Any March In Songs 2 Recommend???

Hi Jenn,

Is it possible for you to send me the following songs? [email protected]

1) Love of my life - Emil Chua
2) The Bond (Instrumental)
3) Be My Guest

Thanks you very much.


New Member
hi Jenn,

Can I have this songs as well ?
1) Love of my life - Emil Chua
2) The Bond (Instrumental)
3) Be My Guest


New Member
Hi Jenn
could u kindly send me some songs for my wedding dinner? and do u hv any nice song esp for march in and when serving of 1st dish (anything but kitaro song) thx alot!!

my email : [email protected]


Active Member
Hi Nicole,
I had send u Allegrato by THE BOND, this song is suitable for 1st dish

For march in, i had send u what i had used for my AD
1st march in - Perfect Moment
2nd marc in - I finally found some1.


New Member

i'm having my rom in a hotel and there'll be a short march-in... any songs to recommend for a short march in? also any list of songs to be played thru out the event?
pls email to [email protected]

thks in advance!!


New Member
Hi Jenn,
Can I have the following song.
1) Love of my Life
2) Perfect Moment
3) The Bond

Tks alot!

By the way, Happy V Day!!!
