Sembawang Green BTO sep 06


New Member
we spoke to one of the workers he told us there's gonna be a childcare centre at 487...

next time my boy can go to 'school' himself liao...


New Member
anyone went blk 488 ard 9plus ytd? when i come out from lift i saw one couple gg into the lift of blk 488... hehehe...we're future neighbour..


New Member
Finn: i hav nt move in the whole estate still very quiet..only a few lights on when i visit the blk ytd...

may i know izzit blk 490 dun hav bay window de?


New Member

Anyone have ideas of false ceiling design for units with 3 rooms together one. I cracking my head for the design


New Member
Edward Tay,

False ceiling at the entrance and corridor outside the 3 bedrooms and L-box (4 corners)at living room. All joined together except for the entrance as there is a beam between living room and entrance.


New Member

Thanks for your idea. But I cannot visualize the L-shaped (4corners) at living room. Are you refering to cornice?


New Member
Hi everybody..
Just view my flat today blk 490
Seems ok only that the master bedroom is quite small..

having headache about the built in wardrobe... becos of the beam..
thinking of making a false wall closing the door opening to crate an L shaped built in wardrobe..

any ideas... ?

both toilets on the other hand though is slightly spacious...


Navajo78, we thot of altering e master bedroom door opening but need to top up for the length which eat into e master bedroom space but still can do if 6you wan..

as e toilets are for handicapped as well so bigger space..


New Member
for those who installed system 4 aircon..

ask u ar, is the aircon strong enough?
1 of the contractor told me that its better for us to install system 3 + system 1 (for hall), otherwise the aircon sure not cold enough..


Sharon n Jes:

System 3 use 1 compressor and System 4 also use only 1 compressor, it is just a matter of 3 fancoils for System3 and 4 fan coils for System 4..

if u switch on e fancoil at living room and fan coils at 3 bedrooms, the air con will not be cold..


New Member
haiz.. i see the chances of getting on 10 Jul dont seem high le. cos nw already 1st Jul le. if next wk getting key tis wk shd inform le. info from tat contructor is not rite.. ="(


New Member

wah.. abit chim leh.. so that means we can't on everything together ar?


den you getting system 4 or 3+1?? i want 3+1 cos i', afraid that living rm aircon not cold enough.. but hubby wants system 4 cos its cheaper. '_'||


New Member

I went MAYBank and they still having promo. But the guy didn't give me a complete picture.

I need to seek your advice because you went thru the process liao. He mentioned something about the mortgage insurance. The insurance must approve first then bank will disburse $ to HDB. If your insurance not set up, even your loan approved also no use.

So your Home Protection Scheme (HPS) and Fire Insurance is buy from where? You get from HDB or MAYBank???

Also when we receive letter end of month that is consider first appointment? or?

Anyone can advise?


New Member
that time when i go pay down payment the officer never mention anything about HPS leh. Jialat how come HDB service so bad one... so sad...


New Member
hi nichiyobi the hdb officer mention that if borrow hdb loan must buy it u decide not to take hdb loan so the officer din tell u?fire insurance is buy at hdb there. $7++ nia very cheap and is 4 yrs policy.


New Member
Nichiyobi, HPS is complusary for people who takes up bank loan. Solicitor will help you to apply it during the time of signing the agreement for legal matters.

HPS can pay through your CPF account, beside this, you still need to pay to your solicitor about $300 for HDB survey fees. That was crazy matters.

I hope this can help you to clear your doubts.


New Member
So if the flat have 2 names, can i just buy 100% for myself? The other person 0%. Will that do? Cuz the monthly installment only me is paying.


New Member

HPS & Fire insurance must buy from the appointed insurance company by Maybank since take loan from Maybank. HPS can pay thru CPF but Fire insurance pay by cash. We can only swift the insurance company after we had cleared our loan with Maybank. Fire insurance fee will be higher than buy from HDB. HPS fee will depend on owner age. For HPS, depend on how many ppls as owner of that house. For your case, look like owner will be 2 names but payment come only from 1 owner, if that the case, you have to buy 100% for 2 person. Cos if you only buy for yourselves, what if anything happen to you, the other owner of this house will still have to pay the outstanding balances. May be you can check in detail with the lawyer since you will be taking banking loan, he/she will give you a much clearer picture. Although I already sign the loan agreement, but I not yet buy any insurance cos I haven't took the key. The letter that we should receive soon, should consider as 2nd appointment. First appointment is the one which we pay the 5% or 10% deposit. Btw, the contractor from Blk 488 told me that 487 will start to collect key on 10Jul onward, dun know how true is it. But I think should be quite true, as the contractor always at the site, they will know more than us. So, let work hard to open mail box everyday, as letter from HDB might arrive within these few days. Cheers


New Member

Forget to add on, I proceed to settle loan agreement before receive the 2nd appointment letter is advise by the HDB officer. He advise me while I make phone call to him to check on the status. Hope this clear your doubts


Jes, it means if u have 3 air con at bedrooms n 1 air con at living room, u are using the same source and amount of cold air.

u think e same amount of cold air shared between 3 bedrooms is cooler or shared between 3 bedrooms n 1 living room is cooler?


New Member

U mention about Mortgage Insurance, my loan agreement din mention this. Might be becos my loan figure very very small & loan period not that long too. Normally if we can't pay our bank loan, they will just take away the house & resell it to the market.


New Member
Xuan Ting, I read from CPF website that HPS is calculated based on the percentage each owner is paying per month for the installment. I went down to CPF today and seek clarification. They very helpful tell me yes, if got 2 names, only 1 is paying the monthly installment via CPF, then he will buy 100% on himself while the other name is 0% so long total is 100% can liao.

Sorry guys for using bad word but.. the stupid HDB, today i called they can't tell me who the process or work flow is... I asked if HDB will help process the HPS since bank will only disburse the loan to HDB upon HPS approval. HPS will only come in after we confirm get the house. Then the stupid HDB very VERY STUPID. I asked when will know house ready. They say contractor handover keys to HDB then they will notify us to take keys. Then when I ask because I am taking bank loan, so when will they inform me to go down to do all the paper admin. They STUPIDLY say, when HDB receive bank cheque they will call us to take keys. Then I ask again. So will they send us letter to tell us please get ready your bank loan etc. They EXTREMELY STUPID say we have to approach the bank to process the loan first. WT!!!! So if WE AS THE PURCHASER DID NOT GO APPROACH THE BANK GET READY THE LOAN, HDB WILL NOT INFORM US AT ALL!!!! WT!!!! Then @#$$% stupid. HDB say if they never receive the bank cheque they just wait till a date and maybe send out a reminder letter to us. OMG..... If still got any neighbors who didn't know they go to go bank loan settle HPS first and wait till end july... they will definitely have to reschedule the appointment to take keys... HDB simply can't figure out the work flow and direct us at all.. i was sooooo irritated when I asked.. "What is the work flow?" and they cannot tell me exact to the point.... this is very VERY SAD.... They really should change to HDB.COM not .GOV.... everything not sure.... not like CPF.. u ask they tell u what to do...I don't even have to Q up at CPF to ask all these the basic questions about HPS.. their staff explain clear straight to point... now i know why HDB no more loan to all but outsource liao cuz their standard also drop liao.


New Member
Hi Nichiyobi

I have gave up with calling HDB line long time, instead I will go to HDB Toa Payoh and seat down to talk with the customer service there. They provide a very clear explaination. Hope this helps. Just drop by and ask them because those mending the calls are just for general enquiries.


New Member
i saw all the windows of our blk being closed. doors should be locked. tat means keys should be given to hdb. why are they taking so long to put up the key collection dates? cant they understand our feeling of waiting and waiting and waiting??


New Member
Hi! I'm from Blk 490. Looking ard for ID now... realised that those contractors running ard downstairs and getting us to go to their showflats did not actually put up the HDB renovation permit notice on the wall... is that normal for new flats on renovation?


New Member
Hi Sarah,

I's from Blk 489 Level 17. House renovating is about to complete soon. You may want to look for my ID Gina from Classic Design.


New Member
Hi Ang... icic... coz my hse if done with the renovation, wanted to move in but like no one stay there, my hubby feel quite unsafe heheh
