dor>hehe.. its okay la.. u stay further ma..
Ah Net>we called u a dozen times loh.. and u can say we didnt... faint.. we were online almost everyday and talking about meeting up..
Hehhee.. and you forgotten... next outing must call u specifically liaoz.. hahha...
but ur hp was off... but u just told me yest that u batt flat.. then no choice loh..
Karen> we left at 10plus.. you should have called us ma.. u dun have our number meh??
Yah..that gal is called Sherry... 4E4 one. hahaha...
Soya> haha.. so now we can go ur house liaoz la?? next gathering at your place??
Wah... u got the most expensive version somemore... wah.. u all good la...
We no spare cash for this liaoz loh.... sigh.. maybe i can get my mummy to buy for me. hahahhahaa....
She's a member of Hock Hwa.. hehhee..
Net>kire & me say dor look like u.. really loh.. and u both use SK-II one loh.. hahahhaa....
YL> good idea.. Mmm... so a sat in May huh?? I'll be going in June to print... so... maybe we can go in May loh..
To check it out again.. hehehe...
May 10 my ROM.. so out.. 17th.. i got wedding on 16th to attend leh.. dunno tired or not.. coz my PS is 13 & 15th May...
Else 24th May loh.. u all think too long to meet up? can rite?
we all online see everyone everyday liaoz.
Hahhaa... and now i reply i can see the faces in my head.. hehehe..
Apple cider need to take long term one... but just 1 or 2 weeks.. it helps to cleanse ur system too..
fortunemew> haha.. i saw YL too.. just saw the 2 of u only.. but i had 2 other couple frens who went also la..
fanny> you are welcome to join us... we're probaby setting the date now loh..
Never tried before leh.... exercise and good diet is always the best choice..
kire> really?? my mummy is member leh.. my downstairs got one hock hwa liaoz.. hehehhehe... must go po mummy liaoz... hahhaha.....
I got apple cider.. my uncle sell one.. forgot what brand liaoz... but drink with honey everyday actually suppposed to
clear stomach and lose weight.. One big bottle at home.. but i never drink leh.. Mmmm.. okok..
Cannot be lazy liaoz.. got good stuffs must eat.. hahha....
wah u all good lo.... drink fancl... eat birdnests, use SK-II.. i cant afford this kind of life man..
All my money going to wedding liaoz.. sigh.... Got elaborate wedding, no elaborate bride.. hahaha....
kire, u best leh... u do almost everything to slim down.. best.. hahhaa...