Any hotels with outdoor ROM???


New Member
haha,he minds leh,he can't stand me putting on weight.
Hotels that provide outdoor got carlton,amara and i think goodwood park.
i don't think i want to look for BS for my ROM gown,if i sign up their packages,is a bit too soon for my AD.

btw have u received my pic?
do update me after you view the place


New Member
i had my ROM last month at carlton hotel. ceremony was supposed to be at the courtyard, but was raining so gotta have it at our function room instead... no choice la... my photos & video still turned out nice... very satisfied with my PG & VG.

the food was nice as commented by my guests. everything turned out well, except for the stupid rain la... i'm satisfied with my hotel coordinator, Jason Wong too. can call the main line and look for him to obtain ROM package details.


New Member
i had my ROM + buffet lunch reception at Carlton Hotel last month. Food was commented nice by my guests. Satisfied with my PG, VG and hotel coordinator. Had a great time!!!


New Member
Hi im a newbie here!

Hi Rachel, hope you are still in this thread. I'm having my ROM this June at the Raffles. Still deciding whether to do it at The Lawn or use one of the F&B outlets. Let me know if you need contacts.


New Member
Hi, Jennifer Lee
any dinner ROM from furama? Cos the price is attractive. Does it include the Deco? ALso how's your site inspection?


New Member
Hi,just sharing my coordinator at furama rivefront,any1 interested can contact jasmine.she's quite nice.she will try to cater to our needs.


New Member
Hi Astrogirl,

I am looking for a venue for my solemnization as well. Care to share your package with carlton hotel as u seem to be very satisfied with their service. if not convenience to post it here, you can email me [email protected].


New Member
Hi, Ray!

I just emailed u the link to my ROM pics. You can take a look at roughly how the actual thingy would turn out.

My ROM package consists of solemnisation + buffet lunch reception. You can contact Carlton Hotel and ask for Jason Wong and he can furnish you with more details. He was my coordinator.


New Member
Hi Astrogirl,

still rem me? thanks for sharing with me your ROM photos at Carlton. After comparing n deciding, I'm also using Carlton for my solemnisation.

Can I check a few things with you.
1. My coordinator (person who contact me) is Eunice. Not Jason that u mention. any feedback? Met up with her to see the venue, she seems not too bad.

2. what time did u get the guest to arrive? not nice for the JP to be kept waiting so I think I will get the guest to come abt half an hour early, wat do u think? Does Carlton serve Pre- drinks n snack before the actual buffet so that the guest have something to drink before the start of the whole solemnisation?

sorry to ma fan u ah ;p;po


New Member
Hi cutieMui, u can try carlton hotel. You can contact Carlton Hotel and ask for my cooridnator, Jason Wong & he can furnish you with more details. You can have your solemnisation outdoor and food indoor. I had both indoor cos it was raining on my ROM day, so gotta change plan last min... no choice. but evrything still turns out well, i'm veri happy with it.


New Member
Hi Astrogirl,

Yes! i saw your story previously too, how much is your package? if 40 guests, how much you think is the budget? its seems like quite EXP! based on the ROM list that sent by Gelaine, i think maybe more than S1500. is that normal budget?

Thanks ;)


New Member
hi, pastillies!

i dunno abt Eunice. sorry...

no snacks/drinks before solemnisation starts. it's just a rom function, mayb actual wedding function will haf tat.

I requested my guests to arrive half an hour before my ceremony started.

hope u can confirm ur package with watever hotel u wan soon...


New Member
Hi Astrogirl,

trying to go to your website, but, quite slow the response.
still waiting.

thanks ;) i saw the front page! you are gorgeous! have a good night and sweet dream!


New Member
Hi, cutiemui!

After my own comparison, i find that carlton hotel provides one of the most worth & affordable packages. tat's y i chose carlton.

40 pax for buffet lunch... it shld be abt $1700 before +++.


New Member
Thanks for ur compliments, Cutiemui! eh... if comp is not fast enuff, may take some time to load. thanks for ur patience.


New Member
Yup I do agree with Astrogirl, Carlton is one of those hotels that provides the most worthwhile package...after all it's ROM I don't want to be spending too much as Wedding Banquet is going to cost another big bomb already.

But also dun want just anywhere, so I'm taking Carlton too: it has the poolside as well as a function room provided which makes the whole package very worth it as compare to many other hotel packages which I have seen.


New Member
Why not try Goodwood Park Poolside Terrace. I had mine on 31st Dec 05 at that lovely place. Great thing about that place is that it's sheltered, so no worries even if it rains. And during my ROM, it rained, but everyone just continued the celebration.

I had the international high-tea buffet package. I like the spread and variety. However, the max number of guests that area can hold is 80.

If you're interested to have the menu and price, you can email me at [email protected].



New Member
Hi Astrogirl, Nice pics and you look pretty in it. And seem carlton hotel environment not bad. How's their food and service?


New Member
Astrogirl...u look very sweet & charming in yr ROM dress ... *lovely* can see the blissful smile in u~~

thanks for sharing those lovely pix with me *wink*
hey! i notice u hv tis precious moments figurine of the couple with the ring ah... u like precious moments also? sailormoon like tat oso wor~~ .. planning to get tat for my ROM as well


New Member
hi astrogirl, thanks for sharing it with me! =) very nice! i wonder if they can change it to something like 8-9course lunch or dinner.
