Tiffany & Co. Wedding Band


New Member
Hey Girls I'm from KL.. I need Help from YOU girls who are in Singapore. Can u girls help me to find out the price in Singapore for Tiffany & Co. Wedding Band?

1) Lucida Band (USD225)
2) Milgrain Band (USD575)


Your help is very much appreciated... i will go down to singapore if it is cheaper there... KL is Chopping ppl's head off!! They are selling double of the USD price shown online!

There are two Location(u can go anyone of them):
1) Ngee Ann City
2) Raffles Hotel

I am going to ROM in 10th of October 2005!! haven't got my RING yet. Thanks..


New Member
are u serious? Have u been to the shop b4? That is what i thought earlier b4 i visit their shop in KL


New Member
Hi, ESlynn
mi Wb is Lucida, 3mm width.
we paid S$1200 each for it.
milgrain should be more expensive but i forgot the price of it.


New Member
hey pierced,

Thanks very much for the info


New Member
Hi ESLynn,

I believe Tiffany's price is controlled worldwide. We bought our rings (Milgrain 4mm and 2mm) in their New York 5th Avenue shop and cost us USD1150 and 575 without tax respectively. If you convert to Malaysian Ringgit, it's about MYR4,333.15 and 2,166.00 respectively. Hope this helps, good luck with your ring-shopping!


New Member
Hi ESlynn, I'd enquired about Milgrain 3mm in July and if I remember correctly it was about S$1500 for the platinum version.


New Member
Hi, just being curious, the 2mm, 4mm is referring to the diameter of the rings?

Hi earl_grey, why are the prices differ so much for both 4mm and 2mm?


New Member
TCL, yes, the mm refers to the diameter of the rings. some like the rings to be thicker and depends on the size of ur fingers too.

if the mm is more, of coz the price is higher since they supposedly put in more materials to make the rings. so price will differ.


New Member

The measurements refer to thickness of the rings. The sales representative recommended 4mm to my FH because men's hands are bigger and thicker rings look nicer on their fingers. And like Pierced had mentioned, a thicker ring means more material is used to make the ring, hence the higher price.


New Member
I bought mine in LasVgas, total of abt USD $2444, convert to SDG, abt $4200, total save only abt $200 only. But nvm lor, bought in LasVgas (Dunno why cant type the correct spelling, always pops up a msg that says the word is not allowed. )very romantic wor. Hehe. The guy at Tiffany & Co also told me that the prices are controlled worldwide, but its a teeny weeny bit cheaper in the States.


New Member
Hi ladies,

Hve been reading the thread.

Just wanted to share, my wedding band is frm Tiffany, Elso Peretti Band Ring, with about 9 small diamonds set on it. Bought it in Singapore. Hve wore it for only about 3 weeks, just yesterday, after my shower, I realised that one of the diamonds has dropped out. Luckily my hubby managed to find it in the shower.

With this incident, it make us question the quality and reliability of their rings. I mean we paid a premium for it's design and reputation. We are totally disappointed.


New Member
Hi ladies,
my fren says that she can get tiffany lookalike rings custom made at this shop in forum shopping mall and parkway parade called Jewels galleria. I was quite disgusted with her. Like why spoil the good name of tiffany?!
Imagine people looking at her ring and think that its genuine tiffany but its actually poor quality at a fraction of its price...yucks


New Member
hi sue-anne

thanks for the feedback.. have you brought the ring back to them? did they offer you any explanations? apologies? hows their recovery services?

can understand how you feel.. but i think this is an one-off incident.. and it can happen anywhere...

my girlfriends and aunties are crazy abt tiff pdts.. my aunties' collections can go back to 30years.. but never did once i hear them complain abt the quality.. so maybe you should give them a second chance...

hi natly

dun worry.. a lot of jewellers imitate tiff designs.. but the imitation goods never look like the real tiffany.. if you have seen the fakes, you will never think its from tiffany.. =)


New Member
Hi bsProffy,

We did send them an email to highlight to them about it. They did reply asking us to bring it back to the S'pore outlet to see what they can do. The thing is, we are not staying in Singapore, and where we are staying (Ireland) do not have any of their outlets, so not able to do anything as yet. But will be going to Seattle this Sat, I'm thinking of bringing it to the outlet there to get it fixed. And at the same time, we are thinking of getting another same design but without diamond setting for daily wear. Went to check on their website, this particular collection (without diamond) is only available in Japan or US.

I do hope that this is just one-off incident, now I'm getting a little paranoid whenever I wear my engagement ring (solitaire frm Larrys), so afraid that the diamond wld just drop off anytime........Sigh.......

Yah, I do have friends who are crazy over tiff and must say that I have not heard of any complain like this before till now with my own experience. Guess it's just my luck.


New Member
hi sue-anne

maybe you should call the singapore outlet and then ask them to see how they can help you. not sure if tiffany can do this but i heard another jeweller did this.. they sent a courier to the customer's venue to pick up the ring to fix it and thereafter to return it.. in this case, the solitaire diamond was loose... purchase was like only 2 weeks old... if you need help, i can help you to check with the tiff here... you can pm me ok?

dun worry.. i am sure both of your rings will be secured.. after the wedding band is "repaired".


New Member
i bought Lucida Band in 2003 at $1200, seems like the price did not increase. keke

btw, do tiffany provide polishing? i wanna send my wb for polishing b4 my AD..


New Member
Hey, thanks so much BsProffy. But pardon me, what does PM means, am new here, thus not sure what's the meaning.

Meanwhile, since I'll be in Seattle, thought we bring the ring along to check with them if they can also do something for us instead. If not, will wait till Nov, as we're going back to Singapore for a week.


Of course they do polishing for you. Just bring it back to one of their outlet and they'll get it done for you. But of course, I'm not sure how long they'll take though, haven't tried it before so far. Actually, I intend to do that for my AD next yr too.


New Member
Hi faye, yup they do polishing for u, i thk it shold be a cost of $30 if didnt remembed wrongly.
shouldnt be too long coz usually when i go to polish my silver stuff, itz ard 3 days to a wk.


New Member
hey sue-anne, PM is private message... hee

hi pierced, i was told that polishing is free.. but hor, i havent tried before..

i only got them to clean my ring so far.. and its free.. eh, i clean them like once a month.. takes less than 5 mins.. =)


New Member
for silver you have to pay for polishing (they have a price list). for gold or platinum it's free and they even steam clean it for you
their service is excellent


New Member
hi sue-anne n snippy,

thks for the info. hehe.. i can save the trouble purposely gg down to ask abt it.

million thks


New Member
Did u gals pay for engraving on your rings? Was very dissapointed at the sales person at Las Vgas where we bought the rings. We paid abt US$24 for 14 letters in all. We expected it to be FOC. Didnt realised he charged us for it until we looked at the receipt when we got home. He gave us a bottle of jewellery cleaner, though. Told us its worth abt USD$10, but still...hiaz


New Member

I got my wedding bands from Tiffany in Singapore (Taka), the engravings are free with no limitation to the number of letters. But I was told that I will be charged for polishing, something like around $30. Mine is a plat made. Cleaning is FOC anytime.


New Member
Hi, yup no charge for engraving. quite gd as the rings can accomodate quite a lot of letters. but free cleaner!!!
gg to wait till nearer to AD to polish it again.


New Member
Hi elven_princess,

I bought mine frm T&C, S'pore, didn't hve to pay for engraving either.

You were at Las Vgas' T&C? When? Was there just last week.


New Member
i guess the service given is just different the world over hor? but the diamond dropping out of the Elsa Peretti band is indeed distressing...


New Member
Hi gals, was wondering if you find that tiffany's silver accessories are not of good quality? i have a few pieces but it tarnished very quickly


New Member
hi beautiful

have you put on other silver accessories before? coz unlike gold, there is only one kind of silver.. 925..

in any case, you may be like me.. i cannot take silver.. they all tarnished very quickly on me.. be it tiffany or perlinis..


New Member
hi beautiful, bsproffy is rite, for some ppl, they cannot wear silver coz it tarnish very easily. goes the same for other brands of silver.
i have silver chains from tiffany and other brands too but they all tarnish easily when i wear.
sometimes itz due to oxidisation too in the air.


New Member
Hi eleven_princess,

Was there early Oct, yes, agree that the weather there is so so hot. Got sunburn on my arms. Didn't expect to be that bad.


New Member
Hi bsproffy/pierced, the problem is that i seldom wear them so i don't expect them to tarnish so quickly! could it be that i did not keep in the pouch? i usually leave it in a uncovered box... perlini's also tarnish very quickly... have you tried bringing back to tiffany for polishing/cleaning?


New Member
hi beautiful

i dun have silver items actually coz since young i have the problem with them.. so i prefer the platinium series..

but from your description, i am pretty sure that its due to oxidisation in the air.. you should keep your silver stuff in the pouch or covered box..

you can bring them back to tiffany for polishing... my fren always does that.. =)


New Member
i've got my platinum wedding bands from Tiffany's, though its got scratches already (due to daily wear), i'm still really happy with it. still looks good.

am actually thinkin of getting the signature dog tag necklace, i intend to wear it quite regularly, wonder if that will also help to prevent it from tarnishing. its not cheap for silver so i really hope it can lasts me a long time. my cousin bot one and she has been wearin it for awhile and it still looks pretty good. am thinkin of getting the one with the chunky chain...any comments?


New Member
Hi beautiful,
I think u can purchase the silver cleaner or something from T&C, i think shld be less than $20. I used to own afew T&C silver items & i agree that they tarnish as easily as other silver items. I think better dont wear them when u have activities like sports, etc, because when we sweat, i think it will oxidises more quickly as well.

I didnt get sunburnt (luckily) cos i stayed indoors alot of the time. Did u went to Aladdin's Palace to shop? An absoulte dream! Hehe. Cant wait to go back for more shopping. But have to save money first. Right now, wedding comes first.

Hi haru,
I have a gal fren who has the dog tag chain design & i thot it looks cool. Im thinking if getting the 'Return to Tiffany' series, though. Havnt had time to go down & take a look at the range. Just happen to re-watch 'Legally Blonde' & noticed Reese Witherspoon wearing that in the show. Looks very girlish & pretty. Hee.


New Member
Hi, I find that T&C silver tarnishes really quickly. But Georg Jensen doesn't. I can wear go for weeks without polishing my necklace.


New Member
Hi elven_ princess,

Good for you. Was walking along the strip the whole day and yes, did go to Aladdin's Palace, but didn't manage to really shop for stuff. Did go to one of the factory outlets though, and spent the whole afternoon there. Just wish my shopping kakis are there with me.


New Member
hi verylastminute

georg jensen's silver is unlike tiff's or other brand's silver.. gj has two mainly 2 styles - the classic range.. where the silver has the old and tarnished look.. and the other, the matt look.. for the matt look, it's less difficult to be subject to oxidisation.. thats my understanding.. =)


New Member
Hi beautiful, yup, i seldom wear mi silver items too and i find although i keep them in the puch it still tarnishes. have to spend $$ bring it back to tiffany and they charge for polishing silver items. thk ard $15 if im not wrong. have gave up on wearing the silver items as if u wear it, and place it back, it will tarnish.

hi haru, same as mi platinum WB, oso scratches on it due to daily wear but still look ok to mi datz why i dun thk i be sending it back for polishing bef mi AD. provided there's time for it.

hi bsproffy, not too sure abt GJ items as i havent bought fr them but i was interested in some designs too. so that's why GJ items wont get tarnished easily.


New Member
hi pierced

a fren's mum is a GJ fanatic.. so i seen her collection and some catalogs.. thats the impression i got from her lar..

some GJ silver rings are fabulous.. but i find them too ex for silver.. will save $$ for diamonds.. hahhaha


New Member
hi pierced, do you think tiffany's silver items are lousy or it's just cos it's 925 silver?
by the way, do they charge S$15 for each piece for polishing? it's quite expensive since we have quite a few pieces! based on your experience, how soon will it tarnish again after polishing?
