WTS > Personal Training Yoga Session


New Member
Hi everyone,

Letting go of my Personal Training Yoga sessions.

Bought 100x with Avante (https://www.avante.com.sg/yoga-teachers/) as I was impressed with the trial lesson. My purpose was to lose weight but my body was too rigid to exercise properly. The teacher was very friendly and professional and I really benefited from her diet tips as well. If you are looking for effective results, 1 on 1 personal training is usually the best.

However, my schedule got too hectic after signing and thus I am sadly letting go of the bought sessions. From the website, you can see the pricing for one PT is $120 / session for 100 sessions. I am willing to let go at 50% (negotiable). I have checked with Avante, they allow full transfer to the next person.

Do let me know if there are any questions.
Thank you!
