Yvonne Creative


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pls send to me too

[email protected]



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Hi shay

exciting to see your pictures ,checked mailbox , :)

Dear all the bride from YC
next month going for my fitting soon yeah. previous experience from YC are really unpleasant. Hope that next session they will prove how good their service are with their sincerity, finger cross.......wooo. kit kat i really stay positive, pray for me. hahahah


New Member
lala>> dun worry.. everything will be ok

im going for first fitting on next mth too. so far i've pleasant exp with them and i hope they wont disappoint me..


New Member
Hi Kit kat

wooo.. you must be very excited cos can try the gown and choose the nice nice gown for your wedding le... you gg with your HB or friends? bring your friends along so they could give you some opinions and take pic for you.hahah

hmm.. i dont know when is mine fitting day because ever since i have agurment with the co-ordinator ,then my HB call yvonne for this issue so after this incident my HB was the one liase with them but so far my HB still nv receive any call from them to inform us the fitting day , actually i think they don't practise to call customer inform the fitting day , actually all the while i called them and check . so i will remind my HB gonna take his initiative to call them and check again ba.


New Member
Hi Lala (bossom)

Ya, me quite excited.... for the past 1 year i have been accompany a few of my best frez for gown fitting, now is my turn....kinda excited!

Will be going with my HTB and 1 of my gal frez, dun wish to ask too many frez along, if not comment is so different!

I think YC do not really have this practice to call up to arrange an appt with us, coz i also call them up to say i wan to fix it on 11 may...

hope u really stay cheerful,,,,, not coz of the coordinator and spoiled ur wedding preparation ok!!!


New Member
kit kat

i can understand how excited you are hahaha cos i'm also felt the same ma but only when i got there and saw they dont smile and black face all your excited mood gone liao.... :-(

i think you have to let them know when you want the 1st and 2nd fitting or trial make up date. Is better that you call them up if not you might miss your wedding day.. hahah just kidding ya...

remember to capture some pic of the gown you choose and let us see ya..

No worry kit kat... i will not let them spoil my wedding preparation... hehehe... no worry i'm a cheerful ,happy go lucky type (only turn to lion when ppl try my patient)... have to remind my HB call them and check with fitting date if not i dont need to get married liao.whahahaha...

Did shay send you any PS pics already? waiting for that, remember to send us your gown pictures too..yeah...

By the way when is your AD and wedding dinner?


New Member
Hi all..

My BS is also YC...ermm...going to take my PS in jun...any advice on wat needs to be done from now till then?..Already went for my 1st fitting...and chosen the WG & EG...all went well..EG range is not as wide as WG....


New Member
hi Arkie .. u have chose both your WG & EG on your 1st fitting? thats fast of you haha .. any photos posted online for us to see?

advices: book padicure & manicure? facial? hair colouring? bought yr heels for PS? then is to drink enough water and have enough sleep and look forward to yr PS


New Member
hi jinger...ya lor..i tot its normal to choose on 1st fitting...till i read through the comments here..then realized my hand n leg too fast liao.. :p i din manage to take any photos..very difficult to take them discreetly..hahaha.. Actually now i m tinking shld i go down again to see if i can get to try more EG.. how many EG did you choose for your PS?

Thx for your advices! ermm...i guess my biggest problem will the heels...seems quite difficult to find a pair that is suitable and yet not too expensive..any good suggestions on this?
Wow Lala.. you have been through quite alot.

Well I'm still a BTB looking around for BS. Every BS have good and bad experience. All i can say is, BA ZI BU HE. Maybe cos you request to change they may also think you difficult customer. I'm not standing on their side, i'm also a customer. Its your wedding don't get affected by them. You must stay positive. I wish you all the best!

You paid up all or by different installment?
YOu choose your photos already?


New Member

Ya... we signed up with YC two years ago and pay my installment (12mths)...
i havent choose the photos..last week..Jean called le... asked us go for photos choosing...but too busy.. so have to fix the appointment next mth!!! HAI...


New Member
hi Arkie .. you should if you dun like the EG that u have chose. once in a lifetime ma. btw i haven chose any gowns for my PS. Most probably going to MTM.

heels i also headache. my feet will have blister on most of my heels. i saw a shop at Dhoby Guat Echange that sell sort of bridal heels. but not too sure of the comfort and price. maybe can check it out.

fish .. awaiting to see your album layout haha ..


New Member
hi fish..did u get an open toes or covered heels?..u got more than 1 pair of heels for your PS? Do you some some pix to show how your heels look like?..i dunno which type will be better.. :p how was ur PS? do you have some photos to share?..actually i m hving headache over the EG oso..did not see 1 that i really like to be worn for PS..

hi jinger..ya lor i tot so too..but on my fitting day, i din see any EGs tat catch my eyes..seems like YC has got a better selection of WG than EG...maybe bcos i m too fussy.. :p
hahaha...i oso confirm will get blisters..on both my toes and back of my feet..maybe i should chk out the shop that you have mentioned..thx a lot!...


New Member
sure.. I will show u gals the album once done... but we can only meet Jean nx mth as our schedule for this mth is quite pack... believe, the album also need sometime to do it.. rite???

Do u have facebook?? I posted my PS photos (snap shoot) there... U may want to look at it.. my facebook email is [email protected]
Do add me if u have wor..
Hmm.. for my case, indoor, i wear my AD shoes.. but i believe the gowns are too long, unable to see lei!! haha..
As for outdoor... REMEMBER REMEMBER.. dont wear ur AD heel... find something nice and comfortable heel to wear.... u might dirty ur AD heel if u going outdoor shoot...


New Member
yo chinkerina

ya i agree what you said, BA ZI BU He.... hahaha no worry i understand what you meant, maybe they really think it that way like what you said because of i want to change the co-ordinator... and now i already put all these aside because wedding preparation need alot of of strength and effort so save up for wedding rather than those unnecessary issues....

hi arkie

actually i able to get my wedding shoes at malacca when i went there for one day trips , i get it from (name of the shop: the summit) at RM 69.90 and got 10% less. actually i saw these design quite alot of time but just scare that cant match to my WG or EG but at the end i still bought it because compare to singapore branch (the Summit) they are selling at SGD 59-79 . After the exchange rate m'sia still consider the best deal.. And i did not think much for the design because one of my married gf told me after you wear the EG & WG the shoes cant been seen my other (if the gown long enought to cover) . But if you choosing short length dress like what fish wear then you got to really look for a nice pair of wedding heels shoes. Park mall have some shop , and Tanjong pagar(International Plaza) also got MTM shoes for bride you might wanto go there have a look.


New Member
yes.. there is one shop at IP that MTM bride's shoes. but dunno exp anot.

agreed on the BA ZI BU HE thingy. it happens anywhere, anytime and anyone.


New Member
the shop at IP selling MTM shoes.. expensive wor!!! Last time i work at IP.. i see the shop before... but dare not go in.. coz ppl comment expensive... wahaha!!
btw, if u go M'sia... Summit shoes reli GOOD quality and cheap.... JB also got Summit wor!!! I think City Squre also have this shop...


New Member

hahaha... i look wider now (KAN KAI LE) hahah..

the shoes they taller make are very expensive if i'm not wrong 60bucks above.. you got any face book or friendster? later i'm going to upload my trial make up pic (w/o eyelasher ) but eyes are also bigger than no make up apply.


take a look , cos my eyes are single eyelid as yours, and give some comment such as the is the make too heavy or too gothic.heheh


New Member
Lala (bossom)

thanks thanks for all the advise.. not yet received Shay PS.

well,i will sure take photo of my choice. as many ppl say,, Their choice of EG is not that wide, kinda disppointed


New Member
you are most welcome .....their EG not very much, limited...so kinda hard to get the one we like... any advise ? can dont chose EG?


New Member
arkie (arkie)

you are right, as per my friend, she say EG is not much choice.............

Hi Lala

My AD - 21 nov at holiday inn park view


New Member
hi Fish,
yupz!..i got facebook...later i go n add u. thx for the good advice!..like tat muz buy 2 pairs liao... can ask u..how many EGs did u choose for ur PS?

hi Lala,
me din go to JB leh..nvrtheless, i can go to the s'pore Summit to take a look..haizz..juz dun remind myself of the xchange rate.. :p

hi Kit Kat,
ya lor..a bit disappointed..i made another appt to see if i can heng heng find an EG of my liking..

By the way, any BTB has Chris as the MUA? I heard from my coordinator that she is not bad oso..cos i wan light and natural make-up..


New Member

if u have okok white /silver heels... and ur outdoor PS gowns are all long type.. no need waste $$ to buy new pair.. coz cant reli see!!!

I onli have one EG (the AD) de...
Singapore got Summit meh??? hmm... where ya???


New Member

actually you dotn nd to buy two pair , you can just wear your normal shoes when you wear the gown got train and long enough to cover than change to ur wedding shoes when you got short length gown.. haha then can sace money!!!hahah... and jus forget abt the exchange rate.. i got back and take my shoe pic for you gal to see. hahah maybe not as nice as singapore design...


i know there is a branch (summit) at suntec city..


New Member
Fish....saw ur photos...very very pretty...ermm...i dunno tink i will look nice wif make-up (stresszzzz.....).. Really?..cant see huh?..ermm...like tat i dun hv to rush into buying 1 now..at least u found an EG that caught ur eyes..i m gng down to YC this week to see if i can heng heng find 1 that i really like..if not...haizz...

Lala..ya..i tink suntec or city link has 1..cant rem clearly.. :p
i wun be wearing the short dress..cos i look very funny in it...everyone nearly fell from their chairs... Guess u r rite,i save myself the $$ to get a pair of heels (at least for the PS).. :p yes, plz...can show me the pix if u got ur heels?.. i need some samples to see..cos i dun normally wear heels..so not tat good in it..


New Member

Dont say tt... i think all gals will look nice after make up wor!!! u will look nice... not to worry...
I also thought i wont look nice if i wear short gown... coz i see myself from mirror... the legs not straight de wor!! but i dont care... then yuan lai, the photos look quite ok... u should try... otherwise too plain for the album..
hi all, I've just finishd my big day. Am really happy with YC's service (thou there were hiccups)..
If you are looking for nice shoes, can try one shop at far east plaza, Anna Nucci.. I bot mine from there.


New Member

try getting 2 heels for your AD, one for standby. my friend broke the heels on her AD. end up she wore her Jiemei's heels.

as for myself, i wore the anna nucci heels in the morning, it hurt me so muchhh... in the end, during my wedding dinner, i wear a normal heels which i m more comfortable with (gown so long, no one can c the heels de). as i got 55 tables, if i going to walk around wif tat pain pain heels, think i will flip... haha


New Member
I also bought my ROM shoes from Anna Ricci @ Far East. Think they also have an outlet at Jurong Point new extension that side.

After my ROM, i still got wear them to attend wedding dinners. Haha... Keeping them properly so I could wear during PG shoots and actual day.

Going to get 1 more pair after I choose my gowns next yr ba. Better standby in case... pain at least still can switch hor? hehe...


New Member
lee jiawei's BS oso from White Link.. her gown contains 38,888 swaroski crystals and cost $13k!
she said "they (WL) put on other jobs on hold so they can give her full attn."

izzit cos she is some big shot? so she deserves the top notch services...?
but if im the customer of WL, i will be veri sad to read this. cos my job may be put as second priority. *roll eyes*


New Member
My experience is good. I jus went YC for 1st fitting yday. My coordinator is Jean.. She's indeed friendly and after trying 20 over gowns, she's still helpful and putting on a smile. She'll give good advise and knows what type of gowns suits you..


New Member
no.. i wasnt allow to take any pics.. so sad... but i saw another couple taking photos. but their coordinator says can only take the confirm gowns..
