Singapore Marriott Tang Plaza Hotel


New Member
finally managed to resize d photos... d lighting was good.. so it enhanced d overall setting. d band i had was 3pcs band, vocal jazz singer, sax n guitarist.. d singer got wonderful voice.. truly jazz.. really good.. too bad my hubby n i dun hv time 2really sit down n enjoy d songs.. waiting for our video to preview it once more


New Member
hi Dera

tks for posting the photos up ... can u share with me yr photos in bigger image ... cos i cant really see.... oh yes, i kinda interested in your 3pcs band...could u share with me the package & price details as well?

tried to PM u, but i tink u didnt allow for any private msgs..

pls email to me at [email protected]

tks sweetie!


Active Member
Hi Dera,
Can share you pics with me too, pls? I'm seriously considering this theme...gotta make my decision in like...2 week's time...(excited and stressed at the same time...)
Thanks! [email protected]

Hi Adeline,
Unless Marriott has changed their policy, the deposit is $4k.


New Member
Hi Dera,
May I take a look at your pics for the crystal theme as well? My email is [email protected]. Thanks ^_^. Yeaahhh...their lighting sure add in the romantic atmosphere

Whoaa...ur wedding is coming soon ya. Hope u settled most of the things rite now. Have a good rest and dun get stressed up, k!

Hi Adeline,
I paid deposit of 2K...or is it becoz mine is a luncheon tats y deposit is less?

Hi Chubbie,
it's better to go for Marriott wedding show (oopss..sorry I forgot the date) if you want to enquire 2008 package. Not sure whether the price for 08 has out yet. I dun have soft copy of the contract, only the hard copy ^_^


New Member
hi adeline : the deposit is $4K. Alicia actually confirmed it with me last week.

Chubbie: the wedding show is on 28 Oct. .. 2 weeks frm now... i m kinda of looking forward to the wedding show as i wanna see the new crystal theme set-up...
sweetie, mayb u wanna email Alicia directly to enqire on the year 2008 package?


New Member
Hi Dera

I love to see your photos too..I am also having a wedding lunch in Dec. Would you also be able to share with me where you had your tea ceremony and the timings?


Hi Dera
Can email me ur pics as well, if u dun mind. Me still haven't decide wat theme to use. N can pass me ur contacts for ur 3-pc band n can roughly quote me the pricing
Thxs for sharing!


Active Member
Hi Elly,
You can call the main line 6735-5800, and ask for the wedding sales team. They will be able to transfer you. You can then look for Charlene, Alicia or Adrie.


New Member
Hi Dera

I am also having a wedding lunch at Marriot. Could you share with me how you plan the entire day and where you conduct your tea ceremony please?

Thanks very much


New Member
hi all BTB,

I am also a Marriot BTB.
My AD is 4th august 2007.
i liaisie with Alicia, find her really nice to work with.

I wun be able to go for the WS as last min got training at work place.. ;(

But have already met up Alicia yest, so still not bad... ;)

anyone taking the red raphsody theme for ballroom? i find that rather nice. but is it too red?


New Member
hey linda,

Agree with u that ALicia is quite a nice to work with. erm but do Alicia respond to your emails fast??? my coordinator is also Alicia.


New Member
Ya, agreed that Alicia is very good and nice. She is my coordinator too....I'm having my wedding dinner in Dec 2006!!


New Member
hey ladies! anybody signed up today @ the wedding show? i did..after like 2 hrs of deliberation n negotiation. haha. got a wkday pkg next may...sigh, i hope my deal is not so bad. din manage to get 2 consecutive nites though the wedding coordinator promised to give me a coupon for a 2D1N wkend stay for a subsequent date...anybody got 2 nites for a wkday pkg?


New Member
Hi Evelyn,

Yar, Alicia reply email rather promptly, usually within 24 hours. despite a busy schedule now for her due to the wedding show held yday.

Hi Sailormoon, Evelyn and Twinstarz,
so glad that we are all fellow Marriott BTB.
My FH went yday to place the 4k deposit.
I would love to go for WS,but couldnt..
How do u gals find the new crystal theme? does it look very bare?

Mine is weekend package,so cant answer ur qns..but Alicia is really nice to work with.. quite flexible. Happy for u that u are getting 2 nights ;)


New Member
hey ladies!

how u gals find the wedding show & the food tasting? mmm.... i kinda like the fish ... but their wan hao cripsy chicken was so-so ... didnt hv tat "wow...oishii ne`" factor when we ate...mayb hb & i hv too much expectations liao..tats why

anyway, we oredi placed our deposit & confirmed Marriott yesterday liao... we had before tat pre-select Marriott...yesterday was jus to confirm , chop & sign ... we r reali looking forward to our wedding at Marriott !!

linda: mmm...hb & i find the crystal de amore theme very bare leh...dun reali like...doesnt give us tat magical feel... dun tink we will choose them...

so twinstarz...yr AD is in May ah...when ah? cos mine oso in May leh... hehe...


New Member
hey linda & sailormoon!! looking fwd to my wedding too..phew, v glad to finally settled on the's 1 of the more major "headache" right. heh =) i agree that the crystal theme is rather looks like some x'mas deco own opinion sure there're people who'll like it. =)

sailormoon, my AD is on 16th May. its a weekday (wed). urs?


Active Member

Glad to hear that you all signed up with Marriott.
For me, Alicia replies my email quite promptly...despite her very busy schedule, especially since the mgr, Vincent is on hospitalisation leave or something...

Hi sailormoonwt, how was the fish? I had a bad experience with the fish at my food tasting...quite worried about it. The meat was quite tough...(at first we thought we were eating chicken! hahaha).


New Member
morning ladies!

twinstarz: mine is on 31st May ... hey...did u join the other thread tat gathers all brides to be married on May 07? join us lah! *wink wink*

CFI Fan: the fish is very tender & sweet ... its not those steamed sea groupa fish ... i cant rem the name cos i left the wedding show goodie bag at home... the fish is oredi "qi gu" type ... eh...can someone there help sailormoon with the name? *blushed*


Active Member
harh? hahaha....sailormoonwt, what fish is that? hahaha...Dun mind, when you go home tonight can check for me please? Thanks thanks!


New Member
ah!!! evelyn ... u r right! Sea Perch!!! (CFI ... tats the fish)

yup! its reali nice and i tink its quite unique cos most of the wedding dinners i attended to, i always skip the fish part...scared of eating the bones wor..


New Member
ha, u are right.. my FH like that fish.. then ask me to take the menu and remember the fish name.. ai yo.. typical.. haha..

sailormoon, u sign up already?


New Member
hello ladies, I signed on the wedding show too. The food is nice & we loved the fish.
Sea Perch is like Cod Fish. (a cheaper alternative?) Was told the price to upgrade from basic menu will be +$65 per table


New Member
hi shermaine,

the perks that marriot offer during their wedding show is: $30 off per confirm table and 30L of beer free. If u sign your package using UOB cards, u will be able to have 12 bottles of free extra wine..

Menu hor, erm u can contact the marriot wedding team to ask them send u a soft copy.. i only have the hard copy..


New Member
Hi gals,

welcome to the Marriott's BTB family. U did a good choice of signing up during wedding show coz I did tat too last yr.

really curious abt the fish leh, so many ppl compliment, whereas from previous threads always got concern with the fish...what sauce did they use? Was it the superior soya sauce?


Active Member
yah...agree with am_blessed. So many pple compliment after the wedding show...but previous threads and own experience is not so good. Maybe they improved lah. heehee...

Yup, sigining up with them during wedding show is good. I also did that last year. wah, so fast 1 year liaoz...

Am_blessed, how's it going for you?
Near liao worh. heehee...

Hey, Shermaine, the new menu is different from ours. In times of rising prices, the menu had better be different. hahaha...I can't remember it, but I have the hard copy too. Maybe email you tonight or something!


New Member
am blessed : i tink the fish is not offered in the previous wedding menu bah... cos my contract behind dun hv the name of tis fish "Sea Perch" leh ..

yup...the taste is like cod fish ... very sweet & tender ... there is this light soya sauce to go with but the fish actually comes with this topping (tat i tink taste like fried dried shrimps..) i may be wrong....

watever it is, the overall taste of the fish is much better as compared to those commonly-dished out fishes at wedding banquets...

evelyn : yup ... i hv officially JOINED the marriott bride-to-be family
