Softcopies of pre wedding photoshoot


New Member
Dear all. Me and my wife to be are very angry at the deception that we have encountered for the bridal package. We went to select our photos and were shocked to find out that the softcopies won't be provided. Not even 1. And they wanted to sell it at 95 a piece. We only have a big album of 34 poses and a mini album of 20 poses. I would like the softcopies at least the selected so I can play it during the wedding . But they would not give unless we pay 1k more. We are inexperienced in this and though we have researched on the bridal package but have missed this portion out. Very sad. I wonder is this the common practice that no softcopiea be given? I hope this is the case so we feel better.


New Member
You usually need to pay extra if u wanna get all softcopies. (and/or hard copies)

Having soft copies for selected pics is standard. Should be in the package one.


New Member
people usually paid 1-2 k to get all soft copy back.
or Sometimes you might need to get more than 10poses.

this is for my tw PS and AD

Yvonne creative $5088
Bargained for
- 2 daddy jack, 2 bro jacket
- 2 mama dress
- $2k to get soft copy back
- 4 poses exchanged for 4R album and table top frame
- Free inland transport (worth $250)
- Up to 40 poses (do try to walk away but sound interested at the same time)

Jazz (originally 3688 but include AD photography plus softcopy+ car to $6000+)
- 2 daddy jack, 2 bro jacket
- 36 poses ($80 -90 each)
- Soft copy
- Studio
- 1 poses exchanged for table
