~~ Words for Women ~~


1.就算 ,眼å‰çš„这个男人 , åƒèˆ¬å¥½ ,万般好 , 处处是优点 , ä»–ä¸çˆ±ä½  , 这个缺点 ,你永远改å˜ä¸äº† 。

2.分手时 ,ä¸å“­ 。 当然 ,ä¸æ˜¯è¦ä½ ä¸€ç‚¹éƒ½ä¸å“­ 。 当ç€é¢ ,别哭, 背地里 ,往死里哭。

3.一个人最大的缺点 , ä¸æ˜¯è‡ªç§ , 野蛮 ,任性 , 而是å执的爱ç€ä¸€ä¸ªä¸çˆ±è‡ªå·±çš„人 。

4.ä¸ç®¡ä½ çš„æ¡ä»¶æœ‰å¤šå·® ,总会有个人在爱你 。 ä¸ç®¡ä½ çš„æ¡ä»¶æœ‰å¤šå¥½ ,也总有个人ä¸çˆ±ä½  。

5.抓ä½ç”·äººçš„ä¸äºŒæ³•é—¨ , 应该就是 , 永远ä¸è¦è®©ä»–满足 。

6.打扮的å†ç¾Ž , ç©¿çš„å†æ˜‚è´µ , é‚£åªæ˜¯ä¸ªå¹Œå­ ,用善良åšçš„外衣æ‰æ˜¯çœŸçš„美 。

7.如果我们责怪爱情伤害勒我们 , 那请问 , 开始的时候是ä¸æ˜¯ä½ ç‚¹å¤´ç­”应爱情的æ¥ä¸´ ,

8.能开å£è¯´å‡ºçš„委屈 , 便ä¸æ˜¯å§”屈 。 能离开的人 , 便ä¸ç®—是爱人 。

9.所有爱ç€çš„人 , 爱过的人 ,都åšç€åŒä¸€ä»¶äº‹ , 犯贱 。

10.心里能装ç€ä¸€äº›æ—¶é—´å¸¦ä¸èµ°çš„淡淡悲伤 , 也是一ç§å¹¸ç¦ 。

11.人永远是寂寞而自我的生物 。 无论多么真诚的说出自己的爱 , 也总会有无法被ç†è§£çš„心情 。

12.ä¸å‘ä¸äº¢ , 从容优雅 , é¢å¯¹ä¸€åˆ‡ 。

13.一个人 ,如果没空 ,那是因为他ä¸æƒ³æœ‰ç©º , 一个人 ,如果走ä¸å¼€ ,那是因为ä¸æƒ³èµ°å¼€ , 一个人 ,对你借å£å¤ªå¤š ,那是因为ä¸æƒ³åœ¨ä¹Ž 。

14.有的事情 ,没法说明 。 你觉得值 ,就值 , 你觉得ä¸å€¼ ,别人说值 ,你也觉得ä¸å€¼ 。

15.è¦æ˜Žç™½ä¸€ä¸ªé“ç†ï¼Œ 男人å¯æ˜¯è½»æ˜“的喜欢一个人 , 但ä¸ä¼šè½»æ˜“的爱上一个人 。

16.女人 ,æ‹çˆ±çš„时候 , å°±åƒ ï¼Œä¸Žä¸–éš”ç»èˆ¬ 。

17.在风平浪é™çš„æ—¥å­é‡Œ , 留点空间给自己 , 留点空间给对方 , 留点美好给è·ç¦» 。

18.有的时候ä¸è¦å¤ªè®¡è¾ƒï¼Œ 男人都有点粗æžå¤§å¶ , 忘了一件事 ,ä¸ä»£è¡¨ä»–ä¸çˆ±ä½  , 别自己å“自己 。

19.女人 ,往往喜欢å¦ç™½å¿ƒäº‹ , 男人 ,则æ°æ°ç›¸å 。

20.有时候 , 学会把失望当次一ç§æ”¶èŽ· , 因为有祈望 ,æ‰ä¼šæœ‰å¤±æœ›ã€‚

21.女人的心慈手软 , 与男人的å£æ˜¯å¿ƒéž , æˆæ­£æ¯” 。

22.ä¸è¦å¦„想试图改å˜è° , 因为è°ä¹Ÿæ”¹å˜ä¸äº†è° , åªæœ‰ ,他愿ä¸æ„¿æ„ä¸ºä½ æ”¹å˜ ã€‚

23.张爱玲说过 , 时间 , å¯ä»¥äº†è§£çˆ±æƒ… , å¯ä»¥è¯æ˜Žçˆ±æƒ… , 也å¯ä»¥æŽ¨ 翻爱情 。

24.自由å¯è´µ , 但是 ,æ¯å¤©æ•°ä»¥ä¸‡è®¡çš„人 , 在用自由æ¢å–爱情 。

25.ä½ å¯ä»¥è™šè£ , 因为,那是女人的天性 , 但 ,ä¸è¦è®©è‡ªå·±å˜æˆä¸ºåˆ«äººå¢žåŠ è™šè£çš„工具 。

26.ä¸è¦è¯´ ,这世上没个好男人了 , ä¸è¦åŽ»è®°æ¨é‚£ä¸ªæŠ›å¼ƒä½ çš„人 , 毕竟曾ç»çˆ±è¿‡ä½  , 疼过你 , 宽容会让你更美丽 。

27.ä¸è¦åŽ»å¥½å¥‡ , ä¸è¦åŽ»å…³å¿ƒ , 他的现任女å‹é•¿å¾—如何 ,身æ如何 , 你这样åªæ˜¯è‡ªå¯»çƒ¦æ¼ç½¢äº† 。

28.说过的è¯ä¸€å®šè¦åšåˆ° , 哪怕是很愚蠢的 , 也总比言而无信的好 。

29.ä¸è¦åœ¨ä½ å“­æ³£çš„时候 , è¯´æ°”è¯ ï¼Œä¸‹å†³å®š , 你会åŽæ‚”çš„ 。

30.他说 ,我累了 ,让我冷é™ä¸€æ®µæ—¶é—´ ,好么? 你就说好 ,因为 ,他是æ¥é€šçŸ¥ä½ çš„ ,ä¸æ˜¯æ¥å¾å¾—ä½ åŒæ„çš„ 。

31.你清纯就罢, ä½ å‡è£…清纯 ,比丑还难看 ,明白么?

32.ä¸æ˜¯æ‰€æœ‰çš„努力都会æˆåŠŸ ,但是 ,ä¸åŠªåŠ› ,就一定ä¸ä¼šæˆåŠŸ 。

33.女孩å­è¦è‡ªçˆ± , ä¸ç®¡ä½ é‡åˆ°å¤šå¤§çš„打击 ,ä¸ç®¡ä½ é‡åˆ°çš„情况多么悲凉 , å€Ÿæ•…å •è½ ï¼Œä¹Ÿæ˜¯å •è½ ï¼Œ 越是ä¸çˆ±è‡ªå·± ,越是没人爱你。

34.美貌 ,智慧 ,金钱 , 很多事, 都是天生注定的 , 别想用你那嫉妒心 ,改å˜ä»€ä¹ˆã€‚

35.å°å¿ƒçœ¼ ,嫉妒心 ï¼Œä»‡æ¨ ï¼ŒæŠ¥å¤ ï¼Œå¥³äººçš„ä¼Žä¿©ä¸è¿‡å¦‚æ­¤ , ä½ è¦æ–½å±•æ²¡å…³ç³» ,关系的是你别被人å‘现。

36.æ”¾å¥½å¿ƒæ€ ï¼Œ 失去的东西 ,ä¸è¦æ‚²ä¼¤ ,你就当 ,他本身就ä¸å±žäºŽä½ ã€‚

37.å°½é‡åšä¸ªä¼˜é›…çš„å¥³å­ ã€‚ åƒä¸‡åˆ«åšä½œ , 因为 , åšä½œçš„女人 ,ä¸ä»…女人讨厌 ,男人更讨厌 。

38.独立 ,永远。 ä¸ç®¡ ,感情 还是 金钱。

39.å—¯ ,ä¸è¦åœ¨å“ªå‡ ä¸ªåœºåˆç›¸ä¿¡ç”·äººçš„è¯å‘¢ ? 床上 , 他开心的时候 ,有求于你的时候 , 犯错的时候。

40.ä¸è¦æƒ³å°½åŠžæ³•çš„å‘很多人炫耀 , 你有很多男朋å‹æˆ–者男性朋å‹ã€‚ 因为 ,别人ä¸ä»…ä¸ä¼šç¾¡æ…•ä½  ,åªä¼šçœ‹è½»ä½  。

41.ä¸è¦æ•´å¤©é—® ,你爱我么 ? 当你问的时候 ,他就ä¸çˆ±ä½ äº† 。

43.20以下 ,你相信å¶åƒå‰§ ,那就算了。 20以上 ,你还相信å¶åƒå‰§ ,那就完了。

44.è¦çŸ¥é“ , 一个男人好与å , ä¸æ˜¯çœ‹ä»–花心还是专一,自å¤ç”·äººéƒ½èŠ±å¿ƒ ,而是è¦çœ‹ ,有没有 控制力。

45.有没有å‘现 ï¼Œå¾€å¾€åˆ»éª¨é“­å¿ƒçš„çˆ±æ‹ ã€‚ 通 常 ,没有好 结果 。

46.烟 ,和酒, 从å¤è‡³ä»Šï¼Œ 被公认为 两大毒 è¯ã€‚ 而对, 女人 ,爱情这一样 ,足以致命 。

47.勇敢的女人 ,永远比懦弱的女人 美丽。 如果 ,你的爱人ä¸çˆ±ä½ ï¼Œ 我åŠä½ è¿˜æ˜¯å‹‡æ•¢ç‚¹åˆ†ç¦» , 好过 ,懦弱的纠缠。

48.善于妥å的女人 ,很å®è´µ 。 但是, åªå–„于妥å的女人 ,很廉价。

49.ä¸è¦åšå¥³å¼ºäºº ,è¦åšå¼ºå¥³äºº 。 


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å¯æ˜¯ï¼Œæ¯”起之å‰çš„49æ¡é‡‘å¥ â€”â€” <font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">49</font></font>æ¡è€¶ï¼ï¼ï¼ï¼ï¼ï¼




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但是 —— ä¸è¦ä»€ä¹ˆå¥³å¼ºäººã€å¼ºå¥³äººçš„啦!



Direct from Google Translate..

1. Even if, in front of the men, offer all kinds of good, worth of good, everywhere is a strong point, he does not love you, this shortcoming, you will never change.

2. Breaking up, do not cry. Of course, not to be You're not crying. In front of face, do not cry, secretly, Kill cry.

3. The greatest disadvantage of a person, not a selfish, brutal, capricious, but a paranoid love do not love themselves.

4. No matter how bad your condition, there are always people love you. No matter how good your condition, there are always individuals do not love you.

5. Seize the man's only way is to take, never let him meet.

6. Dressed then the United States, and then wear expensive, it is just a pretext to do with a good coat is really beautiful.

7. If we love hurt Le blame us, it does, the beginning of love is coming your nods,

8.'d Say out of grievances, it is not aggrieved. Can leave people, it can not be love.

9. All the love the people, loved the people, are doing the same thing, Fanjian.

10. My heart can not take some time filled with a faint sadness, but also a blessing.

11. People will never be lonely and self-creatures. No matter how sincerely express my love, there will always be the feelings can not be understood.

12. Reasonable manner, elegant style, the face of everything.

13. A person, if not empty, it is because he did not want to be free, a person, if not get away, it is because do not want to walk away, a person, an excuse for you too, it is because do not want to care.

14. Some things can not explain. Do you think the value to value, do you think of worth, others say the value, you feel it not worth it.

15. To understand the principle of man, but like a person easily, but will not easily fall in love with a man.

16. Woman, in love, just like, like isolation.

17. In the calm days, leave space for yourself, leave room for each other, to leave a good distance.

18. Do not pay too much attention sometimes, men are a bit sloppy, forgot one thing, does not mean he does not love you, do not threaten their own.

19. Women tend to be honest mind, man, just the opposite.

20. Sometimes, learn to disappointment when the second of a harvest, because there is hope, there will be disappointed.

21. Woman's leniency, and the man's duplicity, is proportional.

22. Do not try to change who is delusional, because no one who can not change, only that he would be willing to change for you.

23. Zhang said, the time to understand love, you can prove that love, love can also be overturned.

24. Freedom is precious, but tens of thousands of people every day in exchange for use of freedom of love.

25. You can vanity, because it is a woman by nature, but, do not let yourself become a tool for others to increase vanity.

26. Do not say, no good man in this world, do not abandon you to keep the pain that people, after all, loved you, hurt you, tolerance will make you more beautiful.

27. Do not go curiosity, not to care about, and his current girlfriend how to grow tall, how, are you just asking for trouble Bale.

28. Said, then we must do, even foolish, but also good than bad faith.

29. Do not you cry, say angry words, the next decision you'll regret it.

30. He said, I'm tired, let me calm for some time, okay? You say good, because he is to inform you, not to obtain your consent.

31. You pure to stop, you pretend pure, ugly than the scandal, understand?

32. Not all the efforts will succeed, but do not work hard, they will not succeed.

33. A girl to love yourself, no matter how you meet the blow, no matter how sad the situation you encounter, an excuse to fall, is falling, the more we do not love yourself, the more unloved you.

34. Beauty, wisdom, money, a lot of things, are born to, and not even think about it with your jealousy to change anything.

35. Petty, jealousy, hatred, revenge, a woman's trick, but so, you have to cast it does not matter, you do relationships was found.

36. Put away mentality, lost, do not be sad, you be, and he does not belong to you.

37. Try to be a graceful woman. Do not contrived, because the artificial woman, not women hate men even more annoying.

38. Independence, forever. Regardless, love or money.

39. Ah, do not believe that on several occasions in which a man thing? The bed, his happy, are asking you, make mistakes.

40. Do not try to approach a lot of people show off, you have many boyfriends or male friends. Because not only do not envy you people will only look down on you.

41. Do not all ask, do you love me? When you ask, he does not love you.

43.20 below, you believe that drama, then forget. Over 20, you still believe in idol drama, it is finished.

44. You know, a man good or bad, or a single-minded than his bother, since ancient times, men are polygamous, but look, there is no control.

45. Have not found, often unforgettable love. Usually, no good results.

46. Tobacco, and wine, since ancient times, is recognized as the two poisons. While, a woman, love it, like, could be fatal.

47. Brave woman, beautiful woman is always better than cowardly. If your lover does not love you, I advise you to brave separation, better, cowardly entanglement.

48. Good compromise, a woman, very valuable. However, only women are good at compromise, it is cheap.

49. Do not be a strong woman, strong woman to do.
