I am getting married. My mum requests for
(a)10 tables from our wedding banquet (our wedding dinner to be held in a grand hotel in Orchard Rd) (Fully Paid by my In Laws all 30 tables)
(b) As for the Dowry (Pin Jin) Initially she wanted $6000. However, on the day before my In Laws came, I managed to bring/ BARGAIN it down to dowry of $3888 provided I top up $1000 to her from my pocket. However, I still feel its alot she requested.
My In law have hinted to my husband that the dowry requested of $3888 is high. My hubby asked if I checked the market rate and asked how my mum derived to a figure of $3888. My mother in law told her son = (my hubby) the figure requested is alot but they will still give since my mum requested. My mother in law mentioned that it also depends how much my mum is returning.
I quarrelled with my mum over this as she refuses to decrease her demands as she said she has the right to request for any amount she wants.. But the hotel tables would be $900 x 10 tables = $9000 already. And she still want to get another $3888 - $888 = $3000 in total from the pin jin... Is it too much of her? I am very stress as I not sure if my in laws will think of her as a greedy women and this will also affect my relationship with my in laws
Do you think I need to top up another $1000 to her so that she will return $1888 (to in laws) and keep $2000 of the dowry?
That means in total my mum gets $4000. ($2000 from In Laws) ($2000 from ME)
Pls help.
I come from a complicated family background. I have a step father and my mum.
We have no money. Life pull through with a little monthly income ($1000) from my step father and me ($2000).
On the contrary, My Father In law is a retired professional. Mother In law is a housewife. Brother In law is a professional earning $8000 per month. Husband is an engineer.
That is why my mum feels its okie to take more since we are poor and they are more well to do.. But I think we should not act so greedy.
(a)10 tables from our wedding banquet (our wedding dinner to be held in a grand hotel in Orchard Rd) (Fully Paid by my In Laws all 30 tables)
(b) As for the Dowry (Pin Jin) Initially she wanted $6000. However, on the day before my In Laws came, I managed to bring/ BARGAIN it down to dowry of $3888 provided I top up $1000 to her from my pocket. However, I still feel its alot she requested.
My In law have hinted to my husband that the dowry requested of $3888 is high. My hubby asked if I checked the market rate and asked how my mum derived to a figure of $3888. My mother in law told her son = (my hubby) the figure requested is alot but they will still give since my mum requested. My mother in law mentioned that it also depends how much my mum is returning.
I quarrelled with my mum over this as she refuses to decrease her demands as she said she has the right to request for any amount she wants.. But the hotel tables would be $900 x 10 tables = $9000 already. And she still want to get another $3888 - $888 = $3000 in total from the pin jin... Is it too much of her? I am very stress as I not sure if my in laws will think of her as a greedy women and this will also affect my relationship with my in laws
Do you think I need to top up another $1000 to her so that she will return $1888 (to in laws) and keep $2000 of the dowry?
That means in total my mum gets $4000. ($2000 from In Laws) ($2000 from ME)
Pls help.
I come from a complicated family background. I have a step father and my mum.
We have no money. Life pull through with a little monthly income ($1000) from my step father and me ($2000).
On the contrary, My Father In law is a retired professional. Mother In law is a housewife. Brother In law is a professional earning $8000 per month. Husband is an engineer.
That is why my mum feels its okie to take more since we are poor and they are more well to do.. But I think we should not act so greedy.