With This Ring..by Kenny Loggins


New Member
Hi..just wanna share with you guys this lovely song..

I have believed I would always be free and wild.
No promises made or broken.
But look at me now I come to you like a child.
Here with my arms wide open.

I follow the song that the voice inside,
Whispers to my soul.
How could I not, its my heart that brought me to paradise.

I'll be your love, I'll be your friend.
I'll be the summer breeze that never ends.
For the rest of your days I'll be the road that takes you home.
Like the sun and the moon and the star that guides you on,
I will be true to my heart.
I promise you with this ring.

Now I can say this is more than just wishful dreams.
Nothing could be more real than
Has the way of bringing you to your knees,
Lifting you up to Heaven.

I see the rest of my life when I look in your eyes,
I love what I see.
Living with you on the sunrise side of paradise.

I'll be your love, I'll be your friend.
I'll be the summer breeze that never ends.
For the rest of your days I'll be the road that takes you home.
Just like the sun and the moon and the star that guides you on,
I will be true to my heart,
I promise you with this ring.

May this circle never see an end.
Here and now I willingly place a part of you upon my hand.

I'll be your love, I'll be a friend.
I'll be the summer breeze that never ends.
For the rest of your days I'll be the road that takes you home.
Just like the sun and the moon and the star that guides you on,
I will be true to my heart,
I promise you with this ring.


New Member
Hi Cynthia..check ur mail..hope you like this song too..jus discovered it & fall in love upon hearing it..


New Member
Hi chere & c@ss80,I sent over liao

Sorry gals I won't be forwarding this song anymore.If you guys dun mind can ask e ladies from this thread to forward to you,I have sent to them liao..so sorry abt it..my hubby not happy..


My march in song was this:

For the First Time
by Kenny Loggins

Are those your eyes, is that your smile
I've been lookin at you forever
But I never saw you before
Are these your hands holdin' mine
Now I wonder how I could of been so blind

For the first time I am looking in your eyes
For the first time I'm seein' who you are
I can't believe how much I see
When you're lookin back at me
Now I understand why love is.......
Love is.....for the first time.....

Can this be real, can this be true
Am I the person I was this morning
And are you the same you
It's all so strange how can it be
All along this love was right in front of me

For the first time I am looking in your eyes
For the first time I'm seein who you are
I can't believe how much I see
When you're lookin back at me
Now I understand why love is.......
Love is.....for the first time.....

Such a long time ago
I had given up on findin' this emotion..ever again
But you live with me now
Yes I've found you some how
And I'VE never been so sure

And for the first time I am looking in your eyes
For the first time I'm seein' who you are
Can't believe how much I see
When you're lookin back at me
Now I understand why love is.......
Love is.....for the first time.....


New Member
Hi cynthia,
Can send me the song "With This Ring by Kenny Loggins"?

Hi icebaby,
can I have "For the First Time
by Kenny Loggins" too.

Thanks in advance!



Paiseh. I dun have the song on my laptop or etc. It was played via CD (5 yrs ago) on my wedding...and subsequently my co-ordinator LOST the song.

I go ask my fren if he can find a website where u can download the song?


New Member
Hi ladies

Cld anyone sent me both Kenny's songs?
Hi cynthia,
"With This Ring" and "For the First Time"

Millions of thanks.


New Member
Hi cynthia,
Can send me the song "With This Ring by Kenny Loggins"?

Hi icebaby,
can I have "For the First Time
by Kenny Loggins" too.

My wedding date getting nearer now having big head with wedding song.

Email: [email protected]


New Member
Hi ladies, sorry no offence. I personally feel that the song ' For the first time' is a very boring song. Though the lyris is romantic but the song is so slow! And I don't think u would like the song for long . Would prefer something that is nice and u won't feel sick hearing in all the time.



I guess it's a matter of personal preference. It's like saying that the song u pick, though u might not like it, but then others might feel "sick" of it too. Either that, or if any other song u can keep playing and listening many times...generally it's human that you get sick of it. LOL

For me, though my wedding was 5 yrs ago, I really think this song plays back memories when it is suddenly played on radio or at a shopping mall (note: this song is not often played...so dun know how u can get sick of it). I played this song for my wedding and alot of pple gave me good reviews on the song.

This song is very suitable if you have a long march in...cos the song is rather meaningful.
