The Fullerton Hotel Singapore


New Member
I am having the same problem with you. Was given a soft copy by Vivian. but its different from website. in fact, the soft copy is cheaper.

At first when i called to make appt, i do not have a date in mind. they dont want to entertain me. gosh! told me to call again once i have the date

Now i have a date, luckily its still available Yuppie *clap clap*. so still waiting for Delia to call me back for appt. Hopefully I can get to meet her this sat. Once i have clarify with her regarding the price, will let you know.


New Member
Hi Yam Hwee,

U having food tasting / wedding dinner / just normal dinner? if its a wedding dinner, then i will definitely pop by

Delia has yet to get back to me. sob sob. she must be busy.
I have narrowed down to 3 hotels. so hoping to have preview for all on sat. dont know whether if its possible. will head down to tanjong pagar road to hunt for bridal package.


New Member
your wedding dinner? big big congrats!! must tell us your experience after that ok. if can include photo, the better.

i will be meeting delia at 6.30pm. so i suppose i will be visiting your wedding ballroom.

So.. ready for your big day?


New Member
thanks. okie will upload the photos when they are ready.

Quite worried on the attendance as we have attended a wedding a few months back whereby nearly half the ballroom was empty. The ambience was totally lost and the whole room was very quiet.


New Member
Hi Yam Hwee,

My AD is in 1 months time and I am very worried about the attendance too. Keep us posted and enjoy yourself on your BIG DAY


New Member
hi gals....i had my wedding @ fullerton on a thursday....we had a 98% attendance...remember 2 sms all yr friends/colleagues the day helps....


New Member
yup me too, mine was a tues wedding... attendance about 97%.. didn't sms anybody to remind though... but luckily attendance still quite full..


New Member
Hi Yam Hwee, Congrats!! I may be dropping by to see the wedding setup too, if u don mind

Idy, pls keep me posted of the price k. I just hope they will honour what they sent to us. The Eternity package difference is really huge

CaratSoup...all ready for your big day already? Gone for the food tasting?? Keep me posted of the food tasting can? I am still very interested to know how they portion the prawn dish. really 1 prawn per person? As well as the overall food portion. Enough? or too little? not filling :p

Gals, I think weekday weddings are very common these days. I attended a couple and the attendace is don worry k


New Member
Hi Bugbear,
Now just cracking my head over the guest lists and meeting up with friends to hand them the cards. Everything else is more or less done. Waiting for GDL and AD only.

I have gone for the food tasting few weeks ago. Food presentation was good. The food was tasty though everyone commented that it started off better than it ended. But overall, I would rate is 8.0 so no worries. As for the food portion, the servings were pretty huge esp for the chicken and fish. Portion for sharks fin, noodles, cold dish and dessert was pretty standard) The only dishes that I felt was too small was the prawn (cos 1 prawn to per person) and the vegetable was quite miserable too (just 2 stalks) but everyone was filling very full at the end of dinner (even for the guys).

You have not confirmed with Fullerton yet? Are you considering other hotels too?


New Member
congrats ! carasoup. looks like you are very well prepared for the day. so envy
you know, i merely get started on my wedding preparations, i have friends telling me i will definitely loss money for selecting fullerton blah blah . gosh! wonder what they going for my PS etc...

Yam Hwee. dont worry about the attendance. just "fang qing song". enjoy yourself on that day.

bugbear. hope to see you this sat if you are popping by. i will definitely ask Delia about the price diff. I am really puzzled too, such a hugh gap. just wish the website has typpo error *hik hik*


New Member
Morning Gals! lor, i have not sign with Fullerton yet. Still trying to make some what idy mentioned, friends/relatives have been tellling me that opting for Fullerton confirmed lose money, etc...anyway, i am also looking at 2 other hotels
moreover, i still have a fair bit of slowly dilly dally...but my heart goes towards Fullerton :D

Glad to hear that the food portion is enough even for guys... *happy happy*

Idy, u confirmed going to Fullerton this sat? Ur coord is Delia huh. Mine is Diana. Actually i have somewhat settled on the negotiation, maybe just a couple more to discuss in more details when i am ready to sign wif them. Yup yup, i will keep a lookout for u if i happen to be there
Do take some photos if possible, then share with me k...

Hahah, i also praying hard that there is typo error. The difference is just too big to be true


New Member
I had mine wedding on weekday as well and the attendance was 98%. Just make sure U RSVP with your guests.

Hi Caratsoup,

Have you settle your Photo montage?


New Member
My sis-in-law volunteered to help with the montage so we decided to DIY. Partly becos, we have to conserve some $$ for videography

Actually I felt that there's nothing much to do. Maybe cos I am a no-fuss kinda person. Very Chin chye. In fact I only started planning for my wedding in late Jul 04.

If you like FH, just go for it. It's a once in a lifetime thingy afterall


New Member
Heheh...CaratSoup, i also like that's once in a lifetime...that's why i need to plan properly and estimate the losses. Also dun wan to incur too much losses


New Member
Hi hi gals...

Just a couple of Qs to ask. For those ex-fullerton brides, did you purchase wine from the hotel or did u arrange ur own wine? Any discounts on the corkage? Roughly how much wine is consumed? I am estimating 60 bottles. Dunno if this is enough or not


New Member
Hi Bugbear,

I purchase wine fm fullerton, total comsumption is abt 50 bottles for 33 tables... drop me your email if u wanna view my photos..


New Member
purchased my own wine from wine cellar..
consumed 65 bottles of wine, 2 barrels of beer, 4 bottles hard liquor for 31 tables on a Tues


New Member
Morning Gals...

Wah, seems like the consumption of wine is quite high generally huh. I am looking at ard 40-42 tables. Think my 60 bottles is barely enough
I am also estimating 2x30l beer.

CKE, how much did you pay for corkage then? How much did you pay for your wine?

Sharlene, which price difference are u refering to? The menu package? or?


New Member
Hi Wendy,
Everything is more or less done. At this moment, we are just distributing cards. Some guests who can't make it as already RSVPed. Next on the list would be to arrange to meet up with coordinator first week of Feb to arrange the decor, floral arrangement, etc. The last thing before AD would be the GDL.

How about u? How's the life of a newly-wed?


New Member
Hi Sharlene,

The package sent to me via email is supposed to be the new one, stated in the doc is valid from sept05-jun06. But the price is still different from the published price. I PM u


New Member
Hi Bugbear,

I had 34 tables. The drink consumption was 43 bots of wine, 2 barrel of beer and 2 bots of hard liquor. My SIL told me that she saw the waitress/waiters removed the glasses when left 1/5 and changed to new glasses for the guests. I think this is why the wine consumption tend to be high in Fullerton. U may like to take note and tell the Bouquet manager not to do that.


New Member
ooh...Chamonique, thanks for the advice. I will definitely take note of that...i was even thinking of only starting wine after 1st fanfare...and only upon request. On top of that, only serve half glass :p

Is it alright just to serve red, and not white?


New Member
Hi all,

Me and my fh are think of getting fullerton for our AD too, but my AD is a bit far from now is in 07 haha. but i saw that u all say that they send a soft copy stated sept05-jun06, so do anyone know roughly how far before 07 they will have the pricing.


New Member
hi ladies,
I went down to meet Delia yesterday and was shown Yam Hwee's ballroom. The theme is blue and gives me a really dreamy feeling. when i walked down the stairs, i felt like a princess, even though its not my weddding ha ha ha ...

I saw the whole process. from co-ordinators meeting, to banquet mgr briefing all the staff. all was very well organised. Feel really happy for Yam Hwee

Now lets wait for Yam hwee to appear online to tell us all about her big day.


New Member
BugBear, i've got bad news for you. Clarified with Delia about the price difference. She told me there is a typo error on the soft copy sent to us. The website reflect the correct price for sept2005-jun2006

Furthermore, was told that their direct competitor Four Seasons up their price by $80 and last year fullerton only up their price by $30 last year. So ladies be prepared for the price increase soon.

Next wedding show will be in July/august this year.

Niko: you can go to the wedding show n sign up. you will receive good perks. If you like an outdoor solemnisation, you can ask to make use of the East Garden @ fullerton.


New Member
Hi Bug Bear,

I think it is perfectly alright to serve just red wine since most pple will request for that anyway. If U also cater for white wine, it will be difficult for u to estimate how many red and white to get. The consumption will be even higher if u have some guests ordering both red and wine just becos they want to try out.


New Member
Hi Bug Bear,

I think it is perfectly alright to serve just red wine since most pple will request for that anyway. If U also cater for white wine, it will be difficult for u to estimate how many red and white to get. The consumption will be even higher if u have some guests ordering both red and white wine just becos they want to try out.


New Member
Morning gals!

Idy, so sad to hear that. If it's a typo error on their part, being such a reputable hotel, they should honour the price quoted right? Not just because they made a mistake and we have to bear the difference. Think i will get my FH to go talk to the coordinator. I seriously doubt it's a typo error. Reason being that when i first met with my coord, she specifically told me that she hasn't got the 2006 menu printed, hence advice me that the price difference will be $30. Which is what has been sent to me via email.

BTW, i peeped at Yam Hwee's balloom as well...very nice! Very dreamy! I was there a little too early...not everything had been setup yet tho....can't wait for Yan Hwee to update us on her night!

Chamonique, u are right. if i were to server both red and white, it's going to be tough estimating the consumption. Think i will just serve red


New Member
Any way i have call n ask liao they say they have rom package but now is waiting for them to email me the details but no news yet leh


New Member
hi gals,

i'm back from the hotel. no regrets holding my wedding at the fullerton. all comments from my guests were positive - ball room decor, food, service etc.

really appreciate delia's help and also my banquet captain. all we had to do were to let them run the show.

will upload my photos when i get back from my honeymoon in march.

meanwhile, happy prep to all brides to be here.



New Member
hi Yam Hwee.
where are you going for honeymoon? Do enjoy yourself!

so nice to hear good comment from your guests. Delia gave us a week to confirm with her. My FH love the place. Its almost confirm that we will sign contract this sat.

I did not negotiate, coz i am not good at that. Any ladies went to bridal show last year? has anyone made a comparision? What are the additional perks?


New Member
Yam Hwee, congrats!! Where u going for HM? Can't wait to see ur photos.

Hi Idy, so how's ur negotiation with Fullerton? Which date are u looking at?

I only know that the last wedding fair, they gave like some % discount, but the base package price is higher than end up, the difference is minimal.


New Member
Hi Yam Hwee, congrats that your big day ended very well. Have a romantic honeymoon
hope to be able to view your pics, if you don't mind sharing with me.

To everyone else, my coordinator is Diana. She told me that i was lucky to confirm with her the $738 price early. They have increased the price to $768 just a few days before i went down to sign the contract. Btw, my AD is Oct this yr. Thus, I am really lucky.

Idy, i didn't negotiate much as well. They are very firm on their package. The usual increase in invitation cards and parking coupons only. I guess you didn't miss much.

Delia sounds really good. I wonder how is Diana. She's always very stern when we meet.


New Member
Hi piyoling, the coord that i talked to is Diana as well. I find her very strict...everything i asked, also no no no...think i dun even need to finish my statement and she will go, no no no :p


New Member
Hi Yam Hwee,
Congrats that everything went beautifully and smoothly on your BIG day. So happy for you. Enjoy yourself on your HM and update us when you get back. Look forward to your pics.

I am meeting Delia tomorrow to confirm all other details. So I shall update and share the discussion with all of you.

How's your preps so far? Haven't seen you around for quite some time....


New Member
hi ladies,
Delia is a very nice lady. i feel really comfortable talking to her.

We have told her we were thinking of letting go wedding invitations n favours. so she gave us corkage waiver n beer in exchange. Its a reasonable exchange when you compare the prices. so i guess she is fair n will try to give us things that we ask for.

ya, havent seen Sashamama lately. she must be busy with school.


New Member
hi all,

thanks for all ur well wishes.

I'll be going mauritius for 8 days from tomorrow. Will come back for the new year for 2 days before flying off again for an extended honeymoon in NZ for a month till March.

Will upload my wedding photos after i collect them from my photographer in March.

To all future Fullerton bride to be, u will definitely have no regrets choosing such a wonderful venue with excellent staff to match.

My hubby and I really appreciate the help in which Delia had rendered throughout our wedding. So much so that she have become a friend instead of just a coordinator to the two of us.

All the best to everyone here and have a Great Chinese New Year ahead


New Member
Bugbear, you are right that Diana is very strict and a little stern when discussing the package. Everything is either a 'no' or 'extra charge'. However, my FH and I love this hotel, the ballroom and the Loft. Diana will try to open up once the formal discussion is over. She will then casually ask qns like my BS and gown etc...

I guess on our AD, we just have to be a little pro-active in making sure everything is in place.

So have you sign with Fullerton yet?


New Member
Yam Hwee,
Mauritius is BEAUTIFUL! excellent service and simply the most romantic honeymoon place. The locals are very friendly and they speak good english and french. I was very impressed

I was there in 2003 with my FH. We didn't know it's such a romantic place, very suitable for honeymooners. We wanted to go Cairns to dive, but ended up in Mauritius for diving just because they had a 50% off 2nd pax package. HAHA ;p

Have a great time!


New Member
Hi Piyoling, yeah, Diana quite stern. I haven't signed with Fullerton yet. Planning to do so soon, after CNY. I dunno if i should continue to nego with her, or change a coord...cos it's almost 2 months since i last spoken to her...i was out-stationed then, so no opportunity to followup with her. It seems like Delia is quite nice to talk to...but i worried that if i approach another, not very nice :p

So what about u?? U signed with Fullerton already? Managed to squeeze anything out from Diana? What is ur corakge like?
