What do you think - can't let go


New Member
Hi Slog, sorry i did not finish reading all the replis and post but based on wad i understands, the guy is already treating ur friend as a bitch and someone where he can come back to fcuk. He already got several girls like her since he mentioned "why cant she be like "them"". persuade ur friend not to beg him anymore. He will definitely and only reply to her that, "i MAYBE will come back". If he says he still loves her, it's fake.He just wan her to cling onto him and play around. If she had to resort to begging to him, it already proves that the r/s is long way over.

Would u wanna have a serious r/s with this kinda guy if it were u? If not, tell ur friend wad u will do if u were in her shoes, and not listening to her every reason to save the r/s.

The only way for her to get over him is another new r/s with a new guy, else there's hardly any way for the hurt party to completely forgive and forget.

Is this an overdue post? lol...


New Member
I hate to but can't help being harsh here.

What's up with your friend, man? She's very weak.

And what's up with a guy like him? Not cherishing a lady who is "attractive, rich, and eloquent"?

If I may take a chance at being subjective here, I think the guy is good looking and maybe sweet-talker, but pretty much a good-for-nothing person whose main aim is to just drift along with the tide, soaking himself among women.

Your friend needs to intelligently (if she really is) evaluate her situation and come to a realization for what she's worth. Men like him don't deserve your friend. Unfortunately, she seems too smitten by him. Not good.
