Hi everybody,
High Five for YC brides!
What we need here is some moral support for one another - assurance on our decisions, esp. in the midst of all the negative comments so far and temptations of better packages outside.
I agree wholeheartedly that the staff are extremely helpful. I am very comfortable with them and Yvonne.
Minne and Fengjie were there to give me comments when I tried on some gowns. And they don't "lao wang mai gua, zi mai zi kua" - say "nice nice" to everything.
When I tell them I don't like this gown because ....., or the gown would look better if....., they are very gracious at listenning to my views and give me their frank comments too.
They don't force or bluff you to take a design that don't look good on you. Infact, when I tried on some that do not suit me, I know and before I say anything, Fengjie was already there shaking her head and Minnie would enthusiatically rush off to get me something she thinks would be better.
Since my wedding would't be until next year, it's still too early to talk to Xiao Cai. Hence, I reserve my comments on his character. Skills wise, I won't say he's very good or creative. His is market standard. Seen several bridal studios that offers similar packages as YC, and observes that their photography also similar style.
My two cents opinion again: What differentiates an album from another is more than the photographer alone. The couple in the photo also makes a huge difference;a beautiful couple makes a picture appears nicer.
Food for thought: Couple A and Couple B had taken their photo at the same place, in similar poses, shared the same makeup artist and photographer. But you feel that Couple A's photos are better taken. Could it be because Couple A is a) more beautiful/handsome, b) more photogenic , c) more natural in front of the camera, d) all the above?
Even if If Couple A had their photo taken by X and Couple B taken by Y, does that mean that X is better than Y? Not necessary.
Photography is like art. You cannot always expect to achieve the same quality of work everytime from an artist. Sometimes, the best pictures are those that you least expected. I emphatise because I was in my sec sch and JC photographic club. I remember the time we wanted to participate in a national photographic competition, I had taken at least 5 rolls of film only to have a handful really fantastic photographs (we thought) fit for the purpose. (In the end, I only managed a consolation award. kekeke)
In fact, I thought Xiao Cai's photographic orientation has improved over the time he was at YC. When he first joined, I was like..."eee..er.." when saw his photos in the mag. I was pleasantly surprised that recent albums I saw were coming up to my expectations. I hope he keeps up with his improvement. There's definitely room to be better.