hi all, juz like to share with you guz. i hv a sharp washing machine for 5 years already. its not like those continental type, not really expensive and not really quiet type of washing machine but it performs its job very well.
5 years ago, 5-6.5kg are common in stores, anything above that is not carry by most of the stores.
my sharp bin is those holeless type. reason why i buy this is from advice by experience auntie who is a director and manage housework and a family of 7 all by herself without maid. so she has normal clothes and those expensive office wears and dinner dresses.
she tried those front load, top load, continental and japanese brands before. and her advice is that the holeless tub save her clothes, jackets, dresses from damage. damage meaning cotton clothes got tiny chicken pox like cotton balls after brushing it with brush (if you ever do this or have a cotton shirt/skirt, you will understand what i am trying to describe). those tub with holes tend to be abit more rough handling on the clothes.
but this does not mean that the clothes are not wash clean, in fact it washes clean of stains also.
and also things like blankets, curtains etc. it takes care of them well enough.
for me, that is sufficient enough.
but the cons is that it does not hv the warm water feature.
but of coz if you guz do hv bigger budget, you can buy the more complicated type of washing machine.