dun feel pressured by my thoughts... we're built differently on certain mechanisms... i just dun keep betting when i'm losing or when there's no chance of winning. i'd rather cut my losses and await for the next opportunity than to sit around and waste my life away...
if i was a piner for my lost relationships, i dun think the rest of my life would come into place... they would have to Stop in order for me to recover. i see no point in that, and experience tells me that whether u're a divorcee, separatee, single mum, widow - u will not be short on new love interests nor Life itself.
Living Happily and Freely is A Choice. it has always been, especially if we're able-bodied and mentally-sound... but ever so often, pple choose to live like 1 Guy is their oxygen, when Guys can be your oxygen... not just 1 guy. they choose to live in the past and re-live that past over and over again.
as much as i can't imagine having anyone else as my wife, the fact is that if my wife leaves... life has to go on for me and my dependents will still be needing me... what good does it do for me to pine and wish and hope? i will just move on... if she leave for another man, i can fight, but to a point when i know she's gonna be happier with another guy... then why try to stop and make TWO pple unhappy when i can just be the unhappy one? if i get past that, i will be happy too and we will have THREE happy pple - me, my wife & her new man... why not? and our kids would not be so screwed mentally to take sides when they can have 2 dads... it's all a matter of how we wanna handle things.
if yours is a losing battle, the best way to fight it, is to accept that his heart is with someone more than yours... i'm sure u wouldn't enjoy him staying in marriage purely out of commitment, nor returning home each nite in regret after spending a wonderful nite with the other lady... how is that gonna even be a mentally assuring state for u to be in?
learning to let go is just abt the most impt skill in this world... it's scary, it's uncertain, but isn't this the very Life we're living? my wife's best words - Life has no guarantees... if u Want guarantees, u Dun Want life.
i hope u find clarity of mind and courage should the inevitable be necessary for u to find back the very reasons u set forth as a young adult looking forward to finding your place in this world... Dun ever be afraid to let go.