Hi evelynn and shawn, my PS shots will also include my actual day wedding gown and evening gown. Mine is 6 costumes, thus after deducting the actual day gowns right, i am left with 4, which choose from japanese etc.. The EG and WG can only be taken indoor cos they scared we dirty it. I spoke to my BS, they allow me to choose EG or WG if i dun wan those traditional outfit.. But of cos, cannot change all 4 to WG/EG. Not sure how to spilt the costume into indoor and outdoor as well, i think for outdoor, normally is one WG, one EV. Then indoor right is actual day gown and evening gown plus two traditiona costumes. I also need to ask properly when i visit the studio in end July!
Hi shawn, dun be sad k.. 5 costumes not too little, my bali photoshot only got 2 costumes, which i went to three locations and the last place we went is beach thus we wear casual couple t-shirts! I really got headache choosing.. 5 costumes is fine and i am sure you dun wanna spend too much topping for photos.. hehe.. Most impt, the pic must be nice! =p