Hello Hyde,
Can I have the checklist too? my email is
[email protected]
I saw your design of the WIW above I'll make some comments, okay?
I guess my concerns with that layout would be 1) privacy, 2) light and 3) dust wrt a WIW.
For me a WIW is supposed to allow me to pick out clothes to wear when I get out of the shower and would also be a changing area. So, if I used the design above, it'll be difficult for me to do either, since I'd need to be dressed/covered before I'd stand in front of the windows.
As for dust, I wonder if you mean that you'll be putting door panels on the wardrobe or just one door at the entrance of the wardrobe. I guess if it's like a conventional cupboard, then it's not a problem. But if it's like a conventional WIW, then...well, I always have this impression that it's the dustiest when it's nearest an opened window. But as I'm thinking about it, I don't think your design would be like a conventional WIW but more of a conventional wardrobe, right?
As for light and airflow, I agree with the rest.
I'm just wondering if any of you considered building (or have built) your wardrobe/WIW perpendicular to the entrance/doorway of the bathroom on both sides. If yes, can I view it? If no, is it because the space/layout would be too cramp?
Yes, we still have not seen the actual apts, so we'll only thinking of ideas based on the paper ideals.
Hopefully, we'll get our keys in 7wks time and then we'll get a better idea (which is why I'm asking for the checklist).
As of now, we haven't gotten a reply on our loan application...hope it is approved and that we can settle a key collection date with HDB.
Mosiac_fish, happy to know that you're well and hope your wedding went on without a hitch. Isn't it fun to settle into your new home, your first home.
Btw, who's the captain in compiling the info of ppl in this plot? Can we join in and get a copy? Mudpie?
Happy Thanksgiving!