Singapore Marriott Tang Plaza Hotel


New Member
sailormoonwt, my dinner is on 31st May and I only got my printed cards in end Jan. I didnt go to Marriott's printer coz I got other contacts. We only printed the inserts and then we glued them onto the cards ourselves during during CNY. I think the printing process can be done quite fast. Mine takes abt 1-2 weeks, including artwork.


New Member
ah? yr dinner on 31st may? which ballroom u using? tot they only hv one ballroom?

hw much did it cost u to print for yr private contacts? cheaper than Marriott contacts mah?


New Member
hey sailormoonwt! its me..twinstarz! =) i just faxed Lil'art my order for printing of the invitation cards this morn n my AD is on 16th may! haha..even more last min than u right? are u choosing the printing of invitation cards as 1 of ur "wishes"? if u are, then at least, no worries about the cost. how's ur planning coming along? im going for food tasting next tue.


New Member
hey twinstarz! how's yr preparation getting along? for me, i jus had my PS shots last mth & selected my photos for the wedding album last week...nw cant wait to see my album layout nxt mth wor...

mm...i seem to hv 1001 things hvnt do yet... *sob sob* no time liao... shit

my food tasting will be nxt mth as my parents r away on a holiday end of the mth so got till wait till nxt mth loh ...

mmm...printing the invite cards as one of the wishes?? i dun tink mine hv leh


New Member
sailormoonwt, apologies.... Typo there. My dinner is on 31st March, not May. Haha. Sorry ah, didnt check before I post. Er, didnt know much about the cost of my inserts coz my dad printed them for me. Hehe.. Free!!


New Member
AH !!! okie.... i panicked when i read 31st may cos i wonder if Marriott would hv make a mistake & allow 2 weddings to take place on the same day ... if tat reali happen...i reali would hv fainted !!

so u choose the invites card tat is using inserts ah? not the new designs one izzit?


New Member
sailormoonwt, yup I choose the vineyard design (beige card with red string) coz if I choose the rest of the design, I hv to let their appointed printers do the printing coz it doesnt come with the text. But so far, my frenz all commented that the cards look nice


New Member
yah loh...if choose those new designs...then hv to fall back on marriott designated printing company cos its a blank coloured pc of card (for new design invite card) tat they actually sent for printing together with text. for inserts, u can alwys source yr own contacts which is relatively cheaper in a way..

still cant make up my mind which one to choose :p

so how many pcs u printed all in all?


New Member
ya, that's how they make you print with their printer. I printed about 360-400 inserts including spares just in case last min want to invite some ppl. My husband and I glued the inserts ourselves so every card is considered made by us in a way. Haha. You havent decide which cards to choose ah? I guess depends on which design u like ba. I think the rates to print with marriott's printer is not ex.


New Member

i have signed up wif marriott.=) may i ask wat r the rates to print wif marriott's printer ah?

my coordinator told me b4..but i din note it down..sigh. i wanna note down in my contract now in case they increase prices and i m not aware..=P


btw..the new designs u all r talking abt, are they the colourful range, like blue type? =P


New Member
JJ ...

i have attached some pictures to let u see ...
first two pics (nicer invites) r the ones tat sensech is toking abt ... printing on the invite cards itself ...meaning u die die hv to use marriott's contact . as for inserts...the invite cards will be the last pic as shown




sensech : wow.. u printed alot ah... u had around 36-38 tables mah? printed 10% more as buffer?

i hvnt decide leh...actually i dun mind the vineyard cos i tink its quite pretty by itself oredi...(like the knob thingy) and i tink not alot of guests bother to take notice of the invite cards & keep them unless for close frens lah...

i tink the cost difference btwn these two not tat great.... mmm ....


New Member
hihi sailormoonwt!

wa...thx so much for sharing these pics wif me! i didn't receive these pics b4..the coordinator fwded them to u wan hah? so pretty pics! =)))

oic..the 1st 2 pics' invite cards, we need to use marriott's printer har? it.=) hee2..

my husband n i were attracted by their colourful cards when we were in their wedding rm..haha.. so, i guess we might end up choosing one of those and using their printer in the end.=)))

btw..hav u alrdy had ur food tasting? ur AD is on 31 may..i suppose food tasting for u is ard the corner now, right? =P

any suggestions on how u pick the dishes for food-tasting? do u pick wat u intend to hav for the banquet day?? or do u pick those special dishes which u all feel like trying so tt if it's gd, then u choose for actual day's banquet? hmm...*dilemma*


New Member
no worries, JJ ... glad it gives a better picture to u & yr hb now

i hvnt had my food tasting ... suppose to do it end of march but my parents r away on a holiday so can only do it mid april...shouldnt be much of an issue as do it nearer my AD oso good in a way they can rem watever comments we gave mah :p keke!

as for i tink i ate their sea perch during the wedding show last yr Oct 06.. very very tasty indeed (its like cod fish) but i tink must top up $$$ per table...which we may not wan to...u noe expenses can add up to a huge sum if everyting u wan it perfect...

as for the rest of the dishes...not to worry..i ate their wedding dinner twice last dec & tis yr feb.. (our frens wedding) the food was tasty & i m not too worry on their standard of food...


New Member
hi sailormoonwt,

thanks for ur advices! ok..i tink i will do food tasting nearer to my AD as tt they can rem our comments too..hee.=)

i was still tinking of doing it 3 to 4 mths b4 AD! ha ha..=P

wa...u tried their food so recently..for ur frens' weddings..=) so, how's the waiters and waitresses? do they serve u well??

i was at a wedding at another hotel last mth and the waiter's sleeves swept across the salad cream and a veg dish as he scooped and portioned the food for all. i was pretty shocked and disgusted by the dirtied sleeves..gdness..


New Member
JJ ..... 3- 4 mths go food tasting is abit too early...the hotel wont allow u one...normally 2 - 2.5 mths before, yr coordinator will give u a tinkle to ask u for a date for food tasting jus relax for the time being...

their service has improved alot since the 1st wedding i go as compared to the 2nd..if u had read my postings in the earlier threads...u will noe

tink u can relax first...mayb can move over to yr bridal studio preparation (choosing of WG/EG) photographer selection...

wedding dinner can hold on first...


New Member
hi sailormoonwt,

ya..u r right..i tink i shld just dun tink abt the banquet first..ha ha..=P

thx for the reassurance on their service! =)))


New Member
sailormoonwt, initially I wanted to take the new designs when I first saw them but after learning that I hv to use their printer, I opt for the vineyard card instead. Actually I find them quite nice lah, very special. I hv not confirm my table numbers yet as they are still increasing. My initial confirmed number when I signed with Marriott was 30 tables. I will need to confirm with them soon.

JJ, u will need to confirm with your coordinator on the menu b4 u go for the food tasting. Basically, u will eat the whole menu that you have picked for your banquet. Your coordinator will get in touch with u when you are due to do your food tasting so dont worry. For me, I did mine in mid Jan as I want to avoid the CNY period. I think they only allow one session of food tasting on Sat and Sun.


New Member
hi sensech,

har? there's only 1 food tasting session on sat and sun ah? means..if i want a certain date which is 1.5 mths from my wedding day, i better tell my coordinator book the date..=P



New Member
JJ, I heard from my coordinator they only hv 1 session on sat and sun each. Coz it's done in the Wan Hao Restaurant. Anyway, do check with your coordinator again


New Member
how's everyone wkend? bet must be busy preparing for wedding ah?

jus wanna check if anyone had tink thru & got creative march-in ideas?


New Member
how's everyone wkend? bet must be busy preparing for wedding ah?

jus wanna check if anyone had tink thru & got creative march-in ideas?


New Member
I dont hv any creative ideas leh. Just march in lor. Kekeke. But read somewhere that some couples start their march in by singing song?

Going to start planning my seating arrangement. Think will get a heachache doing that.


New Member
hi sensech .. hb & i decided to use the vineyard invite cards over last wkend liao cos the card is quite pretty & very fairy-tale ... u wont be getting Marriott printer co mah? how much was yr printing for your own contacts?

wat print colour u had for yr inserts? Maroon colour with cream inserts tracing paper mah?



New Member
sailormoonwt, so you got the vineyard cards too! I'm sure your guests will hv good comments for them. I didnt use Marriott's printer. My dad printed the inserts for me so I'm not sure how much they cost but I rem him saying Marriott's printer price is ok. For the inserts, I printed the text on cream colour paper with gold text. I bought a gold pen to write the guests' names on it as well.

I'm using Garden of Love as my theme. How about you?


New Member
i m not sure wat text colour i m using for the font...just got Marriott printer to send me a soft copy of the sample inserts (they were quite nice & guide me thru lah...cos i very blur sotong alot of queries) ... tonite will show & discuss with hb...but i tink i personally like the cream colour inserts with gold text .. (like wat u hving as well)

as for the theme...tat time we went to one of the wedding & quite like the RP theme... as for garden of love...dun hv much impression liao...cos tat was last yr wor

wat i intend to do is to ask Alicia wat r the upcoming weddings for the two themes tat we r interested then drop by to take a peep loh..


New Member
hey sailormoon, i just had my food tasting last tue. not very fantastic i find. quite disappointing cept for the cold dish, seafood, fish n noodles. the rest of the dishes either not tasty or too salty. worried. but already feedback lor..just hope that AD will be better. haha. im busy thinking of wat theme to used. probably vineyard or red rapsody..but my evening gown is abit im quite worried, if i take red rapsody, will be too red. sigh..headache. when do u need to confirm on ur theme? should be soon rite?

yah i took the printing of invites as a wish..printed 350 cards, going to collec this wkend. =) wat's next up for u?


New Member
hey ! quite taken aback by yr food tasting experience... mmm... nw i oso kinda worried .... but lets stay positive okie ... i m sure with yr feedback, they will take note one. .. i will probably drop them more feedback on their food during my food tasting nxt mth 15th April ..

eh...i hvnt select my theme yet EG is emerald green colour ... mmm... duno wat theme will suits... i find tat the garden of love abit too plain ....

i dun rem hving printing of invites as part of the wishlist wor .... must confirm agn...blur liao....

nxt on the list ah ... confirm my text fonts (colour of fonts and insert) and ask them to do for me the artwork... tis wkend going NATAS fair to take a look for HM stuffs..


New Member
My food tasting went ok leh. But I find one or two dishes too salty. Cant remember. I think it is the shark's fin. But overall my family and in-laws felt the food was quite nice. Dont worry too much. They will take note of your comments coz I noticed that our comments were indicated in our banquet order form that they want us to sign and return.

sailormoonwt, yup. I think u shd go to take a look at your shortlisted theme and see if you like it or not. It is definitely much easier to see it b4 you than to visualise yourself.


New Member
Ohaiyo Ladies !!!

the thread has been really quiet recently ... guess everyone must be busy preparing for their upcoming wedding

some updates from me ...

1) jus confirmed my artwork and printing confirmation for the wedding inserts !! ready for collection in 10 days time .. Lil' Art were very professional and patient with me for amending my draft everytime i hv comments abt my invites ... looking forward to receive my inserts!!

2) Bgt my si dian jing last wkend ..... didnt get someting too traditional one but still fashionable so tat i can wear it anytime i wan to

3) firming up my HM destination right now on which resort to go to

4) Jus saw the 1st layout of my PS album ... given some comments to my BS & waiting for the 2nd draft !!

5) Going for my food-tasting in two weeks time ... suppose to confirm my menu ASAP ... hehe


New Member
Hi sailormoonwt,which BS r u with? Maybe u can share with me your photos when they r ready? Oh, you can view mine too at multiply. My ID: sensech.

I'm doing my final fitting today and will collect my gowns tomorrow. Got a headache doing my table arrangement. Some ppl dont RSVP, some tell you they cant make it at the last min. Sigh.


New Member
hi sensech ... my BS is French Bridal .. eh ... no soft copies yet so cant reali share with u ... tink hv to wait till mid of april 07 cos we had comments during our 1st viewing of the PS layout ...

ah..people last min become pilots r very normal in a wedding & can be very frustrating and heartache at the same time when people simply jus send u a sms to say they cant make it ... i will hv my fair share of headache later i guess ...


New Member
Urgently seeking couples interested in holding their banquet at Marriott on 22 July 07 (Sunday) to takover my package (many freebies tied down and thrown in ...) I am unable to go ahead with this date due to work commitment, therefore I really hope to find somebody to transfer this package over. Anyone interested at all, simply msg me at 96993929. Cheers!


New Member
Yooo... finally done with my dinner last Sat. So glad that everything went smoothly. My banquet manager in-charged was Christine and she's a nice lady who's always there to lend a helping hand. She even taught me how to hold my gown for the march-in coz both my gowns are long.

Had comments that the champage and red wine were good. My guests loved my pink WG and the songs played during the dinner. So happy to hear the positive comments coz the CDs were compiled and burnt by me.

sailormoonwt, all the best in your planning!


New Member
hi sensech ! congrats to your wedding ...
glad to know tat yr wedding ended with a happy note and everyone had enjoyed yr wedding as much as u do . bet u must be feeling why doesnt it last abit longer so tat u can cherish those moments abit more rite.. tink i will share such sentiments as well

sensech ... u hv pics to share on yr pink WG? Apparently my WG oso pink leh ... pink tulle skirt with white top bustier gown .. hehehe

what was yr march-in song for both 1st & 2nd march in?


New Member
sailormoonwt, you have multiply account? Let me hv your ID to add you to view my photos.

My 1st march in song is "Ai Hen Jian Dan" by David Tao. 2nd song is "Liu Xing Sen Lin Yu" by Daniel Chan. Both chinese songs coz they hv special meaning to my hubby and I. I burnt 60 over songs in a few CDs to be played during my dinner too and my guest loved the songs. Maybe you can do that too.


New Member
Hello everyone... Me is a marriott bride too, but haven't printed cards... wedding is yr-end... going to meet coordinator in the next few weeks tho... offhand, any idea if marriott offers other wedding cards besides the above designs? also... wondering, how are their lighting designs like? understd they have a few concepts to choose from...


New Member
hi sensech : sorry for my very late reply ... wonder if u r enjoying yr HM now ... been very busy with tings so didnt drop by tis apologies ....

going HM soon? where will u be going?

sure ! i will be more than happy to take a look at yr pretty AD photos .. my multiply ID : lovemoments

sensech: which theme r u using for yr wedding?

burgundy: Marriott only offers the above designs...if u wan someting more fanciful...probably can go to Lilart (their website) to take a look .. of cos must pay extra lah... *hehe*


New Member
sailormoonwt, will add u to my multiply. Looking fwd to seeing urs soon too

Going for HM next Thur. Will be going to West America. My trip with local agency didnt get confirmed coz not enough ppl so in the end we book a land tour and air tix ourselves. Really looking fwd to it coz I've nvr been to the US b4. How abt u? Where will u be going?

My theme is Garden of Love. I think it looks pretty nice. Cream and champagne colour.

burgundy, u may hv to find other printers if u wish to hv other design for ur wedding cards. As for lighting design, I suppose u r referring to the lighting effects at the ballroom on the AD? I think they hv a few colours for u to choose, like purple, pink, blue etc. On ur AD, there will be a coordination meeting whereby ur hubby will choose the colours. The coordinator will be there to offer their advice too to avoid colours clashing with ur EG.


New Member
Hi all, i'm new here, hope you gals don't mind me joining in the chat. My AD's 7 June next year, and am currently sourcing for banquet venue. Can any of you send me pictures of the Marriot ballroom? It's one of the hotels FH and i are considering... thanks!


New Member
Hey gals.. Have something upleasant to share. Marriot actually did a double booking for my dates. I wanted 19th jan 08 but thwy booked 6th jan 08 instead. & was quite upset with their attitude when I called them to sort the dates out. Later the wedding planner said they booked wrongly & some misunderstanding & got me back the date I wanted but I changed my mind in holding at Marriot due to lackof confidence in them. So ladies please double confirm our dates & make sure hv Black & White writings yah... have a great wedding..


New Member
ahhh ok
coz i also need to print separate cards for the day ceremony n want it to be a bit consistent.... thks much for sharing! hmm any idea if we can change wedding coordinator if the service is not good? my fiance said she seemed cold n unaccommodating when he called to enquire abt the programme....


New Member
burgundy, who is ur coordinator? Mine's Charlene and I think she's pretty friendly. I've spoken to Adrie b4 also and she's quite helpful too.

Noreen, really sorry to hear abt ur unpleasant experience. Yup, it's always better to double check and have some black and white confirmation. That's what I always do. Fortunately for me, everything at Marriott went smoothly and it was a great evening for me.

racherly, welcome to this thread. It's not so active as b4 but on and off I will still come in to chk on things
Hmm, i dont hv any pictures at the moment to share coz I juz got my CDR from my PG. I think u can view the ballroom from their website.
