(2008) Brides of year 2008


New Member
Hi Jac, I was just thinking of going to a short, less than 1 week holiday, holing up in a suite in Bali. Don't plan to spend more than $1k for this trip. Cos we are planning a major trip to Tasmania or NZ in 2009 for property/land hunting. Thinking of retiring in overseas after some time.

MeiLinG, 40k is alot. Do remem you still need to spend on house. Europe trips take a lot of planning cos many countries to visit... Or maybe just go visit two to three small countries but spend more time.

Flora, you are a Liverpool fan? Same here. We actually wanted to see the old stadium. My partner say he may be too overwhelmed to speak should he be there. He wanted to feel the atmosphere & anguish of the deaths there. Yeah, he is a fanatic at times.
The pink CS is suitable for other formal events too. Very sweet.

providencia is rite. Therefore if you or your spouse earns commission/allowances, avoid submitting electronic payslips if it shows a combined income of 8k & above. Get the HR person to write a letter stating your basic monthly salary. Cos this is what we did!! We sort of 'under declare'. If HDB take a look at our IR8s....hahahah......:p


New Member
thanks jojo...will update u gers wen there's any progress...=)

heard abt tis bedok florist too....as mine is under BS...mi hardly does any customisation so as not to engagae in any topup $$$ 'war' again.....


New Member

my evil plan sort of worked, then back fired!!!!
sigh....FH too smart liao....

anyway, i HOPE i can meet up with some of the nicer (to me) PGs and see how FH responds... :p
very xian w PG hunting...ahah


New Member
Jojo, you used the purple "cabbage-looking" flowers as your posy ah? I used that for my ROM. My mother in law did it for me


New Member
how did it backfire?? I can imagine how u must be feeling when you thought you are going to succeed in your plan....

Have you met up with Daniel Beh yet?
Keep going, you'll be very glad when you have found our PG cos that means one more check on your checklist.


New Member
hi uksportgal,
they look so pretty, i've frens who got d colourful verison too. im interested buying these, how much does they cost n r they easy to paste on? my frens who got all these found it hard to paste n at d end, they didnt use them so it's a bit wasteful


New Member
Hi hi...
Thanks for the welcome!

ya quite tough to find hotels.. a lot taken up..
coz we din know have to start searching so early, thought bout 10 mths is sufficient.. haha

my BS haven source, thinking of waiting after CNY.. usually how many mths earlier is advisable to take PS? I'm still wearing my braces.. dunno when can remove yet! haha
Do u think taking PS in Jul/Aug is in reasonable time?


New Member
hi Jo, wow, I didn't know the leadtime for the MTM gowns takes so long. Thanks for the info.

hi Sockie, does Sophia offers to do the wedding montage in your package? I am not sure whether still can add this request in even after we have signed up for the package. any idea?


New Member
*let's cross our fingers n pray*

yah, i know *feeling guilty* trying to cut down on expenses...hopefully can save a couple of thousands n hope dat wont make such a huge loss frm d banquet *pray*
well, for us, we intend to take d tour package n alrdy on d lookout for those packages ard 12 days, we cant afford to take many small trips cos we r both wking in sch n dec supposed to b preparation for d nxt yr

die liao...i wonder civil servants can write letters for pay declaration but i guz they always ask us to submit electronic payslips...sian :p


New Member
hey anyone know if a bride's younger brother is need to tag along to the groom house on AD day?
heard that it's bcos on AD the couple will be going back to the bride side for tea ceremony and according to tradition, the younger brother will need to fetch his sister back for tea ceremony.
anyone going to do this?


New Member
Thank you very much for the contacts and the tips on what to consider for AD MUA :-D I am based in New york now...makes it harder for me to plan wedding...cant really trial first, more like book first than trial..haha

I will touch base with Dana to check out her rates.WOW!! her website pics are really nice...from plain looking into a princess! Amazing! My spore friend also introduced Ophelia (Cui Cui). Apparently she is very good too. I spoke to her this morning and so said her charge is SGD 680 including 1 day, 1 night and 1 trial makeup & hairdo. Price includg fake eyelashes for day and also for night. Ampoule is $25. Accessories are provided. Sounds like a good deal, right? and i already like her just over the phone..haha!

The Xi wordings are really nice. How much huh>? I like the round ones with a pair of dove!

Hey Meiling - thank for your welcome note :D!! I must be one of the latest ones to join this forum..haha..so late la..saw a lot of interesting discussion from all of you :D. My wedding date will be on 11 Oct 08. So far, only booked venue, ordered a dress here in NY + booked photographer..that's all.. you all seems all set! ai yo, i really need to catch up... ;p


New Member
Thank, evisu. received and will call him soon.

Nec, you got any photo & video contacts?
what evil plan was Jac referring to??


New Member
Or MeiLinG, see if you can get your latest letter of appointment, showing the salary. Because I know of some friends who KeKiang submit their notice of assessment/IR8A and those will show the fat bonus which bump up their salary. HDB will use the annual amount & divide into 12. Therefore, exceed the amount.

So holidaying in Dec? Tour packages will cost more and more crowded planes but never mind, you will make the most of it. Take time to look into each other's eyes! This is the time to enjoy.


New Member
oh i only intend to submit d monthly payslip which doesnt include all d bonuses n claims :p thanks for reminding me! *phew!*
yah, we got no choice cos we cant travel during d sch term...so definitely it's more ex n crowded


New Member
hi hi,

i am planning for my wedding in 08. But yet to start on anything. Looking thru the forum everyone seems to start planning so soon! Gee, i need all the help i can get!


New Member
Nec has this *evil* plan to kinda tempt her HTB to go with her suggestion on getting the more costly PG. We were discussing abt it in another thread...in the June-Dec08 brides thread...feel free to join us there.


New Member
hi irene, welcome to our OCT thread.. wow.. NY?! so cool... i love that place although i hv never been to.. i fell in love with NY through the movies i watched hahaha.

your dress muz b really unique and pretty... hehe

hi mei.. wah then i better not see your colleague.. mine will be so pale in comparison. haha. She so tai tai.. wat for she still work? stay home or open own shop better.. haha.


New Member
Hi Ann

me oso 24th may bride..
already done my indoor PS last mth.. but due to bad weather my outdoor PS postphone till tomolo.. hope tomolo weather gd gd...

anyway.. my food tasting will be end of next mth..


New Member
wanna check: any brides who is teochew and HTB is hokkien?

Ya meiling,
we're keeping our fingers crossed for the next bi-monthly thing...hope there's good flats up for sale and we're the ones to get the good flat...a bit like wishful thinking....

I think honeymoon in Europe during Dec might be fine cos a lot of Europeans (even Americans) travel during this period to avoid the harsh winter. But have to take note of Christmas hols period cos almost all shops will be closed during that period, so there might be very little activity if you wanna go shop and sight see.

I also thought of retiring overseas....want to set up a farm....You so fast already going to hunt for lan/property overseas already? Is that for retirement or for overseas work?


New Member
nelle, you mean we can exclude allowances? If that's the case, I can apply for HDB loan liao.

Yes, we are LFC supporters. We also prefer to visit the current stadium before they shift to a new one. Hopefully we can ever catch a live match there. That would be wonderful!

hmm... maybe I shall go try the CS later after wk.

Oh like to add on to providencia's info. She is rite that if inc exceed $8k cannot buy new flat from HDB. But then can buy the new EC from HDB coz inc ceilling is $10K. But then no HDB loan and grant.


New Member
one disadvantage of a logical n sensible FH is that evil plans don't work!! at least, not to expectations!!

in any case, i've mailed daniel beh couple of days ago, no reply yet.
and i've also mailed a couple others.
not my fav wansheng tho... lol..$4k!!!
i still feel too heart pain to spend $4k on 1 pg. that's like 3 tables + for the banquet.

this website has a directory of photographers, you can slowly work your way down the list...


New Member
no prob...wah, u r in new york now n yet u have to prepare for ur wedding? must b really tough on u, have u gotten ur family or frens to help u?
wah....im really wondering how ur dress looks like...must b glam like those hollywood actresses
dun worry, im sure there's still time for u to prepare for ur wedding...there's still abt 9 mths left for most of us here

hehehe....mayb she's earning extra $ or trying to pass her time....u know lah, rich ppl r easily bored n poor ppl cant afford to b bored, juz like me...somemore her hubby is a VP leh :p


New Member
Jac, for semi-retirement at age 45-50. We harbor this thought of being vineyard owners. Just the 2 of us, may not have enough to buy. We'll rope in some frds, if require. Alternatively, just buy empty plot for building houses.

Flora, can. But your HR person or your direct boss must word very carefully. Mine is: "To whom it may concern." Next para: "This is to confirm the monthly salary of XX (NRIC no. XX) is $XX." To be signed off in the co's letterhead.


New Member
yah lor, same here, hope to have some luck in d nxt bi-mthly sale...it's alrdy my 5th attempt n i still havent got a flat....really regret dat i didnt take up last yr else i can happily prepare for my flat now

yah for my fh n i, we intend to go during 1st-2nd wk of dec, we try to avoid xmas as well as we wld rather spend time wif our families n frens to celebrate xmas in sg


New Member
wah u gals r really planning ahead for retirement....i cant even imagine myself in 10 yrs' time....wif d increased std of living, doubt i'll have excess $ to buy land overseas


New Member
MeiLinG, you can. Just that you have to sacrifice big time now. I thought I can't too but my partner taught me to see things differently. We attend overseas property seminars/launches, land auctions, anything and everything. When you go there, it is not just to see the products, ask the agents how to get loan and the payment rates. Ask the people who attend also. You will realise they are as 'poor' as you & me.

For eg. I miss an opportunity to buy a particular piece of land near NZ's Nelson Bay. Silly me, thought that house look crap. The cost is about S$200k. I can take a loan and rent out the house (although the rental is not enough to cover the mthly loan payment). That was 5 years ago. Now that exact land, ha ha, is worth S$1m. So sometimes, don't dismiss opportunities, I mean, it does not hurt to look see rite.


New Member
hiyo! i'm an OCT 08 bride. new here

actual wedding day cum ROM is set on 10th. have confirmed with fiori bridal for the package but still looking for a hotel for the banquet.
any reccomendations for a 50-60 table venue?
many thanks!


New Member
xlb, is the church u mentioned a Christian church?

psh, where are u going for your photoshoot?

josfoo, food tasting so soon one ah? Not a month b4 your AD and i have not contacted my coord yet.. I'm also a 24 May bride. May u have a good weather tmr. Cheers!


New Member
I think you have to call HDB and ask if their allowance is counted in or not. The best is not to state the allowance, if possible, just state basic pay only.


New Member
Are you a wine lover? Vineyard sounds great! I'm an animal lover, so would like to rear diff kinds of animals...

It will be our first time for the bi-monthly sales...this time round its the North area right? You going to get flats in Woodlands? Ya I think early last year would be easier to get flats, demand didn't seem that high at that time.


New Member
hello josfoo...
wah quite a number of ppl on 24th May AD,=)
i have not done my PS,i just went for my fitting yesterday...
to josfoo,where u taking your photoshoot?

anyone know if
changi terminal 3 ok for photoshoot?need approval for shooting?


New Member
if you all are hunting for photography/video/animation.. can try Coffee and Tea Dreamworks.Their work is very nice and professional..


New Member
Hi, i am a bride to be in 2009......decided to pop in into this topic as i am curious if anyone after AD managed to reover your cost with the angpow that your relatives had given? We are kind of worried that we would be in debt after the whole event. Thanks for all advises.


New Member
hi janet,
welcome to this thread! i'll update ur details in d tables...do keep me updated of ur details in future so i can add in for u...
for 50-60 tables, any budget so we can better recommend u? hmmm...but at tis time, most hotels might have been booked by now.

hi uksportgal,
if u gona order/buy, pls let me know d pricing n include me ok? cos im too lazy to scout for such stuff :p


New Member
Jac, yes, we drink ever so often. Normally I drink a glass every 2-3 days. Love animals too. My partner's another secret desire is to have a animal farm for ALL unwanted/ill-treated pets.

Problem of a vineyard is, none of us has agricultural degree! Have to employ people.


New Member
wah....it's really inspiring to hear wat u say cos i nv tot abt all these b4...hmm, shd start planning n discuss wif my fh when we settled our flat n den have abit of excess cash...he's thinking of migrating to australia cos he has got many frens there when he studied there :p

dun b too honest...declare ur basic salary, dun declare ur allowances :p

oic, wah....at least u wont feel disappted like me, if im going for it again, it's alrdy my 6th attempt...hdb alrdy got $60 admin fee frm me liao :p
nope, im only going to get flats in nth-east area, woodlands too far for me liao...yah i agree, i shd have gotten my flat last yr


New Member
hi jeslynn, u liaise with cole?
i was considering GHA actually but my FH got so irritated with Cole's attitude. I was actually prepared to sign with GHA already... sigh...
