hi queen!
i managed to get Sunsun to give me the old pricing at $718+++!! most likely i will confirm by the end of this week..
ya u r right.. Beaufort doesn't negotiate at the early stages!!
i've juz met up w her.. haha i even prepared a long list of wat to negotiate for.. then i realised that she will only give us the perks or more stuff nearer to our date.. coz she noes we are unsure of our no. of tables yet.. and she says she doesn't wan to fix a the no. of bottles of wine corkage for us since our tables are not confirmed.. she says she will b able to give us more if we hav more tables.. so the deposit is more of securing the venue and the time..
ya I was like HUH?!?! when Sunsun told me abt the new price list.. within such a short period of time.. they increase their prices!! but i agree w u.. the ambience is so breathtaking there..
saw the setup for the solemnization and wedding yesterday.. nice!
oh ya! hehe i managed to get David Loh as my JP on my ideal time and date!
so happy!!!
Queen, u had him rite? he sounds very friendly and even joked that i'm so kiasu to call him so early hahaha

but he said i'm not the earliest.. he has other brides in Nov and Dec 06..
hi clarinaT!
i'm planning to get my beer from outside too..
do u roughly hav any idea hw much does a 20 or 30Ltrs of beer cost from APB????
i'm definitely getting my wine from outside.. i'm going to get more corkage from Sunsun..
oh ya.. i heard from Sunsun that they wil b having new wedding favours in about 2 months time.. so if u r interested u might wan to hav a look..