Yoga - anyone try this? please give advices


New Member
16 mths true yoga membership for transfer. Unlimiteed access to all clubs at $85/mth ($1360). Much cheaper compared to most offers. Don't hesitate!!


New Member
Hi, I have a True Yoga (yoga) membership at Ocean Towers ending Jan 2010 for transfer. Please call me at HP#9877-0782 if you are interested. Price is negotiable.


New Member
Yes, u are right, is really cheap compare to those studio one.
Can search through


New Member
hi all, recently i get to know about yogilates, is combinntion between yoga and pilates, anyone know about it and can share your experience here please?


New Member
hi all
i have experience yoga and the most important benefit of yoga is physical and mental therapy. By keeping the body clean, flexible and well lubricated, we can significantly reduce the catabolic process of cell deterioration. To get the maximum benefits of yoga one has to combine the practices of yogasanas, pranayama and meditation.


New Member
I love Yoga! I finally started up my practice once again a couple of weeks ago after a half year hiatus and it was amzing how out of shape I felt after my first class. (Long story short I could not afford Yoga classes and never felt motivated enough to do it by myself. I like the class environment because it challenges me. I know excuses, excuses. LOL) Our muscles are like elastic bands so the more we work on them, the more they will stretch and the easier it will be to practice postures etc. It's great that you're starting yoga as I have always found that it helped me not only in my strength and fitness factor but in my daily energy levels, sleep patterns and overall health. It's really a great form of exercise. I just need to be less lazy sometimes and do it more often (giggles and rolls her eyes as she once again finds herself on her lazy a$$ at the computer. LOL) But seriously, it really is great for you. Just don't worry about what you look like in class. I'm sure all of us have felt totally out of shape and extremely awkward at some point (I know I have countless times ) but the great thing about Yoga is that you are focusing on yourself and your own strengths and weaknesses and any good Yoga teacher will help you work thorugh your insecurities. So go forth and stretch! Namaste


New Member
Hi Sarah (selomoon)! Wooo outdoor yoga at Botanic Garden sounds interesting! I occassionally goes there for a morning walk but yoga there is new to me! When and where is it happening? Is this by a private trainer or a special class by a fitness centre?


New Member
Try to squeeze some time out. That is what I did. I spent 2 years telling myself that I do not even have time to sleep, let alone try yoga. But I reprioritize my activities. You know what, it is all worth it when you see yourself having a great physically & mentally balanced life *smiles*
