Gee ladies,
Sounds like we all making good progress...
Seems 2 me even though there r some stuff we wish 2 fast fast settle, but pple ard us jus give us e comment..."Why e hurry?"
Oki loh, worse come 2 worse, plan simple loh...then u won get overstressed...
Thinking of getting my helpers after CNY...esp e key pple like recep/ushers/coordinators/emcee etc. Brief them 1st loh...if possible let them do some thing 4 u 2 offload u...
I took up e course more of it being work related...oso they understand my position as a btb, so qite flexi w e modules... In fact, as e day draws nearer,say 1-1/2 mths away, i can take a break n chong 4 e last details.
Jus curious which wedding cake supplier u all intend 2 hav? My cousin took up a bakery called Gin Thye Cake maker (qite popular if u looked under e thread on wedding banquet) Seems like cupcakes/doughnuts is e rage now.
Jus spoke 2 my htb...realized e 4 main things we need 2 clear r:
a. Caterer for lunch recep
b. Guests lists/print wedding cards/ call up overseas guests
c. honeymoon deal
d. come out w prog for church wedding/ discussion w pastor
Smaller details..
a. get e stuff 4 gdl
b. wedding bands
c. gifts 4 him n parents
Tat shld keep us busy in Feb.
Oh ya, jus a slight observation abt myself, notice in e process of wedding prep, i've been qite task oriented 2 my htb...sighz tink gotta chill a bit as difference in opinions can affect each other's mood...prep may b impt, but nothing takes priority 2 e one in front of u...
Soooo, guess jus as we support one another in work progress... we shld not worry 2 much over incompletion of certain tasks within e time will work out in e end...
Oh ya, my PS is this week...Yeh!