Seriously I don't understand what is the freaking big deal?
My best friend is a guy, and I go out with him all the time. Sometimes we go out in the wee hours of the night/morning when night air is cool and all around us is silent, just to talk. We hang out at playgrounds, jetties, wherever. My fiance is totally fine with it.
I am super close to my colleague, who is a married guy. He gives me lifts to the MRT station or home, and he's part of my lunch group everyday. There was once where we had an event at Pan Pacific, and we had to stay overnight at the hotel and share a room because the company did not book enough rooms. My fiance, and his wife, were all okay with it because they trusted us. However, last minute our boss was very uncomfortable with it and got us an extra room. Anyway, during that time, we would go to the pub together for a drink after the event ended. This lasted for 3 nights. If we had suspicious, paranoid and insecure partners, they would probably think we were out there screwing every night in the hotel.
My fiance goes to the movies, one-on-one, with his female colleagues. He loves horror movies and I hate them, so he goes to watch horror movies with others. He also sends them home after. So?
What's the point of controlling ur partner? If they want to cheat, they will cheat.
Anyway, I am one who firmly believes that platonic friendship is possible and very healthy, as it gives in-depth insights to the way the opposite gender is wired and allows us to get to know our partner better.
After reading some of the ridiculous inputs here, I am so thankful for my fiance. I will leave my partner if he ever restricts and controls my life, and he will do the same to me.