A Place for Singles


Active Member
son.. the way u talk and refer like in a court room.. pls turn to page blah blah...
and the lawyer and judge goes..... turn the pages...


New Member
i said siao-ge ONLY muscle HARD nia, the rest soft one..

then siao-ge replied, yes, got to accept tat he's old liao... so... i ä¸å¥½æ„æ€, to æèµ· his 伤心事 lo...

u know la, if man only muscle hard nia, the rest soft soft is very the sad one lo...


Active Member

no wonder Aunty @ mrt stations selling tissue no sales!!

siao, if you saw one, pls buy hor.. tissue can use a lot of things. very a lot of things. Dun let me teach u from A-Z.. LOL


New Member
i not smart enuf lo, can only think of 4 out of 26 alphabet..

siao-ge, wat yellow?? this is SERIOUS discussion lo.. delin and i nvr think of any dirty things le...

tsk tsk tsk


New Member
good morning all!!
eeeee.... sooooo disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nearly choked when i saw the sperm!! zzzz..

me sooo shy... so quiet.... so demure.... so puree.....
*take holy water wash eyes*


Active Member
son... tolong ni lor... my chinese so bad!!!
type for me in english pls...

hey, siao has warn us cannot post here mah...
wait kena hentam liao


Active Member
son... even i got problem my home laptop's cannot read chinese words. they go boxes per boxes instead of chinese word.

wat go wrong har?? setting is it???


New Member

sperm is sooo 神圣??? oh my god!!

then i ask u ah.. if got ur tons of sperm but WITHOUT our womb ah.. where got us in this world???

so our womb is more superb!!

son is saying that their sperm is divine! without sperm where got us in this world.. but seems like he kinda forgot the womb leh...

mm..讨厌! è§(Siao)å“¥, ä¸è·Ÿä½ è¯´äº†, 你好å...!!!!

(æ¶ Siao-ge's 胸膛..)

Pls lor son.. simi SHY?? shy or not dun need to type out one lah..zzz.. whahahahaha..

me (not shy)
wahh lau .. i see u 2 ah.. son & siao.. flirting with each other ah.. stll shy wat? ai tor lor.. zzzz...


New Member
siao-ge nvr flirt with me.. he at "hot' stage with delin now ma.. i got no chance lo...

maybe i shld volunteer to massage siao-ge.. ahem..

siao-ge, 我会很温柔的....
