of mine got her elder brother to do so...another got her uncle to give her away...I think in general, get a male relative who is older than u =)

I've heard of a bride walked in herself because to her, only her father should be the one to walk her down n since he's no longer around, she had him walk her in spirit =)


New Member

if you haven't print yet, can write to digilab and ask for their quotation. Sorry, i think I got the wrong price. it was $120 for 250 pieces. Full colour both side. material same as postcards.

I applaud them for their service. they printed wrongly and we found mistakes on our part as well but they did not charge us extra. Can contact Jennifer, very easy to talk, and she's a catholic too. So she understand our concerns.

T-dragon pricing is a bit steep to me. They quoted me like slightly less then $200 for golden hot stamp printing for 147 cards, inclusive of the "cartoon" and the artwork. Timing wise not their fault cos a lot of hotel tie in with them. So their order a lot. They're quite friendly though, so can ask them for costs and advice first before deciding. It's only after we talked to them that we decided to go elsewhere.

But then one thing to note on pricing of printers. what I've written, I'm not comparing apple to apple. From what I understand. Hot stamping is more expensive then digital printing. So that'll be a concern too.

Think the ring can be with the Groom ba.. that's wat I'm planning to do. Put in front before all the march in. I'm also not having flower girl n ring bearer.


New Member
Noknok, did you have to design your own card or did digilab help you in that? Paiseh ah...not sure if you've mentioned it before but did you use them for your mass booklets too?

shin, actually it really depends on you. from what i was told, if the groom picks the bride from home, then the bride will enter church alone 'cos daughter has already been "given away" at home. so if your fh will not be picking you from home, then your father, or next eldest/closest older male, in your family gives you away. apparently, there are no hard rules on this. For my cousin-in-law, she walked in with both her parents!


New Member
andrea> Thanks! Was thinking of getting my mother but I guess my elder bro seems like a better choice now... Thanks alot


New Member
hi shin, no worries...i think at the end of the day, it's what ur comfy with also =)

noknok, can I have the contact for digilab? thanks!


New Member
I will walk with my fh to the altar, followed by our parents, brothers & sisters, then my bridesmaid..

FH said that's the traditional Catholic way lor.. I also don't know just follow him. He's quite strict in this kind of thing.

He said those Father giving the bride is just western tradition blablabla... hahaha..

Anyway I don't really care, as long as the pastor doesn't walk with us!! At first he said he wants the pastor walks in front of us!!! Then will be very funny becoz what's the song are going to be. I have a lot of discussions with him until we saw usually the pastor just stand in front of altar already, no need to walk and march-in. Sigh.. He's very stubborn. And me too. For this kind of funny things of course I don't want. Later in the photos there only can see the pastor & altar boys becoz they march in in front of us then how?


New Member
Sorry for the late reply.

Sobe - My HTB designed the card himself then digilab jus did the final touch up. They do artwork as well. Charged at $25/hr if I dun remember wrongly.

Haven't decided if I'll get them to print mass booklet. I manage to squeeze the whole order of the mass in one A3 size paper.. double side of course. Thinking if there's any way i can print it on my own. :p

andrea - below are the contact:
DigiLab Singapore Pte Ltd
Soon Wing Industrial Building
2 Soon Wing Road #8-14 S'pore 347893
Tel: +65 6291 2019 HP: +65 8298 8642
Fax: +65 6846 8480

Groovy - think both of you can talk to the priest on wat's the "correct" way of doing. My "old old" priest is quite insistent on certain things. He did tell us that we're suppose to have the Bridal possession first then the entrance hyme where the preist and the altar boys will come in.


New Member
clarifications here, from what I read so far, my mum can walk in with me then? Ohh, I thought it MUST be a man.


New Member
no problem andrea.

Now you all got me thinking, I should get my mum to walk in with me too.. haha.. But then.. problem.. if my right arm hook to my dad, left arm hook to my mum, how do I carry my bouquet of flowers?? Lalaa.. how are you going do it??


New Member
Noknok.. my right arm hook to my dad.. my mum will juz walk on my other side lor..
if hook both sides, think will trip liao! esp wif the long train!


New Member
hi ladies,
All the ideas here are really inspiring! hehe... in that case i will get both my dad and mum to walk with me
thanks all! coz i'm closer to mum mah :p actually my cousin did that too, that time i feel quite special lor.. but i dunno it can be done here.
Noknok, my church also told me the same: Bridal possession first then the entrance hyme where the preist and the altar boys will come in. i think it should be the correct way.
For my fren's wedding, he get a page boy as ring bearer, then he wil be walking infront of the bride and her dad, followed by few bridesmaid at the back, holding the bride's train lor. u girls can consider this as well


New Member
Huh?? Now I'm lost.. should the bridesmaids come in front of or behind the bride?? Or there's no hard and fast rule??


New Member
oops lol haven't logged in for a long time, 2 full pages to read now :p

im also not getting flower girls (save money on extra bouquets and ang pow, lol!) but im getting my maid of honor to walk in front of me too, i dont think there is a rule but usually ppl will sit down and start singing the entrance hymn after the bride walks in which means my poor MoH might be 'neglected' walking behind me :p so i decided to get her to walk in front of me before my dad and i walk down the aisle..


New Member
wad music r u all gonna use for the march-in? I'm still cracking my head! for myself I'll probably use bridal march.. but for my entourage dunno wad music to use leh.. any ideas??


New Member
huh.. I thought it's one whole long song for the bridal possession which includes the entourage and bride?? I wrong again ah?? oh no oh no.. dun care.. ask my choir to decide


New Member
Can I ask, those who're still having gate crash, is the groom going to unveil you twice?? what's suppose to be the "right" way??


New Member
well, the unveiling again, can depend on you. apparently (again), the traditional way is that the bride leaves her home without unveil-ing because she only meets her groom in church and traditionally, you get unveiled only once. so it's either your hubby doesn't unveil you when he fetches you or you just get unveiled twice!
(haha...not much help but these days, traditions are a bit askewed :p)


New Member
was it asked before?
this veil thing i learnt recently from a catholic videographer! hahaha....all these things are getting me confused!

will be going to T-dragon later to enquire bout mass booklets + church since my banquet invites (+ printing) are included in the package!


New Member
I think i read it before, that someone is concern, but din follow up.

you hv ideas for your mass booklets already??


New Member
haha Noknok.. u so cute la..
its upto individual on music choice la.. for me i wanna have a separate music piece for entourage n 'here comes the bride' wen i march in..


New Member
oh dear, now i'm the one who confuse :p what is entourage? why separate music for entourage and bridal procession?
my understanding is there will be bridal prcession music for the bride to walk in, then entrance hymn for the priest. then after the mass finish, play a bridal recessional song... that's it. please enlighten me! hehee
For bridal procession, my choir group advise me that it;s normally an instrumental music, among the popular musics are 'the wedding'by wagner, 'canon in D', etc.
Noknok, i'm stil in the midst of preparing mass booklet.. have finalized the 3 readings, but not the hymns yet! ganjiong~~


New Member
ask your church choir... the old old ones will have some ideas on what hymes "must" be in church wedding. but really there's no must one lah.. my list is below

Entrance: In moment like this
Offertory: Blest are You Lord
Communion: In love for me
Thanksgiving: Praise her with a flower
Recessional: Showers of blessing


New Member
Greentea.. dun be confused.. haha.. entourage is all the bridesmaids & flower gals la.. for mine they'll all march-in first n I'll be the last.. juz thot it wud be more special to have a separate music for the bride..
its perfectly fine to have the same music for the whole procession.. dis is juz my preference


New Member
Noknok.. for me i chose some hymns, but the choir requested if they can choose better hymns.. so I'l let dem decide.. 1 worry less for me also :p


New Member
Lalaa, thanks for clearing my doubt :p hehe.. good that ur choir will choose hymns for u! my choir group just give me a list and let me choose

Noknok, the recessional song is a hymn or music only leh?


New Member
Hi all, happy National day!
want to ask you girls, how many ppl (or frens) we need get to do the first reading, second reading, psalm, general intercession, etc.? we have to get our own friends rite?
and are the witness suppose to be catholics too?


New Member
usual mass, there'll be two lectors, one for 1st reading, one for 2nd reading and general intercession. And then one more for psalm. Not neccessarily be ur friends but u're suppose to source for them.

Witness not neccessary to be catholic as they are for the legal documents only. the ceremony itself does not involve witness.

Baby noob, yes, it's ok to get married in a catholic church. depending how strict the priest is, you'll only get a wedding service instead of a wedding mass.


my dad who is a non-catholic is the one who sign on the cert for my sis's church wedding. So don't worry.
By the way, for the 1st and 2nd readings, does the reader needs to be a catholic?


New Member
Thanks Noknok & Irene
according to my catholic friend, the reader can be non-catholics wor...

baby noob, my fiance is a non-catholic too, and we r allowed to have wedding mass in a catholic church
anyway maybe it's becoz my fiance is attending RCIA now and going to be baptized soon..


New Member
Greentea.. eh.. I dunno.. my personal feeling is that at least they must believe in God. To me, if I get someone who don't believe and read the passage, it has got no meaning liao. That's my personal feel ba.

When's ur wedding and when is he going to be baptized?? Hee.. when we approached the priest my HTB also not a catholic. But he's now.

One more month for me to go... Stress ah!!!


New Member
for us, the priest asked my htb to do 1st reading.. haha.. for other readers we're getting the best man & maid-of-honor to do it..

Noknok.. same here.. stress!


New Member
Just got the church invites.. wrong version used to print.. sob sob.. guess no choice, no time already.. it's God's will I guess. Just have to make do with it.

Lesson learnt: not all things will go according to our way. Just make do with whatever that comes.


New Member
Noknok > version as in wording or? *scared* when do you gals print (or intend to) your church invites? 4mths before AD? was thinking of doing the first reading and fb 2nd...or something like tat, though thought that might be weird. now that i know it can be done, i'll ask my priest too! :D


New Member
sobe.. my wedding is like next month.. It just got printed.. version as in we updated some changes but it was not reflected... My mistake cos I approved the wrong version.. pai seh to ask them print the 3rd time.

Weird leh.. my Choir say I cannot do my own psalm leh.. how come ah??


New Member mth? have you've sent out your invites? *sigh* the thing with print jobs...even in office can be frustrating!

can't do own psalm as in select the one you want?


New Member wanted to sing the psalm??? that i didn't really consider cos i've not done psalms in church for a long LONG time...

oh yeah! i forgot totally about bm bouquets! only remembered the corsages...eeks, $35 is pretty pricy..i'll decide where to get mine after i decide on my own


New Member
Hi Noknok,

$35 per BM bouquet is quite good as compared to mine. I am paying like $60 per BM bouquet. Prices do range according to the flowers and size of the bouquet.

Nevertheless, I using in-house church florist and she is known for her ex pricing so no choice. Just pray it turn out beautiful
