(2009) Brides of year 2009


New Member
Shir> ya my checklist is about the same

for us left like 8 items to go
... the last week for us is horrendous...


New Member
Shir: I had done quite a majority for it. Will be changing monies for the red packet by Wednesday, need to prepare some of it for the GDL to give my bro in replacement of the children's potty.
WIll also be doing up another special interview with my BS on this THursday... Jus keeping my fingers crossed that I will get it done at least 8 days before my AD.


New Member
Saggie> I see. Thats good. Im still wondering if I have left anything out. Hee..

LW> Special interview? umm.. what's that? Hee.. good to hear that you have completed most of them.


New Member
Shir> looks good
... should be OK ba... for me i print out a listing and then keep inside my own bag...every night take out and refer lor...


New Member
LW> Wow, thats' interesting. Hee.. good luck with the filming. Are you screening the video over dinner? Hee..

Saggie> Waa.. u review them daily (or should be nightly.. hee) ar? So hardworking. No wonder, you finish almost all already.


New Member
Shir: Yes... Will be screening the flim after my 2nd entrance.. The BS is doing this as part of their package thingy... trial kinda of thing, so invite my HB and I to help out...
Just nice for us too... keke...


New Member
Littlewoman > You're so lucky. LOL

Shir > I also got many things undone. =)
Just confirmed order for my jiemei dress and winter wear for honeymoon. =) No ordering trench coat for hubby cause he say he don't need it. LOL save $$$.
Will be buy gdl items this weekend most probably.
Finish packing my room.


New Member
Charmaine: My HB says I am taking in "additional trouble"... making myself so stress and tired all over again... keke.. I've confirmed my AV testing yesterday... the laptop given me some issues... asking my IT friend to do a check for me..


New Member
LW> I also think you're lucky to get such deals. Hee.. so they will doll you up for the filming (just like PS)? Hee.. enjoy the filming and don't get too tense up.

Saggie> hee.. don't worry, think your planning is one of the few best one around here. Hee.. I just went to look at those Oct & Nov threads. Some of the brides actually missed the time that they are preparing for the wedding. Guess we'll take it easy and slowly to enjoy the process of doing up the wedding, instead of rushing all through. Hee..

Charmaine> I think we probably will go through the GDL list this week and get the stuff this weekend. My GDL on the 5th of Dec. When is yours? Should be quite close. (by the way, I kept forgetting to trf the $ to your account, will do it tonight.)


New Member
Shir: Nope.. they wun... a more realistic view of the practical life.
Ur GDL date is my wedding day...

Junel: same here.. I dunno why... very sianz out of sudden... Jus reveal some of the negative feelings I had to my HB...


New Member
i had been sulking and throwing tempers at HTB for the past 1 week. now slighly better

my GDL is this satur! and sunday is shifting of some stuff up to his place le. (Im shifting in with him and his parents for a year plus. while waitin for our BTO to be done)..

its 1/3 built now~


New Member
yest MIL told us that the number of jie mei n xiong di must be even?? I have 5 and hb hv 7..hahaha..so either we reduce or increase. Is it right?

Another 18 days to my GDL!! Woohoo...like alot of stuff not settled yet.. :p


New Member
Ling: haha.. a date that all of us will remember then... keke..

Doll: same here.. I think a lot of us are sharing the same GDL date on this coming Sat..


New Member
littlewoman> yup
mine also... so this friday gg back to my parents place to prepare all the things and wait for hubby to come at 8am on Saturday morning


New Member
I think I am rather relaxed, nothing much... My Mum will be catering in... thus, I am responsible for entertaining the guests at 11:30 AM onwards?


New Member
yeah lor. my mum also catering from NeoGarden. book1 month in advance have 20% off. save alot. =D

i mostly finished my stuff le. feeling relaxed. juz minor like timelines not yet fnished. but im not freakin over. not yet. haha


New Member
mine too. done most of it. except changing currency for honeymoon and still packing the luggages. start to prepare some angpaos already. GDL on 24th tuesday. humm.... final fitting n collecting on the 1st dec. and told the driver n mua n pg/vg the timing to arrvie. so far so good...


New Member
i'm wondering how much should i give to the emcees? they are not jie meis n xiong di. in fact the guy is my elder brother. hehe... the lady is my friend.


peaberry try asking the retailer see can resize or not, those normal gold or white gold think can do it quite fast. No worries !! Everything will be great for all bride on 21st !!!


New Member
akino> the last time when i was an emcee to my fren cum uni classmate, he gave me $68
... but there again, the amount of angpao does not really matter
it is a token of goodwill & appreciation that matters to both sides


New Member

mine is ready like 3 weeks ago.. i told her that i'll be collecting with my friends..

let's wait for cheenapork..


New Member
Good Morning ladies..

Ling> Waa.. we have the same GDL date. We just went to buy the sdj set from Poh Heng last night. Hee.. so far only bought the 50% pork can, ordered cake and the sdj. What about you? Finish your list already?

Charmaine> We picked a weekend, so my parents can go and deliver the cakes in the afternoon. Think higher chances of the relatives at home to receive the cake on a weekend. Hee.. you might want to consider 19th. We went down to the bs over the wkend, pmed you the updates.

Akino> For us, we engaged a emcee for the dinner. So guess paying the fee is ok already. But I am wondering how much to bao for those juniors (my younger cousins) during tea ceremony. What is the market rate for these AB? I wasn't expecting them until my mum told me over the wkends that her brothers (my uncles) told her that must drink tea one.


New Member
Shir> ?? 50% pork cans ?? for these, my MIL bought 28 cans
and then my mum will return a nice number to her ...similar for the oranges... cakes MIL ordered from P Garden at AMK...

same here
we also engaged external emcee for our wedding dinner... professional and biligual and flexible
i will give him a small token of $28 for his effort for the night

for my side, my cousins may be not coming...still unknown....
for hubby side, his sister will serve tea to us, then we give her a small angpao ba


New Member
Saggie> Hee.. my mum also requested for 28cans. We went to get it ourselves, instead of my inlaws go and get. hee.. we really slowly enjoying the process, we buy some when we go out shopping. Til date, the cans at home stands at around 16cans. So need to get another 14cans more cause on AD, think my mum want 2 cans to be bring over. Hee..

Just counted.. maybe around 18cousins. My mum told me that the response abit overwhelming cause she also not expecting all to turn up initially. But when she called to check over the wkends, everyone is very on, probably cause Im the youngest granddaughter on my paternal side and marrying off from the 'main house' (my ah-gong house).


New Member
Shir > Still waiting for BS layout. My mummy has bought SDJ for me last sunday at Poh Heng too = )

Littlewoman > check with u har, who is doing an Chuan for you as u be staying with ur parents after AD?

Yesterday, msg indirectly passed to me by hubby that his mum ask him to ask my side to get someone to do it...They are not going to do it since An Chuan at my side


New Member
Shir> i see i see
now pork cans rise in price le... lucky MIL bought it early....

wah 18 cousins...
my hubby also have a lot of cousins... but they dun need to serve tea to us...
so they just enjoy time with us & take photos etc...but they will all sit 2gether during our banquet... so they will be the rowdy table ra-ra-in us during the march-ins


New Member
haha.. freegoer, perhaps i might give S$38 then...

Ling: haha.. like that better mahaz? My mum is doing "an chuang" for me... but my MIL did ask my HB to pass some items to be together with what my mum had prepared...
