Sembawang Green BTO sep 06


New Member
summer82, qualification does not matter for getting bank loan, it is yr both income that matters and if is getting frm bank loan, it is not true tht contractor apply for u will be more easy, it doesnt make a difference. Bank review yr credit ability agst loan amt to determine whether they will grant u the loan a nt....

Hope this infor help u...


New Member
Summer82, if you refer to Bank housing loan, then the bank will base on your CPF contribution history for at least 15 months & your job history. If you are referring to Bank Renovation loan, then I not too sure, might be contractor can offer help, but I think most important still base on your income & job stability before the bank decide to release the loan to you.


New Member
<table border=1><tr><td>487</TD><TD>488</TD><TD>489</TD><TD>490 </TD></TR><TR><TD>05. Jessie (dustystar) </TD><TD>05. a_pinglim </TD><TD>02. andrew_xing </TD><TD>10. hckt </TD></TR><TR><TD>06. khet13 / Hui (huhu) </TD><TD>05. Sharon Lin (winnie_gal) </TD><TD>06. riax </TD><TD>10. suhailah </TD></TR><TR><TD>07. raynard </TD><TD>06. mech </TD><TD>07. Kirvin (ladykirvin) </TD><TD>11. yukifire </TD></TR><TR><TD>09. piggylover </TD><TD>07. f3rris83 </TD><TD>11. Joey Lim (doraemon_lim) </TD><TD>17. bigfish </TD></TR><TR><TD>10. xiaofeizhu83 </TD><TD>09. stevenjunior / Diadia (#123) </TD><TD>11. princesspig84 </TD><TD>xx. Dorean (piggymousey) </TD></TR><TR><TD>13. cuddly_miumiu </TD><TD>10. Jes (young_jes)</TD><TD>12. royzzz </TD><TD>xx. navajo78 </TD></TR><TR><TD>15. Baobei (cherylkjh) </TD><TD>13. kumpong </TD><TD>12. Kor James (semajrok) (#115)</TD><TD>xx. yu83 </TD></TR><TR><TD>15. desmer </TD><TD>17. Patsy (patgav) </TD><TD>13. Heman </TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>16. edwin_teoh </TD><TD>xx. kwoni </TD><TD>15. joyfull </TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>17. ariesci </TD><TD>xx. chanelgay </TD><TD>16. charmer (charmer)</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>19. Ginny Ng (ottermum)</TD><TD>xx. Puikiah (puikiah) </TD><TD>17. Teresa Chang (teresa45) </TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>xx. nichiyobi </TD><TD>xx. BoraBai (baij0001) </TD><TD>17. Lee Jillian (jillian9)</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>xx. Maonut </TD><TD>xx. xiaotingdang </TD><TD>xx. Finn (devilboy) </TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>xx. Azuma </TD><TD>xx. simplet0tz </TD><TD>xx. Phang En Sen (phang) </TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>xx. Rainne (rainnerainne)</TD><TD>xx. Ang (rangerabc) </TD><TD>xx. Huan Meng (thyler_koh)</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Welcome, <font color="ff0000">chamer</font>


New Member
Hi Finn,

Did you do cement screed first before your tiles? Someone told me that we have to do tiles first then the cement screed , so that the cement screed can be made slightly lower than the tiles for laminates/parquet.. etc.



New Member
Finally!! our HDB login changed our staus to "HDB will invite you to take possession (ie collect keys) of your new flat in due course."

It's coming soooooon...we can smell it...


New Member
Hi Joyfull

I can't help you on this. Coz my house is all wood... no tiles except the Kitchen and Toilet provided by HDB. I think your contractor must advise you on this... Who is the "someone" who told you??? It's always the best bet listen to YOUR confirmed contractor. I kenna a contractor *coz I did not let him do my flooring (Not my current one of course) tells me to do the wood floor first which is crazy because it's extremely dusty during your false ceiling and L-Box and workers will bring heavy equipments, it's very common they drop their hammer or drills... the corrugated paper supplied by your contractor is more for protection against painting and stepping with boots rather than protection againist hammer drop. So the "someone" who told you this better make sense, else... haiz... it just complicates matters... So far... everything on my side is coordinated by my contractor... so... everything is very smooth... They clean up the floor before my contractor comes over today working on the wood flooring. They are simply awesome...


New Member
Hi Joyfull,

My details not in your list.

I'm from Blk 488.


New Member
Hi 487ers...last friday my hubby went over to take a look n an Indian worker told him they've just handed the keys to HDB...

Joyfull thanks for updating the list


New Member
May i ask how long is the whole process of the key collection?

my time of collection's at we go in straight on time or there are actually many people being scheduled the same time as me?



New Member
anyone doing false ceiling in living room, entrance or foyer? i heard pple say false ceiling no good in term of feng shui. any opinion on that? in this case, is LBox fine?


New Member
Ginny, u mean your HDB status had change from "HDB will invite you to take possession (ie collect keys) of your new flat in due course." TO 'Get keys on 16th Jul'? Have u receive the letter for collect keys? Thanks.


New Member
Hi Ginny

If you are getting your keys on the 16th July, the first thing is to go 2nd Level and get your insurance done, this way you do not need to run up and down. Next is to go to first floor counter, pray you get served by aunties who are extremely fast and experience.... (Maybe 30mins~45mins), there is alot of documentations to be signed, especially you are getting loan from HDB and getting your CPF wipe out. Then go to 2nd floor again to get your electricity and water activated (Your contractors will need it anyway - 10 mins). Then you are good to go and open the door. Just be there 5~10 mins before the appointment, they are pretty punctual.

Hi XuanTing
When you see your collection status is ready online, just prepared your personal documents first. Your letter will come in 2~3 days time.


New Member
Hi Azuma

Relax... its usually within 1.5 weeks to despatch all the keys. In the mean time, prepare your documents and fix up appointment with your shortlisted contractors.


New Member
edwin, i'm doing false ceiling in living room, foyer entrance and master bedroom.
My FSM didnt say anything; He specifically said there shouldnt be lights right above the bed.


New Member
Hi Finn thanks for your advice!

Xuanting yup my status's changed to something like "your collection of keys is on 16th July at 8:10am"

Don't worry your turn's coming soon!


New Member
Ginny, just check my status, still remain the same
Really getting very excited liao, afterall been waited for 2 years for this day to come


New Member
Congrats Ginny.. Cant wait for my status to change too.

Just a qn for 487-ers, do you think reno can be completed before chinese seventh mth?

Is it still ok to go ahead wif reno or its better to wait till seventh mth is over before renovating and moving in??


New Member
Hi Jessie

If you have an contractor ready, I think 3 weeks will complete... but for moving in, wiser to wait till the the lunar 8th Month which I believe in 20th Septemeber. For contractors... they dun exactly care whether it's 7th month or not... they dun work after 7pm anyway..


New Member
Edwin, I am also doing false ceiling in living room and foyer entrance. I think it does not matter, so long you like it.


New Member
hi jessie, according to mum as long as u start work b4 the ghost mth can liao. but is better to move in aft the ghost mth!


New Member
Dear all, thanks for your advice. Keke, think will start work and plan to move in in lunar 8th mth (Sept).

Necessary to get fengsui master to count for auspicious date to move in?


New Member
Hi Edwin

Congratulate on your house. You will need all the IC of the owners and also the dependants. CPF and Payslip is also needed if I am not wrong. And married certificate if you applied with your wife.


New Member
Cherylkjh, I think HDB go by selection method, which mean those who buy under BTO (Build-to-order), will get the key first. I belong to WIS (Walk-In Selection), so should be last to take then


New Member
Cherylkjh, u also belong to WIS? That mean u not yet see the status change in your hdb website which indicate the date of collection of key, right? Btw, when u go down for WIS? I went for WIS on 24Jul07


New Member
Cherylkjh, yours just change too? I really getting very excited le, shall log in to my hdb at 5pm then, might be also can see the changes on the status, must pray hard :p
