The Sentosa, A Beaufort Hotel


New Member
Hi pinacola,
haven't heard from you for quite a while..
you must be really excited about your coming big day! Sent my photo link to you liao...


New Member
Hi Queen, thanks for sharing yr pics! Gave me an idea of how it'll be like! Yes very near to THE DAY..still not very prepared! : )


New Member
Hi touraco,
Just back from honeymoon? Where did you go?
It's been such a long time since you posted here.
Just a few pics on my wedding setup and flowers.
You wanna see?


New Member
i have not even look through the photos myself.heehee
will try to upload some when i have the time as i have over 1200 photos


New Member
Hi touraco...
dying to see your photos! upload when free! which part of europe u went? me going to italy next weekend... for work (sian). now i am just worried about gaining weight during my stay there. u know the usual, work, eat then back to hotel and i won't be going for my usual workout session!!! my first fitting is about 2 weeks after i'm back... scary!


New Member
i went london,paris,italy and switzerland.
yah....pasta and sandwiches everyday will kill u...heehee
dun worry, u can always give excuses that u r dieting for wedding and ur colleagues won't force u to eat.


New Member
can i check with u gals which coordinator is better? i mean more flexible in giving freebies?san san or josiah?


New Member
hi zen
can't help much as we are dealing we sun sun only.
she did throw in some things like putting floating candles on our tables for free and candles along the stairs for us too.


New Member
i'll be meetin josiah next mon to view the place. cos when i called, san san was off. hopefully i can finally decide my venue.


New Member
hi touraco!

heheeh went over to BKK to shop for household stuff and wedding cards..

so where are u going to stay?
hmmm June will be the rainy mth..
hopefully the weeather will not be tat warm..


New Member
hi racherlle
got any good bargains. i am going with my sis this time round, her first time there.

i will be staying at asia hotel.hopefully,it will be cloudy,not sunny or rainy...heee


New Member
hi touraco!

personally i feel that there's nothing much in Chatuchat.. and the tings are not cheap too..
prefer the night markets.. can bargain!

ohh okie asia hotel is very convenient too..
yup dun worrie too much abt the weather..


New Member
u mean the suan lum night market or just the pasar malam kind? i find nothing to buy in the pasar malam many stores selling the same things.


New Member
hi touraco

suanlum night market!

i heard that patpong has a pretty gd night market too..

hi purpliepotz!

when are u planning to have ur AD?


New Member
Hi gals,
Haven't been posting recently... too busy with work.

glad to hear you have a great shopping trip at BKK. Did you manage to get the wedding cards?
What did you buy for your house?

Sent you the photo link liao. Europe is so nice... backpacked there when I was in uni. Maybe will go back there again this year if I still have the money to spare...

Counting down...!

The rest of you girls,
How's wedding preps?


New Member
hi touraco!

my AD is on the 14th May 2006.. hehe exactly 1 year from nw..

hi queen!
yup managed to get my wedding cards there.. from a shop that specialises in doing wedding cards..
cost me ard 0.67 cents per piece..
i bought lamps, cushion, vase, etc for my home..
hw's ur reno going?
shld be completing soon rite? excited for u!

mine's starting at the end of May..


New Member
Hi queen,
thanks for the photo link.
brings back sweet memories of my own wedding. Am still waiting for my photographer to come back to me with my photos. : )


New Member
Hi all

I'm thinking of having my dinner at beautfort too. Have plan for 20 tables but I saw from the website that the min reqiurement is 22 tables. Saw that some of you had only 20 tables, do you have to pay extra for anything else? Also, is the food & service any good? Know that the ballroom is nice but have not seen it actually. Is it high ceiling and column free?

Hi Queen, can you send me your wedding pics too?


New Member
hi gals,
i check out beaufort today.... at 1st thot the villa really nice & even bring along the deposit liao. but upon seeing it, i'm quite disppointed. it looks so different frm the website pic. dunno whether u all hv seen the villa in banyan tree. it's so so much nicer... it's not really worth paying so much for it. jus a personal opinion. no offence intended. now headache. got to look for another venue.


New Member
hi clarina!
welcome to the thread!

yup i'm planning to have ard 18-20 tables..
Beaufort is not really tat strict with the min requirement.. u can actually bargain w them..

food and service not too sure.. shld b quite ok..
i love the place for the ambience..

when are u planning to hold ur wedding??


New Member
Hi racherlle!

Mine would be end of 06 so now looking around first as i'm planning for my ROM end this year concurrently. I'm more or less fixed on beaufort but have not taken a look at their ballroom. Am planning to go down in the next 2 weeks. I've heard some comments about inadequate parking space and inflexibility of wedding planner. Is this any true? Cos I was thinking of exhanging my wedding cards, guest book & 1st anniversary stay & dinner with a barrel of beer. I'm also in the hotel industry so anniversary stay is not a problem for me.


New Member
hi clarina,
the cooridnator i met is josiah. he's veri nice. he'll do all he can for the couple.i heard that san san is nice too. parking wise i think it's ok. cos other than the park lots in front of the hotel, there are still many lots a stone throw away. btw, beaufort dun provide wedding cards & beer in their package. too bad i'm not taking beaufort so can't work with him.


New Member
hi clarina
my coordinator then is sun sun. she's pretty nice and if you tell her nicely,she can give u some things for free.
so far,nobody complained abt parking to me.btw,sentosa dun allow motorbikes to come in so pls tell your guests.
and yah,beaufort dun provide wedding cards and beer.


New Member
hi clarina!

ohh okie mine will b in May 06..

u shld go and take a look at their ballroom.. it's lovely!

parking wise i find it that it shld be sufficient.. coz u can also park at the golf club beside beaufort..
as for the planner.. mine's Sunsun.. i find her quite ok.. met up w her to view the premises the other time.. haven't signed the contract yet so can't really say whether she's flexible or not.. will let u noe coz i'm meeting up w her pretty soon to sign the contract..

oh is there a 1st year anniversary stay? i didn't notice tat! hehe

touraco, can u pm me abt the free tings that sunsun gave u? hehe so i can bargain for more when i meet up w her


New Member
Hi all.. thanks for all the advice.. I would very much want to hold it there as its the only nice hotel that caters to my table size. most hotel want abt 30 to 50 tables min.

Hi zen, josiah's the one who send me the proposals. my only concern now is to think how to exchange certain items as I would need the barrel of beer. Wines are not a prob cos I have my contacts. Anyway, thanks for all the tips!!


New Member
hi ladies...
hasnt been posting for a while. how's the prep for everyone?

clarinaT,... i am sure after seeing beaufort and take a walk around the hotel... u will never find another hotel that can match the standard (serenity...) in fact, me and my hubby loved it so much that he booked us into the hotel on a weekend to celebrate my birthday...

one prob... they just dun provide beer. try asking for corkage waiver instead...


New Member
hi elle!

hw are u?? as for me, i'm bzbzbz with home reno stuff.. hehe waiting for my home to be ready...

oh ya gals, do u noe that Beaufort is increasing their prices again?? gosh.. the new price is 768+++ for the standard menu.. geee! however, they are giving a free bottle of wine for every confirmed table.. other than tat, nothing's change.. geee.. an extra $50 for a bottle of wine.. ex ah.. :p


New Member
Hi girls!

Clarina & all brides-to-be,
Beaufort doesn't normally negotiate at the early stage. Closer to your wedding date, you can try to ask for more exchanges or 'freebies'. Sun Sun did try to accomodate as much as she could for my wedding. I think they are not willing to promise anything if you have not placed a deposit and confirmed with them.

Wow, you HB is so romantic! Being in Beaufort feels like being in a resort in some other country right?

Can't believe they are increasing their prices again! My gosh, they are fast on par (if not surpassed) the rates quoted by hotels like Raffles and Fullerton. Beaufort must be really confident in attracting customers. I mean, they don't even provide things like beer and cards! But then again, they are probably the only one in Singapore that can provide the intimate and serene resort ambience. Huge selling point for them. I think it's not worth getting the wine from them. See if you all can exchange for something else like beer or upgrade of dishes and stuff.


New Member
Hi Elle.. thanks. Will go down and take a look soon. You mean they dun provide beer at all? Not even if we buy from them?? or can we bring in our own beer as I work very closely with APB.hmm..

Hi racherlle, $50 for a bottle of wine.. OMG! That's so ex. I can get a decent bottle of wine at only $20 from the suppliers.

Hi queen, are you saying that they are not willing to negotiate until you place deposit? If I'm about to confirm and then ask for freebies before confirming? I'm sure they will accomodate rite cos they want the business. But then again, some hotels are quite stuck-up, my cousin try asking some fancy hotel for freebies, they told her they're not hard up for her business. Geez....


New Member
Hi ClarinaT,
It's not like they are not willling to negotiate. It's more like they will not give definite yes to all your requirements. But closer to the date, they are more accomodating. Like when I first sign, they say they don't provide day rooms but they will try to give me one. On my AD, they gave me 2 rooms when I requested. But thingsl ike wine cockage, you can try to negotiate first. No lah, they won't be like those fncy hotels who are rude. They'll just tell you no promises and all.

You can definitely bring in your own beer. But they will charge beer cockage. But you can try to get the cockage waived. You can also buy te beer from them loh, but not cheap. $450+++ for 20L.


New Member
hi queen!

i managed to get Sunsun to give me the old pricing at $718+++!! most likely i will confirm by the end of this week..
ya u r right.. Beaufort doesn't negotiate at the early stages!!
i've juz met up w her.. haha i even prepared a long list of wat to negotiate for.. then i realised that she will only give us the perks or more stuff nearer to our date.. coz she noes we are unsure of our no. of tables yet.. and she says she doesn't wan to fix a the no. of bottles of wine corkage for us since our tables are not confirmed.. she says she will b able to give us more if we hav more tables.. so the deposit is more of securing the venue and the time..

ya I was like HUH?!?! when Sunsun told me abt the new price list.. within such a short period of time.. they increase their prices!! but i agree w u.. the ambience is so breathtaking there..
saw the setup for the solemnization and wedding yesterday.. nice!

oh ya! hehe i managed to get David Loh as my JP on my ideal time and date!
so happy!!!

Queen, u had him rite? he sounds very friendly and even joked that i'm so kiasu to call him so early hahaha :p but he said i'm not the earliest.. he has other brides in Nov and Dec 06..

hi clarinaT!
i'm planning to get my beer from outside too..
do u roughly hav any idea hw much does a 20 or 30Ltrs of beer cost from APB????
i'm definitely getting my wine from outside.. i'm going to get more corkage from Sunsun..

oh ya.. i heard from Sunsun that they wil b having new wedding favours in about 2 months time.. so if u r interested u might wan to hav a look..


New Member
Hi girls,

I'm holding my banquet in Beaufort as well...

From what I know, the corkage chargeable (for bringing own beer) is $200 nett per barrel brought in. We're thinking about exchanging the wedding favours for the 20-litres beer.


New Member
Hi girls,

I'm holding my banquet in Beaufort as well...

From what I know, the corkage chargeable (for bringing own beer) is $200 nett per barrel brought in. We're thinking about exchanging the wedding favours for the 20-litres beer.


New Member
Hi Racherlle,
i just came back from italy on saturday. there are sooooo many good looking guys in italy office. all single and very available... i couldn't blink my eyes during the training session! hahaha (not very appropriate to post such msg in "sg brides" website!)

loved the beaufort hotel room. the bathroom was very nice... so cozy... overlooking some gardens... and loved the pool! spend 2 afternoons there just getting a tan and swim! felt like we were in bali hardrock hotel ...

i've got a fren working in APB sales... told me that we can buy beer from their distributor. 100+ for 20 litres and 200+ for 30 litres (tiger beer). do let me know if u r able to get a better price... every $ count!


New Member
hi hydra!

yup i've juz confirmed w my wedding planner that Beaufort charges 200nett per barrel..
I've managed to get a contact for the beers and no matter wat they are still cheaper than getting from Beaufort directly..

hi elle!
wow haha italian dudes ah! hehe i can "see" u drooling keke

elle & clarinaT,
can u gals kindly pm the actual amount that ur friends are charging u for the 20 and 30ltrs of beer? hehe i managed to find two suppliers.. so juz wan to compare the rates.. thanks


New Member
Hi elle & racherlle

I've yet to get a quote from my fren as my banquet date is not even fixed yet. I'll however, drop him a msg to ask him abt the prices and let u guys know.

Just for your info. hotels usually charge $500+ for 20litre beer that can serve up to 60 glasses and $600+ to $700 for 30litre that serve up to 90 glasses. If by adding the cost of beer from supplier + corkage, it'll still be cheaper than buying from hotel.
