Sheraton Towers Singapore Hotel


New Member
haha cheers your post very funny leh.. full of yaps kekeke
dun worry la.. i also very ah soh one kekeke must be like tat then can get better perks ma... :p

tissuebox ah.. Montage Studio only does Pre-Wedding Photoshoot. They dun do actual day
but you can check out Avenue 8 if you are keen on Actual Day photography & videography


New Member
cheers ah.. i blur leh.. my hubby's live-feed refers to only showing us waiting outside the door to march in.. cause we opting for the diagonal one.. the other side may not see clearly


New Member
tissue.. hahha yes
purple is my manager.. ans all the qns liao..

purple.. haha so now i change to yes liao.. hahahha.. yes yes yes.. must bargain hor.. hehehe..

why u blur?? live feed oni for a short period at march in rite? u wan to have it thruout the dinner?? i think diagonal shld be able to see


New Member
hahah cheers.. me not your manager la.. i'm your PA got to assist you kekekke

aiyo.. ya loh.. really blur.. but i think he dropping the idea.. dunno how loh

hey.. i confirm dropping John liaoz.. anyone here keen to engage John from Chris Ling for your AD? me letting go my package


New Member
purple.. hahah PA arh.. good also but no pay can anot arh.. hahahha

ooh drop idea then why u headache lei??

wow u dropping john arh!! u confirm on who liao?? so fast arh!


New Member
cheers ah.. haven't confirm anyone yet.. but hubby suggest we drop him first then work out our budget & all combination again

eh..if he drop the idea hor.. then like nothing interesting leh hahaha dunno la.. everything will only be settled on 21 Dec hahaha


New Member
john from chris ling? i have been there to check out his work.vwery nice but very ex lei.

i think i will also opt for the diagonal march cos i dun know whether i will need the whole ball room or not.


New Member
purple, ooh drop liao then decide arh.. waah dangerous also.. haha then u better dun confirm any PG 1st until next yr.. else u too free.. keep changing ur PG or VG.. hahaha.. but now u sell hor.. heard tt AD pkage of CL gg to be under promo in sep...


New Member
cheers ah.. i selling off at the same promo price $1200... so those who get from me now can secure the date first ma.. better than date kena grabbed during the promo rite? hehehe

aiya.. headache ah.. i jus let go.. then go with anyone available on my date la.. give up liaoz hahaha see so many... very fan..


New Member
purple, oic.. hehehe.. so the couple got to have ur date?? or they can choose any date??

hahha i find u very cute lei... always make urself confuse.. hahahaha.. release now then book anyone available ur date.. heheheh..

tissue, maybe we can call her purpleblurcumconfuse... hahahaha


New Member
hahahha ya loh.. i make myself biz till my wedding day ma hahahha else so long dunno wat to do while waiting kekekkeke

i duno.. best is same day.. but if different.. i can always cook up a story hahaha i'm a good story writer :p


New Member
hahaha u very free hor.. must find things for u to do to make u busy besides ur wedding preps..

hahaha.. u great confuser.. must cook the same story arh.. else always changing.. hehehe


New Member
hahaha cheers ah.. no choice la.. i not keen to think of how my gown will look like leh.. tat, i'll leave it to BS... only keen to think of PG & VG...
banquet hor.. got to wait till next yr leh... wonder if Sheraton's new florist's deco is up?


New Member
hahaha.. thin next yr u will be busy with gown design liao hehehe.. i more interested in my gowns now..

hmm i also not sure.. can chk with them?


New Member

dun think too much lah..
if u find a very good PG or VG but an ugly grown the photo also will not turn out nice.
but on the other hand a beautiful grown plus a so so PG or VG can still make the whole thing very nice.

so now just relax and look pretty...


New Member
hehe thanks tissuebox

who knows one day i ki siao, wans John again hahhaha
i'm not so worried abt with my gowns cause i trust the designer very much hahaha confirm, chop he wun wanna ruin his reputation.. and so far, his gowns all very nice

today confirm VG~!!!! then can shake leg liaoz~!!

i'm counting down to 2006 kekeke

cheers~ you got nothing to worry liaoz.. yours all good combination
how i wish kekeke


New Member
purple, congrats!! confirm VG liao.. so if no changes to PG.. u also everything settled.. ;)

me too.. now aug liao.. hahah 4 mths plus more to 2006!! hurray!! hahahhaha

u also got the good combination
so long feel good, everything also good liao hehhehe


New Member
hey hey hey to the 3 super active ladies!!

u all seem to work so so much faster then me!!

not like me, slow in everything.... ha ha


New Member
wyn52, hihi how are u .. long time no yak liao.. busy with preps too??
hahha no lah.. after ur AD over.. we also kan jiong liao hehehe
cos preps officially start too.. hhehehe


New Member
We attended the Sheraton bridal show but did not sign up then as we were
still waiting for tong shu then. Now we are considering them. Has anyone
been in our situation b4 and manage to get the perks rec'd at the show if u decide to sign up with them after the show?


New Member
hmm.. i think u got to chk with the coordinator u spoken too.. cos last time i din wait for the tong shu to come out.. then book liao to enjoy the perks... cos tt time stated perks promo till end of may..


New Member
hiya cheery_gal, try looking for Roger and tell him your situation
he's may not give all similar perks but he might be able to help out abit?
hope you can join us in here soon~!!! haha

cheers~!! it's killing me~!! whole day cannot come in SBO *sob*


New Member
Hi Purpleblur, we met Roger at the bridal show but now he has assigned Sun Sun to liaise with us. In that case, how har?
btw, anyone has her as wedding coordinator b4? I hv not seen her name in this thread.


New Member
purple, relax relax! hahaha nvm rem to sneak in once a while to post to kill the boredom

cheery, i think Sun Sun is the new coordinator to replace Eunice..
yah maybe u ask if can have roger??


New Member
hi gals,

yes, sun sun is new. we juz met up wif her on fri. btw, can i ask if anyone managed to get any wavier for wine cockage from them? whether partial or full?



New Member
hi cheers..

mine is also partial waiver.

i think there is someone with fix corkage charge but i think in the end she din sign up cos her date is already taken up.


New Member
hiya sourlemon~!!
glad seeing you here

i think you can try asking for a cap amount for corkage like wat tissuebox had
i think it's more worth than having partial?
i'll b sharpening my knife & bargain during my food tasting kekeke

hey cheers~ when's your food tasting? we can go together hor.. keke next room hahaha then we can swap dishes kekeke


New Member
Hi purple blur,
jus wondering what items do u bargain during food tasting? thot the bargaining needs to be done b4 signing contract? :p
Also, does anyone need to order min 24 bottles of wine if u take their wine?


New Member
hmm..i think like wat you said, contract already signed, will b quite tough to bargain for more
but i'll still try loh..

i haven't heard anything abt their minimum order..i thought jus taking by multiple of 12 is good enough?


New Member
hi tissue, oh i think i rem wrongly.. hahah is it dice??

purple, hahah good idea.. haha later i go over and take all ur food to taste.. hahhaha :p

cheery, the food tasting dun bargain for perks liao.. cos all signed liao.. everything got to bargain before sign on dotted line..
no lei i nv heard need to order min 24 bots from them but i know if the st 24 bottles corkage waived, can bring in the 1st 24th.. then the 25th bot onwards.. maybe can get their hse wine?? got to cal if worth anot.. for me i think if add in corkage and win price.. almost same liao.. most likely will take from ST fr the 25th bottle onwards :D


New Member
ya lah..its dice lah..

the food tasting is for ppl like us that have sign liao but still have some doubts. hopefully that day he good mood will give lor...

like i wan to ask for day room for my helpers.i think purpleblur got hers in the ctt.


New Member
thanks gals for your comments. what is fixed cockage? as in u only pay $XX amount for cockage n u can bring in unlimited bottles of wine? can anyone advise how this works and what was the amount u had to pay?



New Member
i also have 2 night stay..btw did u check whether the breakfast is for 1 day or 2?? cos the ctt only say BF provided but din say the no of days it provide


New Member
i also got 2 nites stay
i thought the breakfast is standard for both days? got to check my contract again :p

tissuebox, my dayroom is subjected to availability leh.. not confirm

but i sure wanna check on projector rental

sourlemon, maybe you can search for Dice's previous post.. i think there is a fix amt she was offered to pay for corkage & should b for unlimited bottles
if not, you can offer this suggestion to the coord if they wanna charge you for corkage.. ask them to work out a cap amt for you
