Yvonne Creative


New Member

u decide where u going for ur outdoor le??? rest more and rest early the nite b4 PS... dont drink too much water the nite b4...


New Member

let me know is adrian good in the photo taking not... tomorrow will be going down for 1st fitting , and sunday fanny will do the make up for me. Fish is your eyes single eyelid also? DOnt felt offended because mine also single eyelid and my eyes are very the small so i scare after make up my eyes looks like a black line only. so very scare hope that fanny can do good make up for my eyes.


New Member

there are few places for outdoor shooting are quite nice , eg: changi village, botanic garden, mesuem(i like the place that fish took the pic!) mount faber also not bad though.


New Member
Yes yes... no worry... we all single eyelid.. haha... my eye also very smalll..when laugh...cant see eye tt kind.... then when PS make up... fynix never reli put tt sticker...coz my eye very very stubborn... so... she use the make up technique to make my eye look bigger but yet natural... very good... i gonna ask her do the same for my AD make up...


u can consider the waterfall at Botanic Garden... Hort Park...
I have send an attachement for your reference...


New Member
chjimes oso not bad... juz that need to pay $500 to shoot inside.. zzz..
lala, let us know how's your fitting


New Member
missybrooklynn>> no pro!! will let you know after my fitting but can i take some photo (by my gf) when i try the gown? hopefully pei fen allow me to do so, and hope that she provide a good service. :)

Fish>> ya lo, your eyes are bigger than mine , mine cant really even see when i laught and only one line, but your eyes look nice in the PS cos they are natural and big, Fynix 's skills are the best!!! must ask her to do your AD make up call and book her 1st. hahaha


New Member
Amazing rite??? my eyes (without make up)... is juz a very normal and small single eyelid eye... but after the make up Fynix did... my eyes juz look so BIG!!! diaoz!!!! POWER... MAKE UP is POWER...


New Member
Yes!!! make up is magic.. hahaha.. actually i dont know your eyes are single eyelid when i look at your PS untill i look at your normal pic i realise your eyes are single eyelids, so meant that fynix are good in her make up!!! hope to see your PS picture soon.yeah!


New Member
Can anyone advise me.. usually when photo seletion... wat kind of price package they gonna offer u??? like $1500 for 30-40pcs... $2000 for 40-50pcs??

we choose the photos from computer de huh? i got frenzs... their BS developed out all the photos for them to see... then nice de.. take.. not nice de... juz throw... diaoz....


New Member
hi fish ..
ya choose the pixs from computer. those that u dun wan then delete away. heard from my friend who is a ex-YC bribe. they feel so heartpain to see those beautiful pixs goes into the recycle bin thus added another 60 pixs for itink ard $3,000.

u plan to add pixs arr? im telling myself not to but dunnoe can resist anot.


New Member

they didn offer me any price package during the photo selection.

we sent a budget for ourselves, we can only top up 15-20 pic. kekeke.. its veri hard but really got to control. cos this album one day will stuck in the stock room.

my customary over for 5 months liao.. think onli take out once to c... hahahaaa...
No pkg offered to me for the photos too. Just set your own budget on how much more you can afford.
My actual day is next sat... Fynix already called me and asked me if I will be gg down to YC anytime soon so that she can advise me if I need to trim my hair..
Jinger - I seldom use my multiply. I have a link in YouSendIt. I've emailed to you the link. You can d/l and take a look at some of the pics that Chris took for us..
I took my outdoor shoot at the Bottletree Park and Punggol beach.
May want to consider there.
And true enuf, if you have your own car, you can decide on the many locations you want, as long as time permits. Their car, just two locations.
During our photoshoot, we lost one of fynix's jewelery but she never ask us to return to her after that.. Nice of her.. :p


New Member
but dont top up photos... hmm.. think i cant control myself... haha!!
nvm la... just be more 'aunty' and bagain with them to get more photos at a slightly cheaper price!! wahaha!!


New Member
fish>> we were 'chatting' in the LM thread earlier.
now move back to here. haha.. :D

i saw a black EG at YC, veri nice lor. its black laces with silver ribbons and gold underneath the black laces iirc...

fh wasn't veri happy abt it but later gave in cos he oso finds it nice. hee... i hope both parents will be ok with me wearing black. but i oso scared even if they are ok, some of the san gu lo pos will complaint and badmouth behind us.



New Member
ya lor.. but for black EG have to accessorize until veri glam so that wont look bad for wedding.
my FH is not wearing black suits so we wont look like 2 blackies doing the sec march-in. haha..


New Member
Hi gals

I had my 1st fitting last friday but was not very happy with peifen and yvonne, and i KIV two gown for my hubby to see for the next fitting,cant find the gown i likes, and unhappy there , I found that the co-ordinator in YB they dont like to smile or interact with customer...... and had ty my trial make up with fanny last night! very happy with her skill! although nv go with eyelasher but my eye are much bigger when i took my own pic. And heard the MUA said that the PG (Alex) Are very fierce so will not choose him as my PS . :-(


New Member
i think will not intro any of my friends to yvonne creative because of yvonne said some unrpofessional to me in front of my friends and per fen and really make me angry and i felt dissappointed of them , my mood of married totally affected. if yvonne carry on this way of service attitude the bridal shop will go burst one day. really sad and felt like changing bridal shop now.


New Member

Aiyo.... like so terrible... or u wana change co-ordinator??? seems recently quite a no of ppl complain peifen's service wor...

wat Yvonne said??? why can make u so angry??? Yvonne is the Booss of YC wor...


New Member
fish>> maybe white or ivory colour to match with my black EG.

lala>> woah.. let's hope they are reading this..
but your trial makeup is with fanny or fynix? i nv heard of fanny.
so far most of us are having good exp with them. if peifen is really that bad, then i suggest change another coordinator. if not change BS lor. this is wat i thought initially too. at most i dun take up those package with PS from other BS.
but now that their svc have improved & im pleased with it so far, i will stick to it.

wedding is the most impt event in our life, nobody wanna ruin and spoilt it.


New Member
Fish=> i dont think it workd if i change the co-ordinator, cos i was assigned with Joanne but she give me attitude when i first saw her then i knew i cant work out with her so i called yvonne then she change peifen to me and after she change no one give me a call to inform me who was the new person, they only told me when i called up and checked, i think this is not the way they do biz,i felt hard to explain at here but i was affected from friday until now, i am not trying to be nice to them just use my nature and mature way to solve the things because emotional (angry) cant solve the problem ,but i think these are nto workable to them. At last friday, i wait pei fen walked to the back and holding yvonne hand and told her: Lady boss sometime you might need to call up ur customer and then you will get to know they are satisfied with your co-ordinator service and i told her i likes small yvonne service cos she really friendly and interact well with us,she said but small yvonne dont do co-ordinator job and pei fen are very good le, she are responsible, and lastly she tel me this in front of my friend, me and pei fen !!!!! we must be S KUAN YI DIAN( heart dont be so narrow) and dont be so S Xiong Xia ZAI!!!

i said a nice way to you and let you know what happened if you dont know what your co-ordinator did to the customer and you are the boss if they do bad service to customer you will nv get to know . is this the right way she speak those words to me , and i did not do anything worng i just give you my feedback yet she talk to me those bloody advice , she are so unprofessional when she said that to me, and my husband said will nv nv nv intro any friend to them!!!! NEVER!!! it affected my married Mood now, i'm angry till i cant said out any words when i heard that.

Missy>> indeed my trial make up was fanny not fynix , fanny are their previous MUA but no longer working with them and she has more than 10yrs experience! and she really make my single eyelids eye looked big and nice (w/o eyelasher) she told me will be bigger if i put on the eyelasher . i likes her make up cos of the eyes , look so anture and nice, i even give her some photo show her those hairstyle i would like to do , and she advice whick are the hairdo are suitable for ,e which are not. she are so much pleasant to share her opinion with me because my shape of face are abit square so she told me what kind of hairdo are suit me.
thsi come across my mind i wanto change BS but if i will needs to pay more even i dotn take PS with other bridershop, so not worth it. Dont mind i asked you , did pei fen loook very black face and serious when she served you . because to me allt he co-odinator there dont smile even when i smile or joke with them.... even fanny also felt that those girls are very black face, before that she work worked there service of the girls are very good during her batch, she told me now are different , their co-ordinator kept changing and the PG (alex) are damn fierce and alot of customer complaint to yvonne alex are hot temper but yvonne do nothing to the feedback just like what she told me , so i believe there are alot of unsatisfied customer with YC and just that they did not come to here(forum ) to share the bad services because they might not know this forum exists you see. and maybe ppl cant be bother to write also since already unahppy with them so it useless even they write here, just like me take it is my bad luck to get them as my wedsign package. I will be as nice as before for the next time rounf when i go there, cos i have my limit of tolerance , they are trying to bully or take advantage of me.


New Member
my coordinator is jean and i find her not bad leh. she will joke with me and laugh at my lame jokes too. but i havent really start working with her & the rest so cant comment too much. so far, im still quite positive with their svcs.
my frd's coordinator was joanne and we find her ok too leh. veri funny and helpful person too. i think fish's coordinator is oso joanne, rite?

not veri sure abt peifen as i dun even know who is she. only gotta know abt her from the thread lately.

there were gals in the thread complaining abt alex b4 and im sure the boss herself is aware of it. but dunno why they are not doing anything. or maybe they did but nothing changes lor.


New Member
hi Lala (bossom)

after reading ur comment, can see ut mood is badly affected by them? as mine AD is 1 wk before you only. and i will having my 1 fitting next mth and PS in june.

think the timing shld be enough for gown fitting and PS.. as my coordinator is Peifen......


New Member
Haiz... maybe is my bad luck , not my years, anyway i'm sick and tired to talk abt them ,useless to talk too much because nothing will change. By the way , Wish you gals blessing with happiness , BAI TOU XIE LAO, hold hands(ur hubby's hands)Till old , stay happy and enjoy the best day in your wedding day , Cheers


New Member
Eh... My coordinator is Joanna and MUP is Peyfen. So far, quite good experience with them too. Met Alex few times and he is quite friendly leh. He recognised me and my hubby when we were at Furama wedding show and were sharing with us where to head to take our PS. He actually stopped and talked to us awhile, sharing some stuff before continuing to walk around to take pics of the venue. They were still preparing for the fashion walk then.
IMO, he just looked fierce on the outside ba. Probably cos of his looks and people think he is fierce etc? My ex-colleague actually knows Alex personally and were saying his skills were good etc. Can see for yourself when comparing their PG works.


New Member
AIyo... why so terrible??????????? why my experience with YC is so diff from u... but i still feel is the co-ordinator's problem... ok... if u dont wana change ur co-ordinator... and u think Alex is fierce... better change to someone else... dont get affect ur PS mood by them...
I got a frenz.. she reli cant stand her BS.. then after done the PS... she signed up with another BS... end up... she paid $3K extra...

U wan to try jean? Jean reli friendly... and soft gal... she always laugh and smile de.. u are customer... who u wana them to be ur co-ordinator... is ur choice...
dont let them spoil ur mood wor!!!!


New Member
Hi Kit kat, badly affected , choose those gown you likes if cant found anything you like can arrange for antoher fitting dont force yourself make a rush decision on 1st fitting.cos this is your impt event in your life. Hope you work well with peifen then. Good Luck.

just FYI , from what fynix told me June's weather will be very hot so she advice me to the PS on July, peifen did not provide this infor to me at all cos i think she just wanna close the all the bridal package asap henc ewill not care other issue for you. but no obligation just to share with you only.


New Member
maybe because i'm a malaysian so they tense to bully me . actually my friends told me not to be so friendly to them again but i cant control cos i'm happy go lucky type hahah.
i wont change the co-ordinator cos i wanto use her to train my fierceness and so i can be more fierce when i face this type of ppl next time. :)


New Member
hi Lala (bossom)

Ya, i wont force myself to confirm the gown on my 1st fitting. coz i also a fussy gal, haha....
i will chose the gown which i really like, as wat u say, once in a life time, impt event!

and thanks for the info on the weather, as i call peifen last week to make the appt in May for gown fitting n i also told her i wish to take my PS in june, hence she nv told me that. may b i will discuss it with my HTB. whether to take in june or july, coz we afriad too rush.

Lala cheer up, dun let them affect ur mood.... BTB must be happy ya


New Member
Cheer up!!! cheer up...
anything... SHOOT here!!!! we are here to listen....
but... i reli advise u.. i know u reli not happy with peifen... but dont use her to train ur fierceness as wat u said... gown fitting and PS... once in a life time.. u must get someone u reli can work well...


New Member
Felt much more better after you gals cheers up. Haha... No Worry, i wont be angry of these for very long cos not good for my health also , and will get more wrinkle haha.Because my MUA told me have to do more mask for my face and now have to stop swimming to prevent my skin get tense (Black colour) Haha. so you gals must do more mask and use more good product fom now on. Cheers


New Member
my coordinator is joanne and i must say my experience with her has been good. She is more direct and straight but don't think she mean any harm.

As for peifen, i got to speak to her once in a while during my visits. Find her friendly lei...

In fact, i find the ladies at YC all quite friendly and accommodative... let's hope it continue to stay this way, especially so during the photo selections/ layout....

I heard from my friend who recently married said, her experience with her bridal studio - when $$$ concerns, you just cannot be sure... they can really hardsell, and everything is $$$ -centric.

anyone with this experience already to share?


New Member
I lost of my mood and hope of them, like what starwee said joanne are staright forward and direct but no matter how in front of customer they shall always smilling and professional , in front of customer should have face mask(effectivness,professional,helpful etc)i shall say that. if they cant solve the problem for customer and give attitude i think that's not require to any sale person. Never meet jean before and found that once step to into YC bridal shop all the girls there are have a black face.


New Member
lala,maybe u should consider change a bridal house since u are so unhappy and unsatisfied their service at all.even lady boss u also dont like then i support u can change another bridal house.how much deposit u already paid? maybe u can ask for refund or change to family photo package.just a suggestion..

starwee,i agree with u,i also find that YC ladies all r so friendly and sweet mouth.somemore, this bridal shop dont have so many addditional charges.my friend's BS also always ask for $$$.

Kit kat, no worry abt peifen's service.she is friendly and helpful. last time my photo shooting day,as she is my coordinator n MUA and she knows that my outdoor shooting need to change 3 gowns n change hair styling, so she volunteer follow me to go out.that day weather is so hot, she still went to buy bread and water to me n my hubby.is a very thoughful girl. and her makeup skill, i must said"excellent"!!so far all comments of peifen in this forum is good.no worries! i really appreaciate her service and effort.

sometimes,feeling towards a people is very particular. just feel what u feel. if u treat them nice,they also will provide the best service to you!


New Member
Shay, hmm i dont think i need to change the BS, hmm shay i believe you aware that all the BS's T&C they cant refund the deposit to you ya ,that's why so many ppl are selling the package in the forum when they dont want the package anymore ya.

hmm i nv give attitude to ppl but ppl are giving bad attitude back to me so this is reality ,world are always unfair ya, but of course i did talk nicely to everyone but they dont take it(appreciate) and try to take advantage but i'm still give them chances and many chances but the end what i got are still the same so i share my weos here,

Shay do you have any friendster or face book? i would like to see you PS picture , peifen must be make a nice make up for your shooting so really like to see , i believed that you will like to share with us of your wedding pictures. Shall i stay with peifen because you give her such of excellent comments ya.Hmmm the rest of the brides sure will think i'm bullshit here Hahahah..... so gals dont change to other co-ordinator because what i said here or from previous post, you gals shall try with her services!!!!


New Member
HI shay

Got your feedback on peifen, well... u are right, may be is the chemistry between every 1.
so hopefully i can work with her well.....ya, n hope to see your PS too.. can add mi in your face book???

HI Lala

You must stay positive ok.........
