Which credit card to apply?


New Member
Hi all, I would like to apply for credit card but don't know which bank better to apply? Any1 know which bank provide the best benefits for ladies?


New Member
You can try applying for UOB mini for more shopping discount and Citibank Dividend card if you want to get Cash back. I am having these two cards and using them all the time.

Citibank will mail back the cheque to you every 3mths upon reaching $50.


New Member
for ladie's benefits (if you're into gym, spa, shopping and dining) you can never go wrong with UOB Ladie's Mastercard...

I'm also using DBS Ladie's card (not sure the exact name but the card is white in colour)


New Member
I'm for UOB ladies card...uob cards has got quite alot of F&B discount. Clear Card if u're onz for clubbing n pubbing...


Take the UOB ladies is better. Have more benefits for ladies whereas DBS not much.

I also a Citibank Dividend card user, find it very useful as it has moneyback every quarter. 5% for petrol, 2% for dining/hotel/pharmacy and others at 0.5% unlike what other cards are offering 0.5% flat (in terms of points somemore). I highly recommend it for wedding planning cos you need more money.


New Member
aiyo...i jus terminated my dividend card, cos too many cards, confusing...

u all know abt posb everyday card? i heard every $1 spent u'll get 55 krisflyer miles...issit true??


New Member
hi pple!

i'm having the posb credit card..
coz it helps to reduce my monthly electrical, starhub bills.. although not alot.. but 1% is better than nothing.. hehe

oh ya.. 5% rebate for use in carrefour too..

as for the krisflyer tingy.. i'm not too sure abt tat..

yup 3 cheers to the platinum dividend card too.. practically use tat to pay for all my stuff..


New Member
Would suggest UOB and Citibank Credit cards, as to me I personally find that both Credit Cards provide the most privileges on fashion & dining.


New Member
ya..think the posb card (discounts for scv, petrol, power etc) and perhaps the hsbc card (if you shop at cold storage/giant)?


New Member
For Citibank Dividend card, at a rate of 0.5% rebate, u'll need to spend $10000 in order to get the $50 cheque. If u do not chalk up this amount by the anniversary date, whatever Dividend$ u've accumulated will be forfeited. Of cos, if u're driving and pump a lot of petrol, u'll be able to hit 50 Dividend$ much sooner. So unless u're driving or spend a lot on shopping/dinning, Dividend card is of little use.

Although the rebate percentage is lower (0.3%), POSB Everyday card is more "friendly" because u can redeem any amount of Daily$ anytime u want in the form of discount to ur SP Services and Starhub bills.

I think the best card around now UOB-Singtel card. As long as u have a Singtel account (residential or mobile or broadband), u can apply for this card (3-year subscription fee waiver). The rebate percentage is at least 0.5% and comes in the form of Smart$, and can (only) be used to offet ur Singtel bill or convert to Krisflyer Miles. Other benefits include a sign-up bonus of 50 Smart$ and free caller-ID if u're using Singtel mobile line.

A combination of POSB Everyday (for grocery shopping at Carrefour and paying SP Services and Starhub bills) and UOB-Singtel (for general shopping and Singtel bills) will be good. =)


New Member
Recently, I keep getting calls from banks offering me credit cards. Thing is, I don't even have accounts with them. How did they get my particulars???

My husband recently received a credit card from Posbank, which he did not apply for... Thing is, we just moved places. And the credit card was sent to the old address. I find this act from banks irresponsible. Do I have to pay for the bill if the card falls into other's possesion? I mean, I didn't even know this card exist.


New Member
Something to note - with the Citibank Dividend Card, they recently changed the rules such that there is no rebate for wedding banquets.

Which is where the most expenditure would come from!! This wasn't the case one year ago, sigh.



New Member
hi twinkle,

well, to be on the fair side, i dun think any of the other credit card companies gives rebate for wedding banquets rite?


New Member
my fav is still UOB ladys...on top of usual points you earn, still earn SMART$ at quite a no. of places (incl Metro, NYDC, Mphosis...) and for GSS UOB is offering 5x the points!! I have try to do as much shopping for my wedding this period


New Member

I need some help here. If my annual income is less than $30K, what are the possible ways to get a credit card?

If I will to report my income tax to be $30K and then use the tax assessment report to apply for a credit card, will I be question by the bank?

Hope someone could share some experiences with me.


New Member
Hi Isetan credit card annual income only $20k.

If you can't get credit card, perhaps you can use a debit card instead?

If you keen on credit card, you can try to declare own income and declare income tax at the level which your annual income hits the min required for credit card application. You won't be questioned by the bank. That's how self made businessmen own credit cards right? You just declare your income. Who can say you earn less esp if you report tax at that level?


New Member
Hi cactus_79,

I was thinking of applying for the Citibank Dividend Card bcos of the rebates. Think the applications required us to provide cpf statement. As my annual income for my full time job does not hit 30K, hence i cant provide them with cpf statement too...

or do u think i can still go ahead and apply and provide them with my cpf statement? i was wondering if they will check and finds that both document does not tally.


New Member
They may check.... but how about if you say that you have regular job as well as own business? Then of course you need to provide details of that business (maybe use a friend's or relatives' business info)?

Hm ... another way is to get someone of higher income to give you his/her supplementary credit card?


New Member
ermmm... why would anyone want to declare higher income just to get a credit card... IRAS will tax you based on your higher income.. pay more taxes


New Member
it depends on card promotions at any given time.

example sign up clear card for free entry to california gym few years ago

now? it was not free anymore & no such promo

do your hoomewrk!


New Member
citibank dividend cannot earn credit for wedding dinner?!

Any others to recommend. Other than ladies card? Thanks


New Member
use DBS black card. Each $5 entitles you 2 points instead of 1 pt if uses other cards.. Hence you can use the points to redeem cold storage vouchers etc..

Think tt time I check out, even everyday card, they will have not rebates for signing for banquets.. even if they do, the rebate is insignificant..


New Member
how many points to redeem voucher i.e. how much is a point worth? can't seem to find it on the dbs webpage


New Member
i also prefer uob

for citibank, even if you have two cards, you have to split your bills

there was one occasion when i paid for the total amount of two cards but did not split the bill into the respective cards. in the end, one card is unpaid and the other overpaid


New Member
im quite satisfied with my citibank card, and if you guys or ladies want to sign up with citibank i can refer you to the officer who served me, he is very helpful ^^ start saving today!
