(2008) Brides of year 2008


New Member
Hi Erlina,

Not too bad, I quite like her personalised service and have already booked her for my AD. She did the graduation effect to match the colour of my 3 EG.




New Member
pinky81, yes i print my inserts from Tdragon.. the cost is covered by the hotel.. so did not pay a single cent.. keke...

mei.. i where got slimmer than u.. aiyo u so slim.. and actually im abit tan one.. maybe cant tell in the photos.. haha... ya i got 5 makeup and hairdos.. how come u only got 2?

charma97.. haha i tin most HTB wun retake le.. its hell to them.. keke... and u can get the soft copies for the raw photos first.. u can ask from them..

i tin most of u all is digital ones.. mine is fullpage le.. so dun need to headache abt the layout.. keke... but my BS so irritating wan me to choose at least 2 photos for the same series.. so if i just like 1 of them.. i cant take it le.. so some photos i dun really like one.. but bo bian gotta take.. haiz...


New Member
Opps thanks a lot Shirlin.

So she come to your house to do it for you without any transport charges?

When is your AD?


New Member
hmm.. understand the same feeling.. too many things on the To Do List.. just got rid one.. cakes.. hehe.. ordered the cakes from Choz.. but still got problems.. dun know whether can distribute them all on same day.. spilt to 2 day liao.. but problem again.. who to give on 1st and 2nd date? hmm.. next thing.. need to book caterer and print wedding cards.. grhhs...


New Member
Hi Jane,
same hotel as urs.. urs is 1 day before my Ad.. :D i went down to Tdragon but haven't confirm the draft yet :D

Do add me in multiply, ID: komiki25
thanks :D


New Member
wow... now got secret code to collect order ah... keke... i order separately and she tell mi anything woah... hope she remembers me.

gosh, having bad gastric


New Member
Hi Kristine,

Do you have multiply? If got, you can add me, my id is doggieparadise.

Hi Jane,

Yeah I already. My HTB feels very tiring.. I abit pai seh to call my BS.. I had been calling them to get my MUA contact no and the duration for the photo layout.


New Member
to me, i am fine with not having the lunar calendar. but just that not sure my parents will mind or not.. haven tok to them about this yet.
church wedding on sat, wedding dinner on sun. it is a 2 day events

is it weird if the guests see the map first instead of the invitation wordings?

yellow portion is the wedding card, pink colour is the insert, the blue strip is where the insert will stick to the card.
the insert will fold at the centre


New Member
hi charma97 i do, i will add u

hi blanqq, i one moment forget the name of my blocks. i live at 275 blocks one. u leh? i add u to my multiply hor.


New Member
Jane, ur hotel provides printing for u too? So good! Mine nvr include lor. Luckily printing only $100+.

Wah! Really got alot of posts lor! My email is flooding liao.. Haha.. And faster finish my work just to log in and read what have u all been talking. Hehe..

Hi Lost, can i add u in Multiply too? My id is marigold81. Thanks!

TanLee, thanks for adding urself to the links. I couldnt rem who was lynqqi. Hehe..


New Member
jo_vin - marigold81
Jane Lim - lilacbliss07
bubu - le4ever
Mei - soliloquy7
pinky81 - sonice (Juan Juan Siau)
charma97 - doggieparadise
blanqq - blanqq
TanLee - lynnqi
Lost - komiki25


New Member
spoiltbabe>you order b4 so should b no prob lah. Its the other brides who never order from her mah. Must give her a way to tell who is a spree member and who isn't. :p What u order? same as last time?


New Member
If seperate sheet meaning when u opent he card is seeing a blank page of the insert??

Can print on the card itself? the left side.. so when you open u see map -> Eng -> Chinese?
but don;t know got extra cost or not...

If not I feel your original plan is still fine. maybe make the map page nice with some design?


New Member
mei (pinkcupcake): Possible to get your contact for the flowers? Your studio is from silhoutte Atelier right? I read that they use Poppy and my bridal studio (emanuel B) uses that too. Heard that their bouquets are very small and tiny.

Btw, nice princessy gowns and i agree with the brides here... you are slim!

To all: I have updated my multiply site already with some more pictures. =) Enjoy!


New Member
Pinky81, saw ur photos le!! Nice! I think ur PG likes to capture more romantic shots rite? Cos most of ur photos are romantic. The outdoor shots are very nice. Like the blue sky, green grass. It was a nice sunny day isnt it?


New Member
Jane Lim (lilacbliss07): I have updated the pictures, with my trial fitting and the pre-wedding pictures in my blog. =)

jo_vin (jo_vin): Yes! It was a very sunny day! In fact, my hair scalp was sun burnt and was rather red after the whole event. =) However, I am very glad that I was blessed with such a beautiful weather!


New Member
Only 2? No leh, i saw quite alot. U go to her blog entry instead of photos section leh.. There's a link to her photos there.


New Member
yes. if print on separate sheet, it means when u open the card, u see blank insert. when u open the insert, then u see the eng & chinese wordings.

if print on the card, the printer would charge you for the mould which i dont think is worth it.

if put more colours on the map, also mean higher cost...



New Member
my hubby was thinking that maps may not be necesary for hotels. but necessary for restaurants. My map is meant for the church. For every map that we print, we are charged $20 for the artwork. So we decided to put just 1 map. We were also thinking of printing the map separately and drop inside the envelope. But printing the map separately is charged as per print job. (just like u r printing the insert). but to print on 2 sides of insert, it will cost cheaper by about 30-40 dollars.


New Member
Jane: Yeah, can see your pre wedding photos. remember to upload for us to see.

Kristine: I send u a private msg in multiply. you saw it?

Lost: I very thick skin. added you to my multiply.. Heehee..


New Member
YL> tks so much for the advice…I actually isolated myself for the past wk..refused to reply my hubby’s calls and smses..felt that nobody can help me.. last nite he came to my place in the night,and we had a long talk and I broke down completely.. he gave me a different perspective to things..nvr reali listen to him all the time,bt dunno y tis time I did…and I felt better after tat..

Happiness&bliss>I wish I hv the courage like u to resign bt eventually I din…I don hv to travel like u bt I hv a spine problem and my work need physical strength so it’s quite strenuous,and my work very stressful. So in my field of work, unless I quit totally if nt still will need to exert.

Dor>tks gal..i spoke to hubby already.i guess I hv to adjust myself somehw..cos I tink I m too stressed up already..will nt tender meanwhile and see hw first…cos the $$ is impt..for the studies and flat..if I take unpaid leave,then it will hv a big impact on my work position when I return..my job sucks cos I cant take 1 or 2 days leave as and when we like..we are onli allow to ballot our leave end dec for the following yrs leave,and we hv to take 1 wk(mon-sun) block leave.so it’s quite tedious..

Spoiltbabe>I nt sure if it’s my work tat’s stressed..or wedding or studies..or everyth….i tink I hv overcome my biggest prob after speaking to my hubby last nite…I will see hw it goes..i tink it’s all in my mind…if I reali cant overcome it after my wedding nxt mth then I will reconsider my resignation..bt ur msg reali make me happy.

Rach>=) reali reali sincerely happy to hv u gals here as frens..love u all...haha..mushy ya…will try to come in more often!!will try to steal some time in btwn assignments.!!


New Member
yay! Jane! we can see your photos soon!


ya. my package with silhouette doesn't include flowers for pre-wedding photography. ya, also heard Poppy's flowers are simple and small...so didn't want to use them for pre-wedding and spend so much. Ok. My florist is Mrs Teo. Her shop is at Blk 85 Bedok North St 4 #01-124. It's actually at a wet market. Got to know her through monkeymuffin. (thanks! monkeymuffin, if you are reading this!! ) i paid $45 for my bouquet. She also gave a free flowers for my husband's buttonhole.

You take a look at my photos and see if you like her. Her arrangement is ok, really. Quite simple and classic. However, because of the hot weather and my choice of flowers (cream roses) they look like a little limp. But luckily in the photos they look ok. I don't know if i should still use her or (backside itchy!) try someone else. Was thinking of The FLower Place outside Pan Pac hotel. Their roses are HUGE!


New Member
pinky81, i just saw your pictures! where is the place that you took your photo? Soooo pretty! the flowers are so beautiful! you look very sweet in your WG.
I like the skirt, very 'soft' and fluffy!
why so few pics?? heh heh! post more leh! :p


New Member
Wah! pinky81! where did you go for your overseas wedding shoot? the scenery is beautiful and the weather is so fine! can see the clear blue sky.
like your pictures! so natural and yet romantic.
which is you AD gown? the soft fluffy one, or the tiered one?


New Member
hey gals, actually besides the bouquet (supplied by my BS) and the corsages, what are the flowers essential needed to procure? I am doing my solemnization in a function room abt 1hr before my banquet in the hotel,do i need to get flowers for this or will the hotel deco the room for the couple? Any others required? Have no idea on flowers man!


New Member
hey bubu, i think your hotel should be providing some basic deco for the function room. I will also be having a solemnisation at my hotel before my banquet, and my co-ordinator at the hotel said they will be providing some simple decor. mine isn't a function room. but at a outdoor pavilion at the hotel, and if wet weather will move to function room with some basic floral decor. best to check with your hotel.
i also have to check with mine to see how 'basic' or 'simple' their basic decor is!
