Xuan Ting, I read from CPF website that HPS is calculated based on the percentage each owner is paying per month for the installment. I went down to CPF today and seek clarification. They very helpful tell me yes, if got 2 names, only 1 is paying the monthly installment via CPF, then he will buy 100% on himself while the other name is 0% so long total is 100% can liao.
Sorry guys for using bad word but.. the stupid HDB, today i called they can't tell me who the process or work flow is... I asked if HDB will help process the HPS since bank will only disburse the loan to HDB upon HPS approval. HPS will only come in after we confirm get the house. Then the stupid HDB very VERY STUPID. I asked when will know house ready. They say contractor handover keys to HDB then they will notify us to take keys. Then when I ask because I am taking bank loan, so when will they inform me to go down to do all the paper admin. They STUPIDLY say, when HDB receive bank cheque they will call us to take keys. Then I ask again. So will they send us letter to tell us please get ready your bank loan etc. They EXTREMELY STUPID say we have to approach the bank to process the loan first. WT!!!! So if WE AS THE PURCHASER DID NOT GO APPROACH THE BANK GET READY THE LOAN, HDB WILL NOT INFORM US AT ALL!!!! WT!!!! Then @#$$% stupid. HDB say if they never receive the bank cheque they just wait till a date and maybe send out a reminder letter to us. OMG..... If still got any neighbors who didn't know they go to go bank loan settle HPS first and wait till end july... they will definitely have to reschedule the appointment to take keys... HDB simply can't figure out the work flow and direct us at all.. i was sooooo irritated when I asked.. "What is the work flow?" and they cannot tell me exact to the point.... this is very VERY SAD.... They really should change to HDB.COM not .GOV.... everything not sure.... not like CPF.. u ask they tell u what to do...I don't even have to Q up at CPF to ask all these the basic questions about HPS.. their staff explain clear straight to point... now i know why HDB no more loan to all but outsource liao cuz their standard also drop liao.