Piglet, ur dept champion! Half gone! Jialat, the 50% remaining have to work til late late liao!
Mei, yalor... Moved back also difficult, dun moved back also cham... U hv no choice but to stay put and hide inside your room!
Yalor, my ILs side... They never teach their children manners one. I just cant be bothered and i just diam diam lor.. Treat it like watching show!
Jhoo, so good! Ur MIL ironed Honeymilktea's pants for you! For me, my hubby and I ironed our clothes separately but when i m not so tired, i will iron for him too....
Smilez, morning sickness strikes ppl differently. For me, I cant stand the smell of fishy stuff or spices... I will vomit the minute i brushed my teeth in the morn! Very cham one... But, i try to think positive coz they says symptoms of morning sickness means baby is growing well in the tummy!
Will be going to see my gynae on this Sat for my normal check up!
Looking forward to see my piglet!